Tristan Cacqueray abd63b01aa pip-and-virtualenv: fix install-pip when centos-release-openstack is enabled
When RDO projects repository is installed, the python-setuptools
package is obsoleted by python2-setuptools, this makes the install-pip
script failed:

  Package python-setuptools-0.9.8-7.el7.noarch is obsoleted by
  python2-setuptools-22.0.5-1.el7.noarch which is already installed

Then the "rpm -ql python-setuptools | xargs rm -rf" exit 1.  Check if
we have a record of the updated package obsoleting then old one; if
so, use it.

Change-Id: I2b0051bd9e81908c187098a7b82e120b999b111d
2018-04-23 08:18:04 +10:00

188 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File

if [ ${DIB_DEBUG_TRACE:-0} -gt 0 ]; then
set -x
set -eu
set -o pipefail
if [[ $DISTRO_NAME =~ (opensuse|fedora|centos|centos7|rhel7) ]]; then
# Default packages
case "$DISTRO_NAME" in
# note python2-pip in epel
packages="python-virtualenv python2-pip"
if [[ "$(rpm -q --qf '[%{obsoletes}\n]' python2-setuptools)" == "python-setuptools" ]]; then
# If OpenStack release is installed, then python-setuptools is
# obsoleted by python2-setuptools
packages+=" python2-setuptools"
packages+=" python-setuptools"
packages="python2-virtualenv python2-pip python2-setuptools"
packages+=" python3-virtualenv python3-pip python3-setuptools"
case "$DIB_RELEASE" in
packages="python-virtualenv python-pip python-setuptools"
# XXX: python3?
packages="python2-virtualenv python2-pip python2-setuptools"
# force things to happen so our assumptions hold
pip_args="-U --force-reinstall"
# GENERAL WARNING : mixing packaged python libraries with
# pip-installed versions always creates issues. Upstream
# openstack-infra uses this a lot (especially devstack) but be
# warned: here be dragons :)
# Firstly we want to install the system packages. Otherwise later
# on somebody does a "yum install python-virtualenv" and goes and
# overwrites the pip installed version with the packaged version,
# leading to all sorts of weird version issues.
if [[ $DISTRO_NAME = opensuse ]]; then
zypper -n install $packages
${YUM:-yum} ${_extra_repo} install -y $packages
# pip10 (unlike earlier versions) will not uninstall distutils
# installed packages (note this is only a subset of packages that
# don't use setuptools for various reasons). We give it a little
# help by clearing out the files from the packages we are about to
# re-install so pip doesn't think anything is installed. See:
for pkg in $packages; do
rpm -ql $pkg | xargs rm -rf
# install the latest python2 pip; this overwrites packaged pip
python /tmp/ ${pip_args}
# Install latest setuptools; there is a slight chicken-egg issue in
# that pip requires setuptools for some operations like building a
# wheel. But this simple install should be fine.
pip install ${pip_args} setuptools
if [[ $_do_py3 -eq 1 ]]; then
# Repeat above for python3
# python2 on fedora always installs into /usr/bin. Move pip2
# binary out, as we want "pip" in the final image to be
# python2 for historical reasons.
mv /usr/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip2
# You would think that installing python3 bits first, then
# python2 would work -- alas doesn't seem to leave
# python3 alone:
python3 /tmp/ ${pip_args}
pip3 install ${pip_args} setuptools
# on < 27, this installed pip3 to /usr/bin/pip. On >=27 it's
# /usr/local/bin/pip. reclaim /usr/bin/pip back to pip2 and
# remove the /usr/local/bin/pip (i.e. python3 version) if it
# exists, so that "pip" calls pip2 always. if we want pip3 we
# call it explicitly.
ln -sf /usr/bin/pip2 /usr/bin/pip
rm -f /usr/local/bin/pip
# now install latest virtualenv. it vendors stuff it needs so
# doesn't have issues with other system packages.
# python[2|3]-virtualenv package has installed versioned scripts
# (/usr/bin/virtualenv-[2|3]) but upstream does not! (see [2]).
# For consistency, reinstall so we're just left with python2's
# version. Note this is a rather moot point, the usual way we get
# a python3 environment is to call "virtualenv -p python3 foo" and
# that works to create a python3 virtualenv, even if using
# python2's version. Thus we probably don't *really* need to
# "pip3 install virtualenv". What we don't want is "virtualenv
# foo" creating a python3 virtualenv by default, because that
# confuses a lot of legacy code.
pip install ${pip_args} virtualenv
mv /usr/bin/virtualenv /usr/bin/virtualenv2
if [[ $_do_py3 -eq 1 ]]; then
pip3 install ${pip_args} virtualenv
# Reclaim virtualenv to virtualenv2; similar to above, on fedora
# >27 the pip3 version has gone into /usr/local/bin; remove it so
# only /usr/bin/virtualenv exists
ln -sf /usr/bin/virtualenv2 /usr/bin/virtualenv
rm -f /usr/local/bin/virtualenv
# at this point, we should have the latest
# pip/setuptools/virtualenv packages for python2 & 3, and
# "/usr/bin/pip" and "/usr/bin/virtualenv" should be python2
# versions.
if [[ $DISTRO_NAME = opensuse ]]; then
for pkg in virtualenv pip setuptools; do
cat - >> /etc/zypp/locks <<EOF
type: package
match_type: glob
case_sensitive: on
solvable_name: python-$pkg
# Add this to exclude so that we don't install a later package
# over it if it updates. Note that fedora-minimal, bootstrapped
# via yum, can have an old yum.conf around, so look for dnf first.
if [[ -f /etc/dnf/dnf.conf ]]; then
elif [[ -f /etc/yum.conf ]]; then
die "No conf to modify?"
echo "exclude=$packages" >> ${conf}
elif [[ $DISTRO_NAME = gentoo ]]; then
packages="dev-python/pip dev-python/virtualenv"
emerge -U $packages
# pre-install packages so dependencies are there. We will
# overwrite with latest below.
packages="python-pip python3-pip python-virtualenv"
# Unfortunately older ubuntu (trusty) doesn't have a
# python3-virtualenv package -- it seems it wasn't ready at the
# time and you had to use "python -m venv". Since then virtualenv
# has gained 3.4 support so the pip install below will work
if [[ ${DIB_PYTHON_VERSION} == 3 ]]; then
packages+=" python3-virtualenv"
apt-get -y install $packages
# force things to happen so our assumptions hold
pip_args="-U --force-reinstall"
# These install into /usr/local/bin so override any packages, even
# if installed later.
python3 /tmp/ $pip_args
python2 /tmp/ $pip_args
pip3 install $pip_args virtualenv
pip install $pip_args virtualenv