679 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.template import defaultfilters as filters
from django.urls import NoReverseMatch
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import html
from django.utils.http import urlencode
from django.utils import safestring
from django.utils.text import format_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import ngettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import npgettext_lazy
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder
from openstack_dashboard import policy
from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas
class VolumePolicyTargetMixin(policy.PolicyTargetMixin):
policy_target_attrs = (("project_id", 'os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id'),)
class LaunchVolume(tables.LinkAction):
name = "launch_volume"
verbose_name = _("Launch as Instance")
url = "horizon:project:instances:launch"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-launch")
icon = "cloud-upload"
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:create"),)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
base_url = reverse(self.url)
vol_id = "%s:vol" % self.table.get_object_id(datum)
params = urlencode({"source_type": "volume_id",
"source_id": vol_id})
return "?".join([base_url, params])
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'):
return False
if getattr(volume, 'bootable', '') == 'true':
return volume.status == "available"
return False
class LaunchVolumeNG(LaunchVolume):
name = "launch_volume_ng"
verbose_name = _("Launch as Instance")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:index"
classes = ("btn-launch", )
ajax = False
def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['preempt'] = True
super().__init__(attrs, **kwargs)
def get_link_url(self, datum):
url = reverse(self.url)
vol_id = "%s:vol" % self.table.get_object_id(datum)
ngclick = "modal.openLaunchInstanceWizard(" \
"{successUrl: '%s', volumeId: '%s'})" \
% (url, vol_id.split(":vol")[0])
"ng-controller": "LaunchInstanceModalController as modal",
"ng-click": ngclick
return "javascript:void(0);"
class DeleteVolume(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.DeleteAction):
help_text = _("Deleted volumes are not recoverable. "
"All data stored in the volume will be removed.")
default_message_level = "info"
def action_present(count):
return ngettext_lazy(
"Delete Volume",
"Delete Volumes",
def action_past(count):
return ngettext_lazy(
"Scheduled deletion of Volume",
"Scheduled deletion of Volumes",
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:delete"),)
def delete(self, request, obj_id):
cinder.volume_delete(request, obj_id)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
if volume:
# Can't delete volume if part of consistency group
if getattr(volume, 'consistencygroup_id', None):
return False
# Can't delete volume if part of volume group
if getattr(volume, 'group_id', None):
return False
return (volume.status in DELETABLE_STATES and
not getattr(volume, 'has_snapshot', False))
return True
class CreateVolume(tables.LinkAction):
name = "create"
verbose_name = _("Create Volume")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:create"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-create")
icon = "plus"
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:create"),)
ajax = True
def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['preempt'] = True
super().__init__(attrs, **kwargs)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
limits = api.cinder.tenant_absolute_limits(request)
gb_available = (limits.get('maxTotalVolumeGigabytes', float("inf")) -
limits.get('totalGigabytesUsed', 0))
volumes_available = (limits.get('maxTotalVolumes', float("inf")) -
limits.get('totalVolumesUsed', 0))
if gb_available <= 0 or volumes_available <= 0:
if "disabled" not in self.classes:
self.classes = list(self.classes) + ['disabled']
self.verbose_name = format_lazy(
'{verbose_name} {quota_exceeded}',
quota_exceeded=_("(Quota exceeded)"))
self.verbose_name = _("Create Volume")
classes = [c for c in self.classes if c != "disabled"]
self.classes = classes
return True
def single(self, table, request, object_id=None):
self.allowed(request, None)
return HttpResponse(self.render(is_table_action=True))
class ExtendVolume(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "extend"
verbose_name = _("Extend Volume")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:extend"
classes = ("ajax-modal", "btn-extend")
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:extend"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
return volume.status in ['available', 'in-use']
class EditAttachments(tables.LinkAction):
name = "attachments"
verbose_name = _("Manage Attachments")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:attach"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "pencil"
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'):
return False
if volume:
project_id = getattr(volume, "os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id", None)
attach_allowed = \
{"project_id": project_id})
detach_allowed = \
{"project_id": project_id})
if attach_allowed or detach_allowed:
return volume.status in ("available", "in-use")
return False
class CreateSnapshot(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "snapshots"
verbose_name = _("Create Snapshot")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:create_snapshot"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "camera"
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:create_snapshot"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
limits = api.cinder.tenant_absolute_limits(request)
except Exception:
exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve tenant limits.'))
