Make sure rngd, a hardware RNG entropy gatherer daemon, is installed on all DIB-built Red Hat family distro images. rngd comes installed by default in a typical base installation as it's proven to help speed things up. Nova attaches the virtio-rng-pci device to VMs. virtio-rng-pci is a device that provides feed random data. However, it is of little to no use if the virtual machine is not configured to make use of given device. That is where rngd can help by facilitating entropy to the pool from virtio-rng-pci. $ openstack image set --property hw_rng_model=virtio [...] $ openstack flavor set --property hw_rng:allowed=True [...] DIB-built minimal images do not come with rngd installed. This patch makes sure the daemon is installed. Its systemd service comes already enabled. Change-Id: I34a989dbfc57d4c98113ac25c81dfb500945ff0a
Image installation steps common to RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora.
If used to build an image form a cloud image compress with xz (the default in centos), this element uses "unxz" to decompress the image. Depending on your distro you may need to install either the xz or xz-utils package.
Environment Variables
- Required
- Default
- Description
Use the local path of a qcow2 cloud image. This is useful in that you can use a customized or previously built cloud image from diskimage-builder as input. The cloud image does not have to have been built by diskimage-builder. It should be a full disk image, not just a filesystem image.
- Example
- Required
- Default
- Description
Specify if kernel needs to be cleaned up or not. When set to true, the bits that cleanup old kernels will not be executed.
- Example