diff --git a/elements/ironic-agent/package-installs.yaml b/elements/ironic-agent/package-installs.yaml
index 71994e333..0e4ea7c99 100644
--- a/elements/ironic-agent/package-installs.yaml
+++ b/elements/ironic-agent/package-installs.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
-# dmidecode does not exist for ppc* arches so add includes for non ppc
+# dmidecode does not exist for ppc* arches so we use lshw
-    arch: x86_64
-    arch: i386
-    arch: amd64
+    not-arch: ppc64,ppc64el
+    arch: ppc64, ppc64el
@@ -17,6 +15,5 @@ util-linux:
diff --git a/elements/package-installs/README.rst b/elements/package-installs/README.rst
index 33fd15c53..8d1027362 100644
--- a/elements/package-installs/README.rst
+++ b/elements/package-installs/README.rst
@@ -9,19 +9,27 @@ package-installs.yaml or package-installs.json file in the element directory.
 In order to work on Gentoo hosts you will need to manually install
-example package-installs.yaml::
+example ``package-installs.yaml``
- libxml2:
- grub2:
-   phase: pre-install.d
- networkmanager:
-   uninstall: True
- os-collect-config:
-   installtype: source
- linux-image-amd64:
-   arch: amd64
+.. code-block:: YAML
-example package-installs.json::
+  libxml2:
+  grub2:
+    phase: pre-install.d
+  networkmanager:
+    uninstall: True
+  os-collect-config:
+    installtype: source
+  linux-image-amd64:
+    arch: amd64
+  dmidecode:
+    not-arch: ppc64, ppc64le
+  lshw:
+    arch: ppc64, ppc64le
+example package-installs.json
+.. code-block:: json
     "libxml2": null,
@@ -43,9 +51,11 @@ Setting the installtype property causes the package only to be installed if
 the specified installtype would be used for the element. See the
 diskimage-builder docs for more information on installtypes.
-Setting the arch property causes the package only to be installed for the
-specified target architecture. See documentation about the ARCH variable
-for more information.
+The ``arch`` property is a comma-separated list of architectures to
+install for.  The ``not-arch`` is a comma-separated list of
+architectures the package should be excluded from.  Either ``arch`` or
+``not-arch`` can be given for one package - not both.  See
+documentation about the ARCH variable for more information.
 DEPRECATED: Adding a file under your elements pre-install.d, install.d, or
 post-install.d directories called package-installs-<element-name> will cause
diff --git a/elements/package-installs/bin/package-installs-squash b/elements/package-installs/bin/package-installs-squash
index ff0cd62a7..49cc76484 100755
--- a/elements/package-installs/bin/package-installs-squash
+++ b/elements/package-installs/bin/package-installs-squash
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import collections
 import functools
 import json
 import os
+import sys
 import yaml
@@ -30,6 +30,31 @@ def get_element_installtype(element_name):
+def _is_arch_in_list(strlist):
+    """Checks if os.environ['ARCH'] is in comma separated strlist"""
+    strlist = strlist.split(',')
+    map(str.strip, strlist)
+    return os.environ['ARCH'] in strlist
+def _valid_for_arch(pkg_name, arch, not_arch):
+    """Filter out incorrect ARCH versions"""
+    if arch is None and not_arch is None:
+        # nothing specified; always OK
+        return True
+    if arch and not_arch:
+        print("package-installs configuration error: arch and not_arch "
+              "given for package [%s]" % pkg_name)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # if we have an arch list, our current arch must be in it
+    # to install.
+    if arch:
+        return _is_arch_in_list(arch)
+    # if we don't have an explicit arch list, we should
+    # install unless we are in the not-arch list.
+    return not _is_arch_in_list(not_arch)
 def collect_data(data, filename, element_name):
         objs = json.load(open(filename))
@@ -48,13 +73,12 @@ def collect_data(data, filename, element_name):
         elem_installtype = get_element_installtype(element_name)
         valid_installtype = (installtype is None or
                              installtype == elem_installtype)
-        # Filter out incorrect ARCH versions
-        arch = params.get('arch', None)
-        valid_arch = arch is None or arch == os.environ['ARCH']
+        valid_arch = _valid_for_arch(pkg_name, params.get('arch', None),
+                                     params.get('not-arch', None))
         if valid_installtype and valid_arch:
             data[phase][install].append((pkg_name, element_name))
     return data
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/package-install-arch-38bb5a6e61794fa5.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/package-install-arch-38bb5a6e61794fa5.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccbebae46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/package-install-arch-38bb5a6e61794fa5.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  - The ``package-installs`` element now supports a list of
+    architectures to install the package for in the ``arch`` field and
+    negative matching with a ``not-arch`` field.  This allows greater
+    flexibility when installing packages for only some architectures.
\ No newline at end of file