limits = {}
snapshots_available = (limits.get('maxTotalSnapshots', float("inf")) -
limits.get('totalSnapshotsUsed', 0))
if snapshots_available <= 0 and "disabled" not in self.classes:
self.classes = list(self.classes) + ['disabled']
self.verbose_name = format_lazy(
'{verbose_name} {quota_exceeded}',
quota_exceeded=_("(Quota exceeded)"))
return volume.status in ("available", "in-use")
class CreateTransfer(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "create_transfer"
verbose_name = _("Create Transfer")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:create_transfer"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:create_transfer"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
return volume.status == "available"
class CreateBackup(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "backups"
verbose_name = _("Create Backup")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:create_backup"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
policy_rules = (("volume", "backup:create"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
return (cinder.volume_backup_supported(request) and
volume.status in ("available", "in-use"))
class UploadToImage(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "upload_to_image"
verbose_name = _("Upload to Image")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:upload_to_image"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "cloud-upload"
policy_rules = (("volume",
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
has_image_service_perm = \
return (volume.status in ("available", "in-use") and
class EditVolume(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "edit"
verbose_name = _("Edit Volume")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:update"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "pencil"
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:update"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
return volume.status in ("available", "in-use")
class RetypeVolume(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.LinkAction):
name = "retype"
verbose_name = _("Change Volume Type")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:retype"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "pencil"
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:retype"),)
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
return volume.status in ("available", "in-use")
class AcceptTransfer(tables.LinkAction):
name = "accept_transfer"
verbose_name = _("Accept Transfer")
url = "horizon:project:volumes:accept_transfer"
classes = ("ajax-modal",)
icon = "exchange"
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:accept_transfer"),)
ajax = True
def allowed(self, request, volume=None):
usages = quotas.tenant_quota_usages(request,
targets=('volumes', 'gigabytes'))
gb_available = usages['gigabytes']['available']
volumes_available = usages['volumes']['available']
if gb_available <= 0 or volumes_available <= 0:
if "disabled" not in self.classes:
self.classes = list(self.classes) + ['disabled']
self.verbose_name = format_lazy(
'{verbose_name} {quota_exceeded}',
quota_exceeded=_("(Quota exceeded)"))
self.verbose_name = _("Accept Transfer")
classes = [c for c in self.classes if c != "disabled"]
self.classes = classes
return True
def single(self, table, request, object_id=None):
return HttpResponse(self.render())
class DeleteTransfer(VolumePolicyTargetMixin, tables.Action):
# This class inherits from tables.Action instead of the more obvious
# tables.DeleteAction due to the confirmation message. When the delete
# is successful, DeleteAction automatically appends the name of the
# volume to the message, e.g. "Deleted volume transfer 'volume'". But
# we are deleting the volume *transfer*, whose name is different.
name = "delete_transfer"
verbose_name = _("Cancel Transfer")
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:delete_transfer"),)
help_text = _("This action cannot be undone.")
action_type = "danger"
def allowed(self, request, volume):
return (volume.status == "awaiting-transfer" and
getattr(volume, 'transfer', None))
def single(self, table, request, volume_id):
volume = table.get_object_by_id(volume_id)
cinder.transfer_delete(request, volume.transfer.id)
if volume.transfer.name:
msg = _('Successfully deleted volume transfer "%s"'
) % volume.transfer.name
msg = _("Successfully deleted volume transfer")
messages.success(request, msg)
except Exception:
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to delete volume transfer."))
class UpdateRow(tables.Row):
ajax = True
def get_data(self, request, volume_id):
volume = cinder.volume_get(request, volume_id)
if volume and getattr(volume, 'group_id', None):
volume.group = cinder.group_get(request, volume.group_id)
except Exception:
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve group."))
volume.group = None
volume.group = None
return volume
def get_size(volume):
return _("%sGiB") % volume.size
def get_attachment_name(request, attachment, instance_detail_url=None):
server_id = attachment.get("server_id", None)
if "instance" in attachment and attachment['instance']:
name = attachment["instance"].name
server = api.nova.server_get(request, server_id)
name = server.name
except Exception:
name = server_id
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve "
"attachment information."))
if not instance_detail_url:
instance_detail_url = "horizon:project:instances:detail"
url = reverse(instance_detail_url, args=(server_id,))
instance = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, html.escape(name))
except NoReverseMatch:
instance = html.escape(name)
return instance
class AttachmentColumn(tables.WrappingColumn):
"""Customized column class.
So it that does complex processing on the attachments
for a volume instance.
instance_detail_url = "horizon:project:instances:detail"
def get_raw_data(self, volume):
request = self.table.request
link = _('%(dev)s on %(instance)s')
attachments = []
# Filter out "empty" attachments which the client returns...
for attachment in [att for att in volume.attachments if att]:
