OpenStack Proposal Bot 23e297410a Imported Translations from Zanata
For more information about this automatic import see:

Change-Id: Idaf58de99b11881a31f9f50761561b8cef7ab718
2019-04-21 06:29:38 +00:00

5536 lines
255 KiB

# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2016. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2017. #zanata
# suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: horizon\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-04-20 14:26+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-12-19 08:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: suhartono <cloudsuhartono@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian\n"
"Language: id\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 4.3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
msgid ""
"\"Interfaces\" tab is added to the instance detail page. The new tab shows a "
"list of ports attached to an instance. Users now have an easy way to access "
"the list of ports of the instance and edit security groups per port. In "
"addition, \"Edit Port Security Groups\" menu is added as an action of the "
"instance table."
msgstr ""
"Tab \"Interfaces\" ditambahkan ke halaman detail instance. Tab baru "
"menampilkan daftar port yang melekat pada suatu instance. Pengguna kini "
"memiliki cara mudah untuk mengakses daftar port instance dan mengedit grup "
"keamanan per port. Selain itu, menu \"Edit Port Security Groups\" "
"ditambahkan sebagai aksi tabel instance."
msgid "\"More Actions\", More Better"
msgstr "\"More Actions\", More Better (tambah tindakan, tambah baik)"
msgid "\"Not Authorized\" & Being Logged Out"
msgstr ""
"\"Not Authorized\" & Being Logged Out (tidak berwenang & sedang log out)"
msgid ""
"(For Horizon plugin developers) The AVAIL_CHANGED event of transfer table is "
"removed. It is superseded by event TABLES_CHANGED. The name of AVAIL_CHANGED "
"was misleading because it implicitly and uncontrollably updated the "
"allocated table too. The new event allows independent updates to all four "
"tables. We believe it is safe to remove AVAIL_CHANGED without deprecation "
"because its implementation contained a bug that must have been discovered "
"before if anybody had used it. Anyway possible out-of-tree plugin "
"maintainers are recommended to consume the new event even if your plugins "
"relied on the buggy behavior of AVAIL_CHANGED."
msgstr ""
"(Untuk pengembang plugin Horizon) Peristiwa (event) AVAIL_CHANGED dari tabel "
"transfer akan dihapus. Ini digantikan oleh acara TABLES_CHANGED. Nama "
"AVAIL_CHANGED menyesatkan karena secara implisit dan tak terkendali "
"memperbarui tabel yang dialokasikan juga. Event baru ini memungkinkan "
"pembaruan independen ke keempat tabel. Kami yakin aman untuk menghapus "
"AVAIL_CHANGED tanpa penyesalan karena penerapannya berisi bug yang pasti "
"pernah ditemukan sebelumnya jika ada yang menggunakannya. Semuanya mungkin "
"pengelola plugin dari out-of-tree disarankan untuk mengkonsumsi event baru "
"meskipun plugin Anda bergantung pada perilaku buggy AVAIL_CHANGED."
msgid ""
"(optional) Use the common Angular template as the basis of any Angular pages "
"to minimize boilerplate code and to ensure that we use similar features/"
msgstr ""
"(Opsional) Gunakan common Angular template (template sudut umum) sebagai "
"dasar dari setiap Angular page (halaman sudut) untuk meminimalkan kode "
"boilerplate dan untuk memastikan bahwa kita menggunakan serupa dengan "
msgid "10.0.0"
msgstr "10.0.0"
msgid "10.0.1"
msgstr "10.0.1"
msgid "10.0.2"
msgstr "10.0.2"
msgid "11.0.0"
msgstr "11.0.0"
msgid "11.0.3"
msgstr "11.0.3"
msgid "12.0.0"
msgstr "12.0.0"
msgid "12.0.3"
msgstr "12.0.3"
msgid "13.0.0"
msgstr "13.0.0"
msgid "14.0.0"
msgstr "14.0.0"
msgid "14.0.2"
msgstr "14.0.2"
msgid "8.0.1"
msgstr "8.0.1"
msgid "9.0.0"
msgstr "9.0.0"
msgid "9.1.0"
msgstr "9.1.0"
msgid ""
"A Descriptor concept allows convenient passing of information that can "
"globally identify an object, for use in generic views and actions."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah konsep deskriptif memungkinkan pelewatan informasi nyaman yang secara "
"global dapat mengidentifikasi objek, untuk digunakan dalam penampilkan "
"generik dan tindakan."
msgid ""
"A Details page for a resource type (e.g. Images) may now use the Angular "
"application-level registry to register views so developers may easily create "
"or extend details views. In this implementation these views are presented as "
"tabs within the Details page."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Details page (laman Detail) untuk jenis sumber daya (misal Image) "
"sekarang dapat menggunakan registri Angular application-level (aplikasi-"
"tingkat Sudut) untuk mendaftar tampilan sehingga para pengembang dapat "
"dengan mudah membuat atau memperpanjang detail tampilan. Dalam implementasi "
"ini pandangan ini disajikan sebagai tab dalam Details page (laman Detail)."
msgid ""
"A `thorough set of documentation`_ for developers on how to go about "
"internationalizing, localizing and translating OpenStack projects is now "
msgstr ""
"Sebuah `thorough set of documentation`_ untuk pengembang tentang cara "
"untuk menjalankan internationalizing, localizing and translating proyek "
"OpenStack sekarang tersedia."
