The oslo-incubator log modlule has been removed, so port to the oslo_log library. Note this uses the new (non namespaced, e.g oslo.log) import convention, we'll need to align other imports in a future commit. Some import reordering was required due to pedantic H30[57] checks, and the services have all been converted to initialize the oslo_log library as this is done differently to the log.py in incubator. Change-Id: Ib5a97123fe1b287bc531e42d7887c13ba6205628
Zaqar plugin for OpenStack Heat
This plugin enable using Zaqar queuing service as a resource in a Heat template.
1. Install the Zaqar plugin in Heat
NOTE: These instructions assume the value of heat.conf plugin_dirs includes the default directory /usr/lib/heat.
To install the plugin, from this directory run: sudo python ./setup.py install
2. Restart heat
Only the process "heat-engine" needs to be restarted to load the newly installed plugin.