Debian Stretch released as stable recently, and the init system is less tightly specified in the base dependencies (for some info, see [1]). It seems, probably unintentionally, that in the previous release systemd-sysv was brought in by debootstrap, but that is no longer happening. Add systemd as an early dependency of debian-minimal. Remove the package-installs.yaml as that happens too late (other things need to know the init system to write out service files, etc and probe for systemd utils before package-installs). As mentioned, I do not believe the "only install systemd on testing" idea was actually working here, because it was being brought in during the initial debootstrap. Update some documentation to explain what's going on [1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2015/05/msg00156.html Change-Id: Id67c0cf08728407d234976f9807d3bd71d12f758