Hi Team, I would like to express my interest in continuing to serve as PTL of Cyborg project for Wallaby release. In the Victoria release, cyborg has merged 8 of the 13 scheduled goals[1] and moved forward in different aspects: - Two more nova operations * Rebuild and * Evacuate are supported. - Program API is supported, now users can program FPGA given the pre-uploaded bitstream. - Two more new drivers are supported(Intel QAT and Inspur FPGA) And the third-party CI support discussion reached an aggrement that vendors should provided a up-to-date test report on the driver page to show their device's usability. - New default policy for API check is introduced. - Cyborg wiki pages is greatly improved. Looking forward in wallaby release,here is a list of things we will try to accomplish: - Continue to improve FPGA programming and test in production. - Continue to support nova operations like suspend/resume,shelve/unshelve. - Work with nova to support Mdev device mangament. - Work with nova neutron to suppport SmartNIC Integration. - Improve current tempest tests to improve quality and stability. - Improve our current cyborg doc page guides. [1]https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Cyborg/Victoria_Release_Schedule Thank you Regards, Yumeng Bao<yumeng_bao@yahoo.com>(irc:Yumeng)