msgid ""
"A common complaint from users was that associating a floating IP to an "
"instance involved numerous clicks and form selections for something that the "
"majority of users had no knowledge of and didn't care about. As such, a one-"
"click \"simple\" floating IP association option has been created. For "
"deployments which only have a single floating IP pool, this allows users to "
"ignore explicit floating IP management and just click a button to associate "
"or disassociate a floating IP with an instance."
msgstr ""
"Keluhan umum dari pengguna adalah bahwa menghubungkan (associating) IP "
"mengambang ke sebuah instance melibatkan banyak klik dan bentuk pilihan "
"untuk sesuatu yang mayoritas pengguna tidak memiliki pengetahuan tentang dan "
"tidak peduli hal itu. Dengan demikian, opsi asosiasi IP mengambang\"simple\" "
"one-click telah dibuat. Untuk pengerahan yang hanya memiliki satu pool IP "
"mengambang, ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengabaikan manajemen IP "
"mengambang eksplisit dan hanya klik tombol untuk mengasosiasikan atau "
"memisahkan IP mengambang dengan sebuah instance."
msgid "A couple of long-standing user confusions were fixed in Grizzly."
msgstr "Kebingungan pengguna yang sudah lama ini telah diperbaiki di Grizzly."
msgid ""
"A directive (hz-details) provides the ability to intelligently display a set "
"of views (typically for a Details context)."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah direktif (hz-detail) menyediakan kemampuan untuk secara cerdas "
"menampilkan satu set pandangan ((biasanya untuk Detail konteks)."
msgid ""
"A fledgling OpenStack User Experience Group formed during the Havana cycle "
"with the mission of improving UX throughout OpenStack. They have quickly "
"made themselves indispensable to the process of designing and improving "
"features in the OpenStack Dashboard. Expect significant future improvement "
"in User Experience now that there are dedicated people actively "
"collaborating in the open to raise the bar."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah pemula OpenStack User Experience Group terbentuk selama siklus Havana "
"dengan misi meningkatkan UX seluruh OpenStack. Mereka telah dengan cepat "
"membuat diri mereka sangat diperlukan untuk proses merancang dan "
"meningkatkan fitur di OpenStack Dashboard. Mengharapkan perbaikan masa depan "
"yang signifikan dalam User Experience sekarang dimana ada orang-orang yang "
"berdedikasi aktif berkolaborasi di tempat terbuka untuk menaikkan bar."
msgid ""
"A generic Details display parses the location to determine the resource "
"type, and displays relevant details views for that type."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah Detail generik menampilkan parsing lokasi untuk menentukan tipe "
"sumber daya, dan menampilkan pemandangan rincian yang relevan untuk jenis "
msgid ""
"A malicious user can make the exact same \"unauthorized\" requests via the "
"CLI as they can via the dashboard; no special privileges are granted."
msgstr ""
"Seorang pengguna berbahaya dapat membuat yang sama persis \"tidak sah\" "
"permintaan melalui CLI karena mereka dapat melalui dashboard; tidak ada hak-"
"hak istimewa yang diberikan."
msgid "A new \"Settings\" area was added that offers several useful functions:"
msgstr ""
"Sebuah area \"Settings\" baru telah ditambahkan yang menawarkan beberapa "
"fungsi yang berguna:"
msgid ""
"A new Profiler panel in the Developer dashboard is introduced. It integrates "
"`osprofiler library <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/osprofiler/>`_ into "
"horizon, thus implementing `blueprint openstack-profiler-at-developer-"
"dashboard <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/openstack-profiler-"
"at-developer-dashboard>`_. Initially profiler is disabled. To enable it the "
"value ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['enabled']`` has to be ``True``. This in turn can "
"be achieved by copying files _9030_profiler_settings.py.example and "
"_9030_profiler.py to openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/"
"_9030_profiler_settings.py and openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/"
"_9030_profiler.py respectively. Also, by default it expects MongoDB cluster "
"to be present on the same host where Keystone is located (say, in a Devstack "
"VM). But it also can be configured with params with "
"``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['notifier_connection_string]'`` and "
"``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['receiver_connection_string']`` values. MongoDB should "
"be installed `manually <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-"
"mongodb-on-ubuntu/#install-mongodb-community-edition>`_ and allowed to "
"receive requests on interface."
msgstr ""
"Sebuah panel Profiler baru di dashboard Developer diperkenalkan. Panel "
"tersebut terintegrasi `osprofiler library <http://docs.openstack.org/"
"developer/osprofiler/>`_ ke horizon, sehingga pelaksanaan `blueprint "
"openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/openstack-profiler-at-developer-dashboard>`_. Awalnya profiler "
"dinonaktifkan. Untuk mengaktifkannya nilai ``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['enabled']`` "
"harus ke ``True``. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menyalin files "
"_9030_profiler_settings.py.example dan _9030_profiler.py ke "
"openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.d/_9030_profiler_settings.py dan "
"openstack_dashboard/local/enabled/_9030_profiler.py masing masing. Juga, "
"secara default hal itu mengharapkan cluster MongoDB untuk dihadirkan pada "
"host yang sama dimana Keystone berada (misalnya, dalam Devstack VM). Tetapi "
"juga dapat dikonfigurasi dengan params dengan nilai "
"``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['notifier_connection_string]'`` dan "
"``OPENSTACK_PROFILER['receiver_connection_string']``. MongoDB harus dipasang "
"`manually <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-"
"ubuntu/#install-mongodb-community-edition>`_ dan mengizinkan untuk menerima "
"permintaan dari antarmuka"
msgid ""
"A new setting ``OPENSTACK_INSTANCE_RETRIEVE_IP_ADDRESSES`` was introduced to "
"control whether IP addresses of servers are retrieved from neutron in the "
"project instance table. This setting was introduces to mitigate a "
"performance issue in large deployments and setting this to ``False`` skips "
"the query to neutron. Deployments without floating IP support can set this "
"setting to ``False`` for better performance. For more detail, see [:bug:"
msgstr ""
"Setelan baru ``OPENSTACK_INSTANCE_RETRIEVE_IP_ADDRESSES`` diperkenalkan "
"untuk mengontrol apakah alamat IP server diambil dari neutron di tabel "
"instance proyek. Pengaturan ini diperkenalkan untuk mengurangi masalah "
"kinerja dalam penyebaran besar dan menyetel ini ke ``False`` melewatkan "
"kueri ke neutron. Penyebaran tanpa dukungan floating IP (IP terapung) dapat "
"menyetel setelan ini ke ``False`` untuk kinerja yang lebih baik. Untuk "
"detail lebih lanjut, lihat [:bug:`1722417`]."
