diff --git a/elements/debian/install.d/10-cloud-opinions b/elements/debian/install.d/10-cloud-opinions
index fc160f21c..8fd581250 100755
--- a/elements/debian/install.d/10-cloud-opinions
+++ b/elements/debian/install.d/10-cloud-opinions
@@ -37,5 +37,10 @@ if [ "$DIB_DEBIAN_ALT_INIT_PACKAGE" != "sysvinit" ]; then
         /etc/apt/preferences.d/sysvinit > /etc/apt/preferences.d/sysvinit
-# specify a hostname so that cloud-init does not default to (None)
-echo 'hostname: debian' > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/01_hostname.cfg
+# Since Jessie, when either 'hostname' or 'fqdn' are in a config file, it
+# considers them as authoritative and would only use cloud meta data as a
+# fallback.
+if [ "$DIB_RELEASE" = 'wheezy' ]; then
+    # specify a hostname so that cloud-init does not default to (None)
+    echo 'hostname: debian' > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/01_hostname.cfg