diff --git a/glance/notifier.py b/glance/notifier.py
index 78e414b998..ffa6ac4e0e 100644
--- a/glance/notifier.py
+++ b/glance/notifier.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import glance.openstack.common.log as logging
 from glance.openstack.common import timeutils
 notifier_opts = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('notifier_strategy', default='default',
+    cfg.StrOpt('notifier_strategy',
                help=_('Notifications can be sent when images are create, '
                       'updated or deleted. There are three methods of sending '
                       'notifications, logging (via the log_file directive), '
@@ -61,57 +61,32 @@ _ALIASES = {
 class Notifier(object):
     """Uses a notification strategy to send out messages about events."""
-    def __init__(self, strategy=None):
+    def __init__(self):
-        _driver = None
-        _strategy = strategy
+        driver = None
+        transport_url = None
+        publisher_id = CONF.default_publisher_id
-        if CONF.notifier_strategy != 'default':
+        if CONF.notifier_strategy:
             msg = _("notifier_strategy was deprecated in "
                     "favor of `notification_driver`")
+            strategy = CONF.notifier_strategy
             # NOTE(flaper87): Use this to keep backwards
             # compatibility. We'll try to get an oslo.messaging
             # driver from the specified strategy.
-            _strategy = strategy or CONF.notifier_strategy
-            _driver = _STRATEGY_ALIASES.get(_strategy)
+            driver = _STRATEGY_ALIASES.get(strategy)
+            if driver == 'messaging':
+                transport_url = strategy + ':///'
-        publisher_id = CONF.default_publisher_id
-        try:
-            # NOTE(flaper87): Assume the user has configured
-            # the transport url.
-            self._transport = messaging.get_transport(CONF,
-                                                      aliases=_ALIASES)
-        except messaging.DriverLoadFailure:
-            # NOTE(flaper87): Catch driver load failures and re-raise
-            # them *just* if the `transport_url` option was set. This
-            # step is intended to keep backwards compatibility and avoid
-            # weird behaviors (like exceptions on missing dependencies)
-            # when the old notifier options are used.
-            if CONF.transport_url is not None:
-                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
-                    LOG.exception(_('Error loading the notifier'))
-        # NOTE(flaper87): This needs to be checked
-        # here because the `get_transport` call
-        # registers `transport_url` into ConfigOpts.
-        if not CONF.transport_url:
-            # NOTE(flaper87): The next 3 lines help
-            # with the migration to oslo.messaging.
-            # Without them, gate tests won't know
-            # what driver should be loaded.
-            # Once this patch lands, devstack will be
-            # updated and then these lines will be removed.
-            url = None
-            if _strategy in ['rabbit', 'qpid']:
-                url = _strategy + '://'
-            self._transport = messaging.get_transport(CONF, url,
-                                                      aliases=_ALIASES)
+        self._transport = messaging.get_transport(CONF,
+                                                  url=transport_url,
+                                                  aliases=_ALIASES)
         self._notifier = messaging.Notifier(self._transport,
-                                            driver=_driver,
+                                            driver=driver,
     def warn(self, event_type, payload):
diff --git a/glance/tests/unit/test_notifier.py b/glance/tests/unit/test_notifier.py
index 5d79ccf46f..669b15c00a 100644
--- a/glance/tests/unit/test_notifier.py
+++ b/glance/tests/unit/test_notifier.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 import datetime
 import mock
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from oslo import messaging
 import webob
 from glance.common import exception
@@ -94,42 +96,50 @@ class TaskRepoStub(object):
 class TestNotifier(utils.BaseTestCase):
-    def test_load_rabbit(self):
-        nfier = notifier.Notifier('rabbit')
-        self.assertIsNotNone(nfier._transport)
-    def test_load_qpid(self):
-        nfier = notifier.Notifier('qpid')
-        self.assertIsNotNone(nfier._transport)
-        self.assertEqual(str(nfier._transport._driver._url),
-                         'qpid:///')
-    def test_notifier_strategy(self):
-        self.config(notifier_strategy='qpid')
+    @mock.patch.object(messaging, 'Notifier')
+    @mock.patch.object(messaging, 'get_transport')
+    def _test_load_strategy(self,
+                            mock_get_transport, mock_notifier,
+                            strategy, url, driver):
+        if strategy is not None:
+            self.config(notifier_strategy=strategy)
         nfier = notifier.Notifier()
+        mock_get_transport.assert_called_with(cfg.CONF, url=url,
+                                              aliases=notifier._ALIASES)
-        self.assertEqual(str(nfier._transport._driver._url),
-                         'qpid:///')
+        mock_notifier.assert_called_with(nfier._transport, driver=driver,
+                                         publisher_id='image.localhost')
+        self.assertIsNotNone(nfier._notifier)
-    def test_transport_url(self):
-        transport_url = "qpid://superhost:5672/"
-        self.config(transport_url=transport_url)
-        notify = notifier.Notifier()
-        self.assertEqual(str(notify._transport._driver._url),
-                         transport_url)
+    def test_notifier_strategy_default(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy='default',
+                                 url=None,
+                                 driver='noop')
-    def test_notification_driver_option(self):
-        self.config(rpc_backend='qpid')
-        self.config(notification_driver='messaging')
-        self.config(notifier_strategy='rabbit')
-        notify = notifier.Notifier()
-        self.assertEqual(str(notify._transport._driver._url),
-                         'rabbit:///')
+    def test_notifier_strategy_noop(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy='noop',
+                                 url=None,
+                                 driver='noop')
-        self.config(notifier_strategy='default')
-        notify = notifier.Notifier()
-        self.assertEqual(str(notify._transport._driver._url),
-                         'qpid:///')
+    def test_notifier_strategy_rabbit(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy='rabbit',
+                                 url='rabbit:///',
+                                 driver='messaging')
+    def test_notifier_strategy_qpid(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy='qpid',
+                                 url='qpid:///',
+                                 driver='messaging')
+    def test_notifier_strategy_logging(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy='logging',
+                                 url=None,
+                                 driver='log')
+    def test_notifier_strategy_none(self):
+        self._test_load_strategy(strategy=None,
+                                 url=None,
+                                 driver=None)
 class TestImageNotifications(utils.BaseTestCase):