msgid ""
"A number of important new OpenStack Networking (Neutron) features are "
"showcased in the Havana release, most notably:"
msgstr ""
"Sejumlah fitur penting OpenStack Jaringan baru (Neutron) dipamerkan dalam "
"rilis Havana, terutama:"
msgid ""
"A number of the \"index\" pages don't fully work with API pagination yet, "
"causing them to only display the first chunk of results returned by the API. "
"This number is often 1000 (as in the case of novaclient results), but does "
"vary somewhat."
msgstr ""
"Sejumlah halaman \"index\" belum sepenuhnya bekerja dengan paginasi API, ini "
"menyebabkan mereka hanya menampilkan potongan pertama hasil yang "
"dikembalikan oleh API. Jumlah ini sering 1000 (seperti dalam kasus hasil "
"novaclient), namun hanya sedikit beragam."
msgid "A shared Django template is now available for use by any Angular page."
msgstr ""
"Template Django berbagi sekarang tersedia untuk digunakan oleh Angular page "
"(laman sudut)."
msgid ""
"A shocking number of the problems first-time deployers of OpenStack have can "
"be summarized as \"I thought I set everything up, then I tried to log into "
"the dashboard and I was immediately logged back out.\" The root cause of "
"this was that in an effort to be as secure as possible any 401 or 403 "
"response from any service API was being treated the same as if it was an "
"attempt to access an unauthorized portion of Horizon, and the user was "
"summarily logged out with little to no information as to why."
msgstr ""
"Sejumlah masalah pertama kali bagi deployers yang mengejutkan di OpenStack "
"telah dapat diringkas sebagai \"Saya pikir saya mengatur segalanya, maka "
"saya mencoba untuk login ke dashboard dan saya langsung log keluar kembali."
"\" Akar penyebab ini adalah bahwa dalam upaya untuk menjadi seaman mungkin "
"setiap tanggapan 401 atau 403 dari layanan API yang sedang diperlakukan sama "
"seolah-olah itu adalah usaha untuk mengakses bagian yang tidak sah dari "
"Horizon, dan ringkasnya pengguna log keluar dengan sedikit atau tidak ada "
"informasi mengapa itu bisa terjadi."
msgid "AJAX form submission for in-place validation."
msgstr "Pengiriman formulir AJAX untuk validasi di tempat (in-place)."
msgid ""
"ANGULAR_FEATURES now allows for a key 'flavors_panel' to be specified as "
"True or False indicating whether the Angular version of the panel is enabled."
msgstr ""
"ANGULAR_FEATURES sekarang memungkinkan untuk 'flavors_panel' kunci yang akan "
"ditentukan sebagai True atau False penunjukan apakah versi Angular panel "
"sedang diaktifkan."
msgid "API call efficiency optimizations."
msgstr "Optimasi efisiensi panggilan API."
msgid ""
"API endpoints are now displayed on the OpenStack RC File panel so they can "
"be organically discovered by an end-user."
msgstr ""
"Endpoints API sekarang ditampilkan pada panel OpenStack RC File sehingga "
"mereka dapat ditemukan secara terautur oleh pengguna akhir (end-user)."
msgid ""
"API errors are generated by external systems not under the purview of our "
"project and while we should attempt to respect and take appropriate action "
"on those errors, we should not do anything drastic or even potentially "
"destructive because of them."
msgstr ""
"Kesalahan API dihasilkan oleh sistem eksternal tidak di bawah lingkup proyek "
"kami dan sementara kami harus berusaha untuk menghormati dan mengambil "
"tindakan yang tepat pada kesalahan-kesalahan, kita tidak harus melakukan "
"sesuatu yang drastis atau bahkan berpotensi merusak karena perbuatan mereka."
msgid "Ability to add exceptions"
msgstr "Kemampuan untuk menambahkan pengecualian"
msgid "Add \"Create Router\" button to Admin/Network/Routers panel."
msgstr "Tambahkan tombol \"Create Router\" ke panel Admin/Network/Routers"
msgid ""
"Add MKS console support. Blueprint can be found at [`<https://blueprints."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan dukungan konsol MKS. Cetak biru dapat ditemukan di[`<https://"
msgid ""
"Add ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND`` manually into "
"``REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS`` on ``local_settings.py``, if your deployment "
"uses Angularized identity panels and needs to enable ``can_edit_*`` settings "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND`` secara manual ke ` "
"`REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS`` pada``local_settings.py``, jika penerapan Anda "
"menggunakan panel identitas yang telah diidentifikasi dan perlu mengaktifkan "
"pengaturan ` `can_edit_ *` ` di ` `OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND``."
