[build_sphinx] all_files = 1 build-dir = doc/build source-dir = doc/source [egg_info] tag_build = tag_date = 0 tag_svn_revision = 0 [compile_catalog] directory = glance/locale domain = glance [update_catalog] domain = glance output_dir = glance/locale input_file = glance/locale/glance.pot [extract_messages] keywords = _ gettext ngettext l_ lazy_gettext mapping_file = babel.cfg output_file = glance/locale/glance.pot [nosetests] # NOTE(jkoelker) To run the test suite under nose install the following # coverage http://pypi.python.org/pypi/coverage # tissue http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tissue (pep8 checker) # openstack-nose https://github.com/jkoelker/openstack-nose verbosity=2 tests=glance/tests cover-package = glance cover-html = true cover-erase = true