# Set up globals globals: angular: false extends: openstack # Most environment options are not explicitly enabled or disabled, only # included here for completeness' sake. They are commented out, because the # global updates.py script would otherwise override them during a global # requirements synchronization. # # Individual projects should choose which platforms they deploy to. env: # browser global variables. browser: true # Adds all of the Jasmine testing global variables for version 1.3 and 2.0. jasmine: true # Below we adjust rules specific to horizon's usage of openstack's linting # rules, and its own plugin inclusions. rules: ############################################################################# # Disabled Rules from eslint-config-openstack ############################################################################# valid-jsdoc: 1 no-undefined: 1 brace-style: 1 strict: 1 no-extra-parens: 1 eqeqeq: 1 consistent-return: 1 callback-return: 1 guard-for-in: 1 block-scoped-var: 1 semi-spacing: 1 no-redeclare: 1 no-new: 1 ############################################################################# # Angular Plugin Customization ############################################################################# angular/ng_controller_as_vm: - 1 - "ctrl" # Remove after migrating to angular 1.4 or later. angular/ng_no_cookiestore: - 1