msgid ""
"Add a new setting OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE. It defines the default date range in "
"the Overview panel meters - either today minus N days (if the value is "
"integer N), or from the beginning of the current month until today (if set "
"to None). This setting is be used to limit the amount of data fetched by "
"default when rendering the Overview panel. The default value is 1, which "
"differs from the past behaviour, since it caused serious lags on large "
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan OVERVIEW_DAYS_RANGE pengaturan baru. Ini mendefinisikan rentang "
"tanggal default dalam meter panel Ikhtisar - baik hari ini dikurangi N hari "
"(jika nilai bilangan integer N), atau dari awal bulan ini sampai hari ini "
"(jika diatur ke tidak ada). Pengaturan ini digunakan untuk membatasi jumlah "
"data diambil secara default ketika rendering panel Ikhtisar. Nilai default "
"adalah 1, yang berbeda dari perilaku masa lalu, karena itu menyebabkan "
"kelambatan serius pada penyebaran luas."
msgid ""
"Add support for horizon offering a clouds.yaml file for download along with "
"the openrc files. For more information on clouds.yaml, see `os-client-config "
"documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/os-client-config/latest/user/>`__."
msgstr ""
"Tambahkan dukungan untuk horizon yang menawarkan file clouds.yaml untuk "
"download bersama dengan file openrc. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang "
"clouds.yaml, lihat `os-client-config documentation <https://docs.openstack."
"org/os-client-config/latest/user/>` __."
msgid ""
"Added ESLint for JavaScript linting, using the eslint-config-openstack "
"rules. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/jscs-"
"cleanup>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan ESLint untuk JavaScript linting, menggunakan aturan eslint-"
"config-openStack. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/jscs-cleanup>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added Karma for JavaScript testing. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/karma>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan Karma untuk pengujian JavaScript. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/karma>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added Keystone to Keystone (K2K) federation support in Horizon. If Keystone "
"is configured with K2K and has service providers, the list of Keystone "
"providers will appear in a dropdown. In local_settings.py you can optionally "
"set the identity provider display name with ``KEYSTONE_PROVIDER_IDP_NAME`` "
"or set the provider id that is used to compare with the other service "
"providers ``KEYSTONE_PROVIDER_IDP_ID``. [`blueprint k2k-horizon <https://"
msgstr ""
"Federasi Keystone ke Keystone (K2K) yang ditambahkan mendukungan dalam "
"Horizon. Jika Keystone dikonfigurasi dengan K2K dan memiliki provider "
"layanan, daftar provider Keystone akan muncul dalam sebuah dropdown. Dalam "
"local_settings.py anda dapat mengatur nama tampilan provider identitas "
"dengan ``KEYSTONE_PROVIDER_IDP_NAME`` atau mengatur id provider yang "
"digunakan untuk membandingkan dengan penyedia layanan lainnya "
"``KEYSTONE_PROVIDER_IDP_ID``. [`blueprint k2k-horizon <https://blueprints."
msgid ""
"Added a locked status column on admin/project instances table. It will show "
"a locked or unlocked icon if nova API 2.9 or above is used. The locked "
"status is also available on instance details panel."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan kolom status terkunci pada tabel tugas admin / proyek. Ini akan "
"menunjukkan ikon terkunci atau tidak terkunci jika nova API 2.9 atau yang "
"lebih baru digunakan. Status terkunci juga tersedia pada instance panel "
msgid ""
"Added a new ``ANGULAR FEATURES`` dictionary to the settings. This allows "
"simple toggling of new AngularJS features."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan kamus ``ANGULAR FEATURES`` baru ke pengaturan. Hal ini "
"memungkinkan toggling sederhana fitur AngularJS baru."
msgid ""
"Added a new ``DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` setting into local_settings.py. If a "
"value of this is specified, it will be the default region to use when "
"logging into the dashboard, instead of the value stored in cookies."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan setelan `DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` baru ke local_settings.py. "
"Jika nilai ini ditentukan, maka wilayah default akan digunakan saat masuk ke "
"dasbor, daripada nilai tersimpan di cookie."
msgid ""
"Added a new ``create_volume`` setting under the ``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS`` "
"dict. This allows you to set the default value of \"Create Volume\" in "
"\"Launch Instance\" form, when Cinder is available."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan setelan ``create_volume` baru di bawah dict "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS``. Ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan nilai default "
"\"Create Volume\" dalam bentuk \"Launch Instance\", saat Cinder tersedia."
msgid ""
"Added a new ``create_volume`` setting under the ``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS`` "
"dict. This allows you to set the default value of \"Create Volume\", when "
"Cinder is available."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan setelan ``create_volume` baru di bawah dict "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS``. Ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan nilai default "
"\"Create Volume\", saat Cinder tersedia."
msgid ""
"Added a new ``hide_create_volume`` setting under the "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS`` dict. This allows you to hide the \"Create New "
"Volume\" option in the \"Launch Instance\" form and instead rely on the "
"default value you select with ``create_volume`` is the best suitable option "
"for your users."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan pengaturan ``hide_create_volume`` baru di bawah "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS`` dict. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk "
"menyembunyikan opsi \"Create New Volume\" dalam form \"Launch Instance\" "
"dan sebagai gantinya bergantung pada nilai default yang Anda pilih dengan "
"``create_volume`` adalah opsi terbaik yang cocok untuk pengguna Anda."
