git.openstack.org is our official server, github is just a read-only mirror. Linking to github might also raise the expectation that we use the usual github workflow which is not the case. Change-Id: I3b3e8213c264757838c8e5fd33221eebf219cdc8
This directory contains rally benchmark scenarios to be run by OpenStack CI.
Structure: * heat.yaml is rally task that will be run in gates * plugins - directory where you can add rally plugins. So you don't need to merge benchmark in scenarios in rally to be able to run them in heat. * extra - all files from this directory will be copied to gates, so you will be able to use absolute path in rally tasks. Files will be in ~/.rally/extra/*
- more about rally: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally
- how to add rally-gates: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Rally/RallyGates
- how to write plugins https://rally.readthedocs.org/en/latest/plugins.html