The dib-run-parts element was copying our internal version of dib-run-parts into /usr/local/bin to be used running scripts inside the target chroot. However, it never cleaned up after itself. This means all images were left with an unmanaged local install of dib-run-parts. This copies dib-run-parts into the hooks directory of the chroot and runs it from there. It is cleaned up automatically on the exit path. The dib-run-parts element is no longer required and it has been removed from all dependencies. It is left with a deprecation notice in the README. For compatability we convert it to simply install dib-utils. Codesearch shows no users depending on this unintentional implicit install. Note os-refresh-config depends on dib-utils and thus will have an explicitly installed version. Partial-Bug: #1673144 Change-Id: Ia2e96c00a4246c04beb96c17f83b8aefb69219ca
Base element for creating minimal yum-based images.
This element is incomplete by itself, you'll want to use the centos-minimal or fedora-minimal elements to get an actual base image.
Use of this element will require 'yum' and 'yum-utils' to be installed on Ubuntu and Debian. Nothing additional is needed on Fedora or CentOS.
If you wish to have DHCP networking setup for eth0 & eth1 via /etc/sysconfig/network-config scripts/ifcfg-eth[0|1], set the environment variable DIB_YUM_MINIMAL_CREATE_INTERFACES to 1.