Hey everyone, I am announcing my candidacy to continue on the OpenStack Technical Committee. I am employed by Huawei and lucky enough to have a full-time focus on OpenStack. I have been contributing since the Icehouse release. I served as Cinder PTL from Mitaka through Pike, and was elected to the TC last spring. I am currently serving my second cycle as Release Management PTL. During the last year on the TC, I have tried to be pragmatic and open to reason on governance changes. I do think some proposals need healthy debate with a really long term mindset to understand how changes now can impact our community long term. I also think we need to pay a lot of attention to how proposals impact the sometimes seemingly minor affect they will have on all those currently involved, and how it impacts developer happiness and the attraction of working on an OpenStack project. I've learned a lot from the other TC members and others participating in these discussions. This last year has been very rewarding, and I've been glad to do my part to move these conversations forward. My voting on past changes can be perused here: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/governance+reviewedby:%22Sean+McGinnis+%253Csean.mcginnis%2540gmail.com%253E%22 Outside of specific governance proposals, I have been working on getting involved in the operators community by attending the last few Ops Meetups to be able to get face to face with more of the folks actually using OpenStack. I've found it very valuable to hear directly about what kinds of issues are being run into and what kinds of things we might be able to change on the development side to make things better. Part of the outcome of that has led me to be more interested in our stable policy, and helping out more with stable branch reviews. Many operators are not able to get to a version, for one reason or another, until we have deleted the branch upstream. I was happy to support our recent efforts in changing out stable policies to allow a bigger window that might allow a resurgence in interest for some of these older branches once more users are actually able to run them and find issues. I do think it is good to have some new faces on the TC, but would love to serve another term. I feel like the first year was partly just getting settled in, and I would be very happy to continue to serve another term to keep things going. OpenStack has been one of the best communities I've been involved in, and I would love the opportunity to continue to do what I can to help support it and help it grow. Thank you for your consideration. Sean