On Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch systemctl is in /bin. If the package systemd-sysv is not installed the script dib-init-system did not find the init system. This patch fixes the problem: it also looks in /bin for systemctl and if found decides for systemd. Change-Id: I5a18052a070bad5e16b14672237a1e2b38513949 Signed-off-by: Andreas Florath <andreas@florath.net>
Installs a script (dib-init-system) which outputs the type of init
system in use on the target image. Also sets an environment variable
to this value.
Any files placed in a init-scripts/INIT_SYSTEM
inside the element will be copied into the appropriate directory if
is in use on the host.
Environment Variables
- Description
One of upstart, systemd, or sysv depending on the init system in use for the target image.