Greetings, I'd like to raise my hand and send my candidacy for Glance's PTL position. If you've heard my name, it's entirely possible that you hear it either for my Zaqar's PTL position or my current TC position. Before I go forward with my candidacy, allow me to say that I won't be running for Zaqar's PTL position and that it's my intention to be entirely focused on Glance[0]. I take being a PTL seriously[1] and I strongly believe in the importance of focus when it comes to making progress, which is what I'd like to base my candidacy on. Glance may seem a simple service but it's not as simple as many folks think. It's small compared to many other projects but it's still exciting to work on. Perhaps, even more important than how exciting it is, we should all remember the impact this project has on the rest of the community and how it impacts all the OpenStack deployments out there. In addition to this, Glance remains one of the projects that are considered part of the starting kit and it serves a very important task in a cloud deployment. The reason I'm bringing the above up is because I believe we've derailed a bit from that and that we should bring focus back on what's the most important task for Glance, which is to serve cloud images in a resilent, consistent and reliable way. This is not to say that innovation should be stopped but it certainly shouldn't affect this mission. I believe these are some of the most important topics that our team should focus on are: - Collaboration with other projects to migrate OpenStack to use - Glance's V2 API Collaborate with the defcore team to define a clear view and support of what Glance provides and is. - Increase V2 API stability and awareness. - Improve Glance's gate story to make sure we cover enough scenarios that are representative of existing deployments and use cases. By reading the above four points, it's clear that I think that lots of our work should go on cross-project collaboration. However, I'd like to extend that to cross-team collaboration. One of the things that I believe has affected Glance a lot is the lack of interaction with other teams, especially with OPs, when it came down to working on new features that had an impact on users. Therefore, I'd like to help increasing cross-team collaboration in Glance's team. As far as my involvement in Glance goes, I've been part of the team since I started working on OpenStack. For the upcoming cycle, I'm ready to dedicate my PTL duties entirely on the project and completely focused on what's important to bring back focus and keep the project growing but stable. As some of you know already, I'm also part of the Technical Committee and I'll be up for election next April, which means I'll be part of the TC for, at least, 6 more months. Being part of the TC takes time and this is something you should keep in mind (as much as I do). However, if I were to be elected as Glance's PTL, I'll dedicate all my efforts and time - consider that my current job allows me to be full time upstream - to just these to roles. It'd be a great honor for me to work together with the Glance team and to keep sharing knowledge, experiences and work as I've been doing so far but this time as a PTL. Thanks for reading thus far and for considering this candidacy, Sincerely, Flavio [0] [1]