zypper only supports the --no-recommends option during installs, giving the option during removals results in an error. When setting ACTION=remove, remove --no-recommends from EXTRA_ARGS, and set --clean-deps to also remove no-longer-needed dependencies. Rename EXTRA_ARGS to ACTION_ARGS for increased readability. Change-Id: Ifbd168992b1a20658b6b4a99ba175234f6c78f6d
This element provides some customizations for zypper based distributions like SLES and openSUSE. It works in a very similar way as the yum element does for yum based distributions.
Zypper is reconfigured so that it keeps downloaded packages cached outside of the build chroot so that they can be reused by subsequent image builds. The cache increases image building speed when building multiple images, especially on slow connections. This is more effective than using an HTTP proxy for caching packages since the download servers will often redirect clients to different mirrors.