To: Subject: [all][elections][ptl][tc] Combined PTL/TC {{ release }} cycle Election Nominations End The PTL and TC Nomination period is now over. The official candidate lists for PTLs [0] and TC seats [1] are available on the election website. -- PTL Election Details -- There are {{ leaderless_count }} projects without candidates, so according to this resolution[2], the TC will have to decide how the following projects will proceed: {{ list_of_leaderless_projects }} -- TC Election Details -- There are {{ election_count }} projects that will have elections: {{ list_of_elections }}. Now begins the campaigning period where candidates and electorate may debate their statements. Polling will start {{ election_start }}. Thank you, [0]{{ release }}-ptl-candidates [1]{{ release }}-tc-candidates [2] {{ leaderless_url }}