msgid ""
"Added a new setting CREATE_IMAGE_DEFAULTS(dictionary) to configure the "
"default options shown on create image modal. By default, the visibility "
"option is public on create image modal. If ``image_visibility`` in this "
"setting is set to ``\"private\"``, the default visibility option is private."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan CREATE_IMAGE_DEFAULTS (dictionary) baru untuk "
"mengkonfigurasi opsi default yang ditunjukkan pada pembuatan image modal. "
"Secara default, opsi visibilitas bersifat publik pada pembuatan modal "
"gambar. Jika `` image_visibility`` dalam setting ini diatur ke ``private\" "
"``, opsi visibilitas default bersifat private."
msgid ""
"Added ability to render angular row actions with additional details that "
"explain the purpose of the action. These are rendered as tiles and are meant "
"to depict the next steps a user might want to take for a given resource."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan kemampuan untuk mengubah sudut melalui tindakan beruntun dengan "
"rincian tambahan yang menjelaskan tujuan dari tindakan ini. Sudut ini diubah "
"sebagai tile (ubin) dan dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan langkah selanjutnya "
"pengguna mungkin ingin mengambil untuk sumber daya yang diberikan."
msgid ""
"Added actions to easily associate LBaaS VIP with a floating IP. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/lbaas-vip-fip-associate>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan ditambahkan untuk memudah mengasosiasikan LBaaS VIP dengan IP "
"mengambang. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for data sources. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/allow-editing-of-data-sources>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk sumber data. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"sources>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for job binaries. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/allow-editing-of-job-binaries>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk binari kerjaan. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"binaries>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added editing capabilities for job templates. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-edit-templates>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan editing ditambahkan untuk template kerjaan. Lihat lebih rinci "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/data-processing-edit-"
"templates>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added initial support for database cluster creation and management. Vertica "
"and MongoDB are currently supported. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/database-clustering-support>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan awal untuk pembuatan dan manajemen cluster database . "
"Vertica dan MongoDB yang saat ini didukung. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/database-clustering-support>`__ ."
msgid "Added mapping for Identity Provider and Protocol specific WebSSO."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pemetaan untuk Identity Provider dan Protocol specific WebSSO."
msgid "Added new Trove features."
msgstr "Menambahkan fitur Trove baru."
msgid ""
"Added new setting INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT, default value is `False`. This "
"value is used when running `manage.py compress` command, so by default all "
"static assets and html classes used by integration tests are removed from "
"Horizon production build. Integration tests gate job sets this variable to "
"`True` and recompresses static assets."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT baru, nilai default adalah "
"`FALSE`. Nilai ini digunakan ketika menjalankan perintah `manage.py "
"compress`, sehingga secara default semua aset statis dan kelas html yang "
"digunakan oleh tes integrasi dikeluarkan dari Horizon production build "
"(pembangunan produksi Horizon). Tes integrasi gate job men-set variabel ini "
"ke `TRUE` dan mengkompresi ulang aset statis."
msgid ""
"Added policy support to the angular workflow service so each step in a "
"workflow can specify a policy check that must pass in order for the step to "
"be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan kebijakan untuk layanan alur kerja sudut (angular "
"workflow) sehingga setiap langkah dalam alur kerja dapat menentukan cek "
"kebijakan yang harus lulus agar langkah dapat ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"Added server groups and server group members quota management. Users can "
"specify their values when creating or modifying project information, and "
"users can also change their quota default values on the Admin-> System-> "
"Defaults page."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan grup server dan manajemen kuota anggota grup server. Pengguna "
"dapat menentukan nilainya saat membuat atau memodifikasi informasi proyek, "
"dan pengguna juga dapat mengubah nilai default kuota mereka di halaman Admin-"
"> System-> Defaults."
msgid ""
"Added settings OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_DROPDOWN (boolean) and "
"OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_CHOICES (tuple of tuples) to support a dropdown "
"list of keystone domains to choose from at login. This should NOT be enabled "
"for public clouds, as advertising enabled domains to unauthenticated users "
"irresponsibly exposes private information. This is useful for private clouds "
"that sit behind a corprate firewall and that have a small number of domains "
"mapped to known corporate structures, such as an LDAP directory, Active "
"Directory domains, geopgraphical regions or business units."
msgstr ""
"Setelan yang ditambahkan OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_DROPDOWN (boolean) dan "
"OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DOMAIN_CHOICES (tupel of tupel) untuk mendukung daftar "
"dropdown domain kunci untuk dipilih saat masuk. Ini TIDAK boleh diaktifkan "
"untuk awan publik, karena advertising domain yang aktif untuk pengguna yang "
"tidak berkepentingan tidak bertanggung jawab mengekspos informasi pribadi. "
"Ini berguna untuk awan pribadi yang berada di belakang firewall bawaan dan "
"yang memiliki sejumlah kecil domain yang dipetakan ke corporate structure "
"yang dikenal, seperti direktori LDAP, domain Active Directory, area "
"geopgrafis atau unit bisnis."
msgid ""
"Added settings support to the angular workflow service so each step in a "
"workflow can specify a boolean setting that must pass in order for the step "
"to be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan pengaturan untuk layanan alur kerja sudut (angular "
"workflow) sehingga setiap langkah dalam alur kerja dapat menentukan "
"pengaturan boolean yang harus lulus agar langkah dapat ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"Added support for Swift object copy as one of row actions. Destination "
"container must exist in advance. To avoid overwriting an existing object, "
"you cannot copy an object if a specified destination object already exists."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan dukungan untuk menyalin objek Swift sebagai salah satu aksi "
"baris. Kontainer tujuan harus ada sebelumnya. Untuk menghindari overwriting "
"objek yang ada, Anda tidak dapat menyalin objek jika objek tujuan yang "
"ditentukan sudah ada."
