This adds the CORS support middleware to Glance, allowing a deployer
to optionally configure rules under which a javascript client may
break the single-origin policy and access the API directly.
For Glance, the paste.ini method of deploying the middleware was
chosen, because it needs to be able to annotate responses created
by keystonemiddleware. If the middleware were explicitly included
as in the previous patch, keystone would reject the request before
the cross-domain headers could be annotated, resulting in an
error response that was unreadable by the user agent.
A special consideration has been made to accomodate Glance's
nonstandard configuration files, by using 'glance-api' as the
value of oslo_config_project in paste.ini. This is to trigger
automatic oslo configuration loading for paste-loaded middleware,
in order to ensure that it finds glance-api.conf rather than
DocImpact: Add link to CORS configuration in Admin Guide
OpenStack CrossProject Spec:
Oslo_Middleware Docs:
OpenStack Cloud Admin Guide:
Change-Id: Icf5fb91a0b9e6736e70314c72c1c99c5f170ba53