# When a volume is attached it may return the server_id
# without the server name...
instance = get_attachment_name(request, attachment,
vals = {"instance": instance,
"dev": html.escape(attachment.get("device", ""))}
attachments.append(link % vals)
return safestring.mark_safe(", ".join(attachments))
class GroupNameColumn(tables.WrappingColumn):
def get_raw_data(self, volume):
group = volume.group
return group.name_or_id if group else _("-")
def get_link_url(self, volume):
group = volume.group
if group:
return reverse(self.link, args=(group.id,))
def get_volume_type(volume):
return volume.volume_type if volume.volume_type != "None" else None
def get_encrypted_value(volume):
if not hasattr(volume, 'encrypted') or volume.encrypted is None:
return _("-")
if volume.encrypted is False:
return _("No")
return _("Yes")
def get_encrypted_link(volume):
if hasattr(volume, 'encrypted') and volume.encrypted:
return reverse("horizon:project:volumes:encryption_detail",
kwargs={'volume_id': volume.id})
class VolumesTableBase(tables.DataTable):
("in-use", True),
("available", True),
("creating", None),
("error", False),
("error_extending", False),
("error_managing", False),
("error_restoring", False),
("maintenance", False),
("available", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("in-use", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume", "In-use")),
("error", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume", "Error")),
("creating", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("error_extending", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Error Extending")),
("extending", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("attaching", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("detaching", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("deleting", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("error_deleting", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Error deleting")),
("backing-up", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Backing Up")),
("restoring-backup", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Restoring Backup")),
("error_restoring", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Error Restoring")),
("maintenance", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("reserved", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
("awaiting-transfer", pgettext_lazy("Current status of a Volume",
"Awaiting Transfer")),
name = tables.Column("name",
description = tables.Column("description",
size = tables.Column(get_size,
attrs={'data-type': 'size'})
status = tables.Column("status",
def get_object_display(self, obj):
return obj.name
class VolumesFilterAction(tables.FilterAction):
def filter(self, table, volumes, filter_string):
"""Naive case-insensitive search."""
q = filter_string.lower()
return [volume for volume in volumes
if q in volume.name.lower()]
class UpdateMetadata(tables.LinkAction):
name = "update_metadata"
verbose_name = _("Update Metadata")
policy_rules = (("volume", "volume:update_volume_metadata"),)
ajax = False
attrs = {"ng-controller": "MetadataModalHelperController as modal"}
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['preempt'] = True
def get_link_url(self, datum):
obj_id = self.table.get_object_id(datum)
self.attrs['ng-click'] = (
"modal.openMetadataModal('volume', '%s', true)" % obj_id)
return "javascript:void(0);"
class VolumesTable(VolumesTableBase):
name = tables.WrappingColumn("name",
group = GroupNameColumn(
volume_type = tables.Column(get_volume_type,
attachments = AttachmentColumn("attachments",
verbose_name=_("Attached To"))
availability_zone = tables.Column("availability_zone",
verbose_name=_("Availability Zone"))
bootable = tables.Column('is_bootable',
filters=(filters.yesno, filters.capfirst))
encryption = tables.Column(get_encrypted_value,
class Meta(object):
name = "volumes"
verbose_name = _("Volumes")
status_columns = ["status"]
row_class = UpdateRow
table_actions = (CreateVolume, AcceptTransfer, DeleteVolume,
launch_actions = (LaunchVolumeNG,)
row_actions = ((EditVolume, ExtendVolume,) +
launch_actions +
(EditAttachments, CreateSnapshot, CreateBackup,
RetypeVolume, UploadToImage, CreateTransfer,
DeleteTransfer, DeleteVolume, UpdateMetadata))
class DetachVolume(tables.BatchAction):
name = "detach"
classes = ('btn-detach',)
policy_rules = (("compute", "os_compute_api:servers:detach_volume"),)
help_text = _("The data will remain in the volume and another instance"
" will be able to access the data if you attach"
" this volume to it.")
action_type = "danger"
def action_present(count):
return npgettext_lazy(
"Action to perform (the volume is currently attached)",
"Detach Volume",
"Detach Volumes",
# This action is asynchronous.
def action_past(count):
return npgettext_lazy(
"Past action (the volume is currently being detached)",
"Detaching Volume",
"Detaching Volumes",
def action(self, request, obj_id):
attachment = self.table.get_object_by_id(obj_id)
attachment.get('server_id', None),
def get_success_url(self, request):
return reverse('horizon:project:volumes:index')
class AttachedInstanceColumn(tables.WrappingColumn):
def get_raw_data(self, attachment):
request = self.table.request
return safestring.mark_safe(get_attachment_name(request, attachment))
class AttachmentsTable(tables.DataTable):
instance = AttachedInstanceColumn(get_attachment_name,
device = tables.Column("device",
def get_object_id(self, obj):
return obj['attachment_id']
def get_object_display(self, attachment):
instance_name = get_attachment_name(self.request, attachment)
vals = {"volume_name": attachment['volume_name'],
"instance_name": html.strip_tags(instance_name)}
return _("Volume %(volume_name)s on instance %(instance_name)s") % vals
def get_object_by_id(self, obj_id):
for obj in self.data:
if obj['attachment_id'] == obj_id:
return obj
raise ValueError('No match found for the id "%s".' % obj_id)
class Meta(object):
name = "attachments"
verbose_name = _("Attachments")
table_actions = (DetachVolume,)
row_actions = (DetachVolume,)
class VolumeMessagesTable(tables.DataTable):
message_id = tables.Column("id", verbose_name=_("ID"))
message_level = tables.Column("message_level",
verbose_name=_("Message Level"))
event_id = tables.Column("event_id",
verbose_name=_("Event Id"))
user_message = tables.Column("user_message",
verbose_name=_("User Message"))
created_at = tables.Column("created_at",
verbose_name=_("Created At"))
guaranteed_until = tables.Column("guaranteed_until",
verbose_name=_("Guaranteed Until"))
class Meta(object):
name = "volume_messages"
verbose_name = _("Messages")