msgid ""
"Added support for managing domains and projects when using Keystone v3. "
"Horizon now maintains a domain scoped token for users who have a role on a "
"domain, a project scoped token for users who have a role on a project, or "
"both a domain scoped token and project scoped token for users who have roles "
"on both."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk mengelola domain dan proyek ketika menggunakan "
"Keystone v3. Horizon sekarang mempertahankan domain-scoped token (token "
"domain-scopes) bagi pengguna yang memiliki peran pada sebuah domain, token "
"project-scoped bagi pengguna yang memiliki peran pada sebuah proyek, atau "
"kedua duanya token domain-scoped dan token project-scoped untuk pengguna "
"yang memiliki peran di kedua."
msgid "Added support for shell job types and multiple Sahara improvements."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk tipe kerja shell dan beberapa perbaikan Sahara."
msgid ""
"Added support for shell job types. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/sahara-shell-action-form>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk tipe kerja shell. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"form>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added support for subnet allocation via subnet pools. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/neutron-subnet-allocation>`__ for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan dukungan untuk alokasi subnet melalui kolam subnet (subnet "
"pool). Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/neutron-subnet-allocation>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Added the Bootstrap Theme Preview panel to the Developer dashboard. This "
"panel contains a list of Bootstrap components with source code, so that "
"developers can see examples of how to structure this code and the effects "
"their theme will have upon it."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan panel Bootstrap Theme Preview ke dashboard Developer. Panel ini "
"berisi daftar komponen Bootstrap dengan kode sumber, sehingga pengembang "
"dapat melihat contoh bagaimana struktur kode ini dan efek tema mereka akan "
"memilikinya. "
msgid ""
"Added the Developer dashboard plugin to contrib. This runs when "
"``DEBUG=True``, and adds tooling to the UI to aid in development."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan plugin dashboard Developer untuk contrib. Ini berjalan ketika `` "
"DEBUG = True``, dan menambahkan perkakas ke UI untuk membantu dalam "
msgid ""
"Added the Django template cached loader, so templates are stored in memory. "
"See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/templates/api/#django.template."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan cache-template-loader Django, sehingga template disimpan dalam "
"memori. Lihat https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/templates/api/"
msgid ""
"Added the LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS setting which allows specifying default "
"values for the Launch Instance workflow. Initially only the Configuration "
"Drive property is supported."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS yang memungkinkan menentukan "
"nilai default untuk alur kerja Launch Instance. Awalnya hanya properti "
"Configuration Drive didukung."
msgid ""
"Added the Metadata tab to the new Launch Instance workflow to allow adding "
"key-value metadata to an instance at launch. This includes any properties "
"from the OS::Nova::Server namespace of the glance metadata definitions."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan tab Metadata untuk alur kerja (workflow) Launch Instance baru "
"untuk memungkinkan menambah key-value metadata ke sebuah instance pada saat "
"peluncuran. Hal ini termasuk properti dari namespace OS::Nova::Server dari "
"definisi metadata glance."
msgid ""
"Added the Scheduler Hints tab to the new Launch Instance workflow to allow "
"adding scheduler hints to an instance at launch. In addition to adding "
"custom key-value pairs, the user can also choose from properties in the "
"glance metadata definitions catalog that have the OS::Nova::Server resource "
"type and scheduler_hints properties target."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan tab Scheduler Hints untuk alur kerja Launch Instance baru untuk "
"memungkinkan menambahkan petunjuk scheduler ke sebuah instance pada saat "
"peluncuran. Selain menambah pasangan key-value kustom, pengguna juga dapat "
"memilih dari properti di katalog definisi metadata glance yang memiliki tipe "
"sumber daya OS::Nova::Server dan target properti scheduler_hints."
msgid "Added the Update Encryption action for encrypted volume types."
msgstr "Ditambahkan tindakan Update Encryption untuk tipe volume terenkripsi."
msgid ""
"Added the ``TOKEN_DELETE_DISABLED`` setting, so that deployers can customise "
"the revocation of a users token on log out."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan pengaturan ``TOKEN_DELETE_DISABLED``, sehingga deployer dapat "
"mengatur pencabutan token pengguna di log out."
msgid ""
"Added the angular extensible service which allows angular horizon elements "
"such as workflows, tables, actions, and forms to be extended dynamically by "
"adding, removing, or replacing items. The extensible service is applied to "
"every workflow created using the horizon workflow service. This includes the "
"angular Launch Instance workflow."
msgstr ""
"Ditambahkan layanan extensible sudut (angular extensible service) yang "
"memungkinkan elemen horizon sudut seperti workflow (alur kerja), table "
"(tabel), action (tindakan), dan bentuk dapat diperluas (extended) secara "
"dinamis dengan penambahan, penghapusan, atau penggantian item. Layanan "
"extensible diterapkan untuk setiap alur kerja yang dibuat menggunakan "
"layanan alur kerja horizon. Ini termasuk alur kerja Launch Instance sudut ."
msgid ""
"Added the way to specify an interface when attaching it to an instance. It "
"can be specified by a network and a fixed IP address (optional) or a port."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan cara untuk menentukan antarmuka saat menghubungkannya ke sebuah "
"instance. Hal ini dapat ditentukan oleh jaringan dan alamat IP tetap "
"(opsional) atau port."
msgid ""
"Added two charts to show the Number of Volumes and Total Volume Storage "
"quotas on launch instance modal when cinder is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan dua grafik untuk menampilkan kuota Number of Volumes dan Total "
"Volume Storage pada peluncuran instance modal saat cinder diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Adds a new config value called IMAGES_ALLOW_LOCATION, which allows users to "
"set locations when creating or updating images. Depending on the Glance "
"version, the ability to set locations is controlled by policies and/or "
"configuration values."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan nilai konfigurasi baru yang disebut IMAGES_ALLOW_LOCATION, yang "
"memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengatur lokasi saat membuat atau memperbarui "
"image. Tergantung pada versi Glance, kemampuan untuk mengatur lokasi "
"dikendalikan oleh kebijakan dan / atau nilai konfigurasi."
msgid ""
"Adds complete support for Glance v2 so that Horizon no longer depends on "
"having a Glance v1 endpoint in the Keystone catalog. Also provides code "
"compatibility between Glance v1 and v2."
