diff --git a/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml b/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml
index e7a23dadf..990e251d6 100644
--- a/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml
+++ b/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml
@@ -198,3 +198,156 @@
     nodeset: centos-7
       dib_python: python2
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-7-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting a Centos 7 image with Nodepool and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - rpm
+        - yum-utils
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: centos-minimal
+        release: '7'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos"
+        env-vars:
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-fedora-29-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting a Fedora 29 image with Nodepool and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - rpm
+        - yum-utils
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: fedora-minimal
+        release: '29'
+        env-vars:
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-trusty-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting an Ubuntu trusty image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Backported debootstrap only available for xenial
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - debootstrap
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: ubuntu-minimal
+        release: 'trusty'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu"
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-xenial-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting an Ubuntu xenial image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Backported debootstrap only available for xenial
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - debootstrap
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: ubuntu-minimal
+        release: 'xenial'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu"
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting an Ubuntu bionic image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Backported debootstrap only available for xenial
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - debootstrap
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: ubuntu-minimal
+        release: 'bionic'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/ubuntu"
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-gentoo-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting a Gentoo image with Nodepool and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    vars:
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: gentoo
+        release: ''
+        env-vars:
+          GENTOO_PROFILE: 'default/linux/amd64/17.0/systemd'
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-stretch-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting a Debian stretch image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Backported debootstrap only available for xenial
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - debootstrap
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: debian-minimal
+        release: 'stretch'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/debian"
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-buster-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting a Debian buster image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    pre-run: playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Backported debootstrap only available for xenial
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - debootstrap
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: debian-minimal
+        release: 'buster'
+        mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/debian"
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-150-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting an openSUSE 15 image with Nodepool
+      and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Bionic lacks zypper
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - zypper
+        - gnupg2
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: opensuse-minimal
+        release: '15.0'
+- job:
+    name: dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-tumbleweed-src
+    description: |
+      Test building and booting an openSUSE tumbleweed image with
+      Nodepool and OpenStack
+    parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base
+    nodeset: ubuntu-xenial  # Bionic lacks zypper
+    vars:
+      nodepool_extra_packages:
+        - zypper
+        - gnupg2
+      nodepool_diskimage:
+        base_element: opensuse-minimal
+        release: 'tumbleweed'
diff --git a/.zuul.d/project.yaml b/.zuul.d/project.yaml
index 10d7bbe26..cbf30addb 100644
--- a/.zuul.d/project.yaml
+++ b/.zuul.d/project.yaml
@@ -10,8 +10,11 @@
         - openstack-tox-pylint
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-redhat-src
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-ubuntu-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-7-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-fedora-29-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-trusty-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-xenial-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic-src
         - dib-functests-centos7-python2
         - dib-functests-centos7-python2-image
         - dib-functests-centos7-python2-extras
@@ -29,15 +32,20 @@
         - openstack-tox-pylint
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-redhat-src
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-ubuntu-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-centos-7-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-fedora-29-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-trusty-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-xenial-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-ubuntu-bionic-src
         - dib-functests-trusty-python2
         - dib-functests-xenial-python3
         - dib-functests-centos7-python2
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-gentoo-src
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-debian-src
-        - nodepool-functional-py35-suse-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-gentoo-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-stretch-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-debian-buster-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-150-src
+        - dib-nodepool-functional-openstack-opensuse-tumbleweed-src
         - octavia-v1-dsvm-scenario
         - octavia-v1-dsvm-py3x-scenario
diff --git a/playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml b/playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c83e13e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/playbooks/dib-nodepool/debootstrap.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+- hosts: all
+  tasks:
+    # We need a fixed debootstrap
+    # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=901977
+    - name: Install updated debootstrap repo
+      become: true
+      shell: |
+        add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-ci-core/debootstrap
+        apt-get update