Dear All, With this mail I'm nominating myself as the PTL of the Senlin project for the Newton cycle. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with developers who share the same passion to make Senlin a useful and usable service to users. Senlin is still at its infancy after joining the big tent family. We still have a lot of work to do going forward although we are feeling very happy it is pretty stable and usable now. If I'm getting an opportunity to continue serving the team for its very first official cycle, I'd strive to work with the team on the following items: - Better alignment with community * Getting API micro-versioning in place so that future revisions to the API can be better managed; * Completing API/scenario tests using Tempest plugins, e.g. we are to test not only how the API works normally but also how it fails; * Supports to live upgrade thus paving the way for future development; * Advanced filters for listing operations; etc. - Full support to high-availability * A flexible, usable health policy; * Event/message listeners for node failure events; * Fencing logic regarding compute, network and storage; * Customizability of this feature for various usage scenarios; - Support to container clusters * Enabler functions to create/manage containers in VMs / Bare-metals; * Simple placement policy to schedule containers based on dynamic resource measurements; * Evaluate options for network and storage provisioning; - Cross-project collaborations * Continue working with Heat regarding Senlin resource types; * Start working with Zarqar with respect to message queue receivers; * Engage with Tacker to support its autoscaling use case; * Work with Telemetry and Metering on event notifications and metrics; * Explore interaction with Mistral and Congress on workflow and * conformance (could be a policy?) * Explore Tooz for large-scale deployments - Improvement to usability and scalability Right. We have a lot work to do. We do perfer a PTL rotation practice as some projects do and we do have strong candidates in the team. However, when I asked around, I got the feeling that most are at the moment over-committed in their daily jobs. Before stepping up as a PTL candidate, one has to secure enough bandwidth for the job. Fortunately, I am still enjoying such a support. That is the reason behind this post. Regards, Qiming