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan dukungan lengkap untuk Glance v2 sehingga Horizon tidak lagi "
"tergantung pada kepemilikan endpoint Glance v1 dalam katalog Keystone. Juga "
"menyediakan kompatibilitas kode antara Sekilas v1 dan v2."
msgid ""
"Adds the possibility to redirect the login to an identity provider by "
"default. For that purpose the following variables have been added, "
msgstr ""
"Menambahkan kemungkinan untuk mengalihkan login ke penyedia identitas secara "
"default. Untuk itu, variabel-variabel berikut telah ditambahkan, "
msgid "Admin -> Defaults -> Default Quotas table"
msgstr "Admin -> Defaults -> Default Quotas table"
msgid "Admin -> Defaults -> Update Defaults form"
msgstr "Admin -> Defaults -> Update Defaults form"
msgid ""
"Administrators now have the ability to evacuate hosts off hypervisors which "
"can aid in system maintenance by providing a mechanism to migrate all "
"instances to other hosts."
msgstr ""
"Administrator sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengevakuasi host dari "
"hypervisors yang dapat membantu dalam pemeliharaan sistem dengan menyediakan "
"mekanisme untuk bermigrasi semua instance ke host lain."
msgid ""
"Administrators now have the ability to migrate an instance off of its "
"current host via the Admin dashboard's Instances panel."
msgstr ""
"Administrator sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk bermigrasi sebuah instance "
"dari host saat ini melalui panel Instance di Admin dashboard."
msgid ""
"All AngularJS code must use explicit dependency injection. See https://docs."
msgstr ""
"Semua kode AngularJS harus menggunakan injeksi ketergantungan eksplisit. "
"Lihat https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di#using-strict-dependency-injection"
msgid ""
"All Volume related panels in Horizon that previously used the term \"GB\" "
"and \"gigabyte\" have been replaced with 'GiB' and 'gibibyte'."
msgstr ""
"Semua panel Volume terkait di Horizon yang sebelumnya digunakan istilah \"GB"
"\" dan \"gigabyte\" telah diganti dengan 'GiB' dan 'gibibyte'."
msgid ""
"All instances of HTML class 'd3_pie_chart_usage' to 'pie-chart-usage' All "
"instances of HTML class 'd3_pie_chart_distribution' to 'pie-chart-"
msgstr ""
"Semua instance kelas HTML 'd3_pie_chart_usage' ke 'pie-chart-usage' semua "
"instance kelas HTML 'd3_pie_chart_distribution' ke 'pie-chart-distribusi'"
msgid ""
"All of these provide a richer set of options for controlling where, when and "
"how instances are launched, and improving how they're managed once they're "
"up and running."
msgstr ""
"Semua ini memberikan satu set kaya pilihan untuk mengontrol dimana, kapan "
"dan bagaimana instance yang diluncurkan, dan meningkatkan bagaimana mereka "
"berhasil setelah mereka sudah bangun dan berjalan."
msgid ""
"All previous instances of horizon.alert(...) used by client-side have been "
"replaced with horizon.toast. Alert messages via horizon.alert(...) should be "
"avoided when writing new JavaScript code. horizon.toast.add('error', "
"gettext(...)) should be used instead."
msgstr ""
"Semua instance sebelumnya horizon.alert (...) yang digunakan oleh client-"
"side telah diganti dengan horizon.toast. Pesan peringatan melalui horizon."
"alert (...) harus dihindari saat menulis kode JavaScript baru. horizon.toast."
"add ('error', gettext (...)) harus digunakan sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"Allow external plugins to contribute translations to the Javascript message "
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan plugin eksternal untuk berkontribusi penterjemahan ke katalog "
"pesan Javascript."
msgid "Allow service disable/enable on Hypervisor"
msgstr "Memungkinkan layanan menonaktifkan/mengaktifkan pada Hypervisor"
msgid ""
"Allow to override settings from local_settings.py with file snippets dropped "
"into local_settings.d/ directory."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk menimpa pengaturan dari local_settings.py dengan snippet "
"file dijatuhkan ke direktori local_settings.d /."
msgid "Allowed Hosts"
msgstr "Host yang diizinkan."
msgid ""
"Allows to attach ports during instance launch <https://blueprints.launchpad."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk menghubungkan port selama peluncuran instance <https://"
msgid ""
"Allows to restrict CIDR range for user private network <https://blueprints."
