Hi all,

I’m writing to announce my candidacy for Congress PTL for the Mitaka cycle.  I’m 
excited at the prospect of continuing the development of our community, our code 
base, and our integrations with other projects.

This past cycle has been exciting in that we saw several new, consistent 
contributors, who actively pushed code, submitted reviews, wrote specs, 
and participated in the mid-cycle meet-up.  Additionally, our integration 
with the rest of the OpenStack ecosystem improved with our move to running 
tempest tests in the gate instead of manually or with our own CI.  The code 
base matured as well, as we rounded out some of the features we added near 
the end of the Kilo cycle.  We also began making the most significant 
architectural change in the project’s history, in an effort meet our 
high-availability and API throughput targets.

I’m looking forward to the Mitaka cycle.  My highest priority for the code 
base is completing the architectural changes that we began in Liberty.  These 
changes are undoubtedly the right way forward for production use cases, but 
it is equally important that we make Congress easy to use and understand for 
both new developers and new end users.  I also plan to further our integration 
with the OpenStack ecosystem by better utilizing the plugin architectures that 
are available (e.g. devstack and tempest).  I will also work to begin (or 
continue) dialogues with other projects that might benefit from consuming 
Congress.  Finally I’m excited to continue working with our newest project 
members, helping them toward becoming core contributors.

See you all in Tokyo!