Doug Hellmann f02357456e make candidate links in archives anonymous
Add an extra underscore after the link syntax to indicate that the
link is anonymous and should not be tracked for uniqueness.

Change-Id: I040eef015b705cda6dc0aa2871a46cfc3613a58b
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <doug@doughellmann.com>
2018-11-06 09:28:46 -05:00

49 lines
1.4 KiB

{% for i in range(election|length + 4) %}={% endfor%}
{{ election.capitalize() }} PTL
{% for i in range(election|length + 4) %}={% endfor%}
{% for project in projects %}
* {{ project.replace('_', ' ') }}
{% for candidate in candidates[project] %}{% if candidate['elected'] and 'url' in candidate %}
* `{{ candidate['fullname'] }} {% if candidate['ircname'] is not none %}({{ candidate['ircname'] }}){% endif %} <{{ candidate['url'] }}>`__
{% elif candidate['elected'] == 'LEADERLESS' %}
* {{ candidate['statement'] }}
{% elif candidate['elected'] %}
* {{ candidate['fullname'] }} (\{{ candidate['ircname'] }}) {% if candidate['elected'] == 'INCUMBENT-PTL' %}[#IncumbentPTL]_{% else %}[#TCAppointed]_{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if 'TC-APPOINTED' in tags %}
.. [#TCAppointed] By TC Appointment
{% endif %}
{% if 'INCUMBENT-PTL' in tags %}
.. [#IncumbentPTL] Incumbent PTL
{% endif %}
{% for project in projects %}{% if project in elections_results %}
* `{{ project }} <{{ elections_results[project] }}>`_
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ election.capitalize() }} PTL Candidates
{% for project in projects %}
* {{ project.replace('_', ' ') }}
{% for candidate in candidates[project] %}{% if 'url' in candidate %}
* `{{ candidate['fullname'] }} ({{ candidate['ircname'] }}) <{{ candidate['url'] }}>`__
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}