This is my candidacy for PTL role in the Packaging-Rpm OpenStack team for the Newton release cycle. I’m working on creating, building, polishing and maintaining Linux packages for OpenStack projects with various dependencies for few years since IceHouse launch. It allowed me to accumulate deep knowledge base about core OpenStack functionality. My first project was Murano in the very early state of development even before incubation. I successfully started to maintain Murano project packages specifications for those period of time. The main goal for the Packaging-Rpm project, as I see it, is to unify and simplify approaches Linux package maintainers use in their work day by day. It is very important that availability of publicly published and suitable for different flavors of rpm based Linux distros package specifications makes package building process untied with mainstream vendors. I wish my experience as package maintainer could help developers all over the world to make their work easier and more transparent with efficiency pushed to higher level. I’m very eager to make it happen and I’m going to dedicate a lot of my time and efforts as Packaging-RPM’s PTL. There are a few topics to concentrate on during Newton cycle: Move forward to finish with already started initiative for initial filling of projects’ templates for a common OpenStack dependencies like oslo, python clients. This should create basis for further work and should unlock development of package specification templates for core OpenStack projects. Continue with development of automation tooling for packaging. Creation and publishing package specifications for renderspec, pymod2pkg and openstack-macros will makes maintenance easier for all who require to build and use these tools from packages. CI checks. At the present moment only SUSE was added it to the project. This is not enough because it covers cases only for one vendor. Adding more 3rd party CIs (Eg: Mirantis or Fedora/RDO) will improve tests and use-cases coverage. Regards, Igor Yozhikov (IgorYozhikov)