Hey team, I would like to submit my candidacy to continue as Solum PTL for Ocata cycle. In Newton cycle we made progress in several key areas. Here are the highlights. 1) We completed work on our Horizon dashboard. It is now possible to perform all languagepack and app operations through the dashboard. I would like to acknowledge and thank Swati Dewan and Zhu Rong for spearheading this work. 2) We continued building and experimenting with different options for doing app builds and deployments. In Mitaka cycle we had worked on a feature that enabled Solum to perform app deployments in tandem with existing CI systems such as Jenkins that can do app builds. In Newton cycle following new ideas were investigated: - Building applications as VM images and deploying such images (thanks Erik Schilling) - Building applications as Unikernels (thanks shivaSR, mvle) - Building applications as Docker containers and deploying to VMs (CoreOS) (thanks Wei Cao) We also completed the feature that enables application build and deploy upon receiving github webhook triggers by Solum. You can find screencasts demonstrating these features on Solum wiki (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Solum), under "Resources" section. 3) We gained several new contributors, some of whom are on their way to becoming cores. For the Ocata cycle, some of the ideas that we can pursue together include: - Making it easy for operators to configure and use different build and deployment options - Adding support to deploy applications to container orchestration systems - Support for using public Docker images, in addition to Solum languagepacks, to build application images Along with these, we need to keep working and improving our documentation, test coverage, and installation tooling. (If you are interested in helping out with any of these, please find us on Solum IRC channel (#solum on chat.freenode.net)). Best Regards, Devdatta Kulkarni