diff --git a/diskimage_builder/lib/disk-image-create b/diskimage_builder/lib/disk-image-create
index de52b7f5e..151158f8d 100644
--- a/diskimage_builder/lib/disk-image-create
+++ b/diskimage_builder/lib/disk-image-create
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function show_options () {
     echo "    --docker-target -- specify the repo and tag to use if the output type is docker. Defaults to the value of output imagename"
     if [ "$IS_RAMDISK" == "0" ]; then
         echo "    -n skip the default inclusion of the 'base' element"
-        echo "    -p package[,package,package] -- list of packages to install in the image. If specified multiple times the packages are appended to the list."
+        echo "    -p package[,p2...] [-p p3] -- extra packages to install in the image.  Runs once, after 'install.d' phase.  Can be specified mulitple times"
     echo "    -h|--help -- display this help and exit"
     echo "    --version -- display version and exit"
 run_d extra-data
 # Run pre-install scripts. These do things that prepare the chroot for package installs
 run_d_in_target pre-install
 # Call install scripts to pull in the software users want.
 run_d_in_target install
 run_d_in_target post-install
 # ensure we do not have a lost+found directory in the root folder
 # that could cause copy to fail (it will be created again later
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/dash-p-after-install-58a87549c1c906c3.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/dash-p-after-install-58a87549c1c906c3.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb9568413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/dash-p-after-install-58a87549c1c906c3.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - The packages specified with the `-p` command-line operation are
+    now installed after the `install.d` phase, not before.  This is to
+    give elements priority when installing packages.  The flag
+    documentation has been updated to describe this.