python-brickclient ================== * This element is aimed for providing cinder local attach/detach functionality. * Currently the feature has a dependency on a known bug `<>`__, which has been resolved and will be part of the upstream with the next release of ``python-brick-cinderclient-ext``. Note: Current version of ``python-brick-cinderclient-ext`` i.e. 0.2.0 requires and update to be made in Line32 for ``/usr/share/python-brickclient/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/brick_cinderclient_ext/``: update ``brick-python-cinderclient-ext`` to ``python-brick-cinderclient-ext``. Usage ----- Pass the below shell script to parameter ``user-data`` and set ``config-drive=true`` at the time of provisioning the node via nova-boot to make cinder local attach/detach commands talk to your cloud controller. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash FILE="/etc/bash.bashrc" [ ! -f "$FILE" ] && touch "$FILE" echo 'export OS_AUTH_URL="http://<controller_ip>:5000/v2.0"' >> "$FILE" echo 'export OS_PASSWORD="password"' >> "$FILE" echo 'export OS_USERNAME="demo"' >> "$FILE" echo 'export OS_TENANT_NAME="demo"' >> "$FILE" echo 'export OS_PROJECT_NAME="demo"' >> "$FILE" exec bash To attach: ``/usr/share/python-brickclient/venv/bin/cinder local-attach <volume_id>`` To detach: ``/usr/share/python-brickclient/venv/bin/cinder local-detach <volume_id>`` Alternatively, the same action can be completed manually at the node which does not require setting up of config drive such as: .. code-block:: bash /usr/share/python-brickclient/venv/bin/cinder \ --os-username demo --os-password password \ --os-tenant-name demo --os-project-name demo \ --os-auth-url=http://<controller_ip>:5000/v2.0 local-attach <volume_id>