msgstr ""
"Memungkinkan untuk membatasi rentang CIDR untuk pengguna jaringan private "
msgid ""
"Also debuting in Havana is the OpenStack Metering project (Ceilometer). "
"Initial support for Ceilometer is included in Horizon so that it is possible "
"for an administrator to query the usage of the cloud through the OpenStack "
"Dashboard and better understand how the system is functioning and being "
msgstr ""
"Juga memulai debutnya di Havana adalah proyek OpenStack Metering "
"(Ceilometer). Dukungan awal untuk Ceilometer termasuk dalam Horizon sehingga "
"hal ini mungkin untuk administrator untuk menanyakan penggunaan awan melalui "
"OpenStack Dashboard dan lebih memahami bagaimana sistem berfungsi dan "
msgid ""
"Although it's not required, it's best to make your actions return promises "
"with the expected structure."
msgstr ""
"Meskipun tidak diperlukan, hal terbaik untuk membuat tindakan Anda return "
"promise (kembali janji) dengan struktur yang diharapkan."
msgid ""
"An action-result service provides convenience methods for construction of "
"the result, and for parsing of a resolved object"
msgstr ""
"Layanan action-result (tindakan-hasil) menyediakan metode mudah untuk "
"pembangunan hasilnya, dan untuk parsing (penguraian) resolved object (objek "
msgid ""
"An existing feature in Neutron that Horizon now supports is the MAC learning "
msgstr ""
"Fitur yang ada di Neutron dimana Horizon sekarang mendukung adalah MAC "
"learning extension."
msgid ""
"Angular actions now should return a promise that resolves with an object "
"structured in a way to indicate what the action did (or didn't do)."
msgstr ""
"Tindakan Angular sekarang harus return a promise (kembali janji) yang "
"menyelesaikan dengan obyek terstruktur dengan cara untuk menunjukkan apa "
"tindakan telah lakukan (atau belum lakukan)."
msgid ""
"Angular components now exist to provide simple-to- configure panels and "
"tables, based off of registry information about resources (e.g. Instances)."
msgstr ""
"Komponen Angular sekarang sudah menyediakan panel dan tabel konfigurasi "
"sederhana, didasarkan dari informasi registri tentang sumber daya (misal "
msgid "AngularJS table implementation"
msgstr "Pelaksanaan table AngularJS"
msgid ""
"Another addition is support for utilizing and restoring from incremental "
"database backups."
msgstr ""
"Tambahan lain adalah dukungan untuk pemanfaatan dan pemulihan dari backup "
"database yang inkremental."
msgid ""
"Another cool new component is an interface designed for \"browsing\" "
"resources which are nested under a parent resource. The object store (Swift) "
"is a prime example of this. Now there is a consistent top-level navigation "
"for containers on the left-hand pane of the \"browser\" while the right-hand "
"pane lets you explore within those containers and sub-folders."
msgstr ""
"Komponen baru lain yang keren adalah sebuah antarmuka yang dirancang untuk "
"\"browsing\" sumber daya yang bersarang di bawah sumber daya induk. "
"Penyimpanan objek (Swift) adalah contoh utama dari ini. Sekarang ada "
"navigasi top-level yang konsisten untuk kontainer pada left-hand panei "
"dari \"browser\" sementara right-hand pane memberi Anda mengeksplorasi dalam "
"kontainer dan sub-folder mereka."
msgid ""
"Another extremely common user-interface element is the use of \"tabs\" to "
"break down discrete groups of data into manageable chunks. Since these tabs "
"often encompass vastly different data, may have completely different access "
"restrictions, and may sometimes be better-off being loaded dynamically "
"rather than with the initial page load, Horizon includes tab and tab group "
"classes for constructing these interfaces elegantly and with no knowledge of "
"the HTML, CSS or JavaScript involved."
msgstr ""
"Unsur lain user-interface yang sangat umum adalah penggunaan \"tab\" untuk "
"memecah kelompok diskrit data ke dalam potongan dikelola (manageable "
"chunks). Sejak tab ini sering mencakup data yang sangat berbeda, mungkin "
"memiliki pembatasan akses yang sama sekali berbeda, dan kadang-kadang "
"mungkin lebih better-off yang dimuat secara dinamis daripada dengan buka "
"halaman awal, Horizon memasukan tab dan kelompok tab kelas untuk membangun "
"antarmuka ini elegan dan tanpa pengetahuan dari HTML, CSS atau JavaScript "
"yang terlibat."
msgid ""
"Any past use of the Django based Swift UI is no longer supported and the "
"code is being removed. The new angularJS based version should be used "
msgstr ""
"Setiap penggunaan masa lalu dari Swift UI berdasarkan Django tidak lagi "
"didukung dan kode itu sedang dihapus. Versi berbasis AngularJS baru harus "
"digunakan sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"As a result of Admin dashboard reorganization, panel groups of many Admin "
"panels have been changed. Operators who customize Admin panels (for example, "
"disable some Admin panels) through ``enabled`` directory need to update "
"panel groups in ``enabled`` files. Horizon plugin developers and deployers "
"may also need to update panel configurations under ``enabled`` directory to "
"adapt the new Admin menus."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai hasil dari reorganisasi Admin dashboard, kelompok panel dari berapa "
"panel Admin telah diubah. Operator yang menyesuaikan panel Admin (misalnya, "
"menonaktifkan beberapa panel Admin) melalui direktori ``enabled`` perlu "
"memperbarui kelompok panel dalam file ``enabled``. Pengembang dan deployer "
"plugin Horizon juga mungkin perlu memperbarui konfigurasi panel di bawah "
"direktori ``enabled`` untuk beradaptasi menu Admin baru."
msgid ""
"As part of the Horizon team's ongoing efforts to split the repository into "
"more logical pieces, all the 3rd party JavaScript libraries that Horizon "
"depends on have been removed from the Horizon code base and python xstatic "
"packages have been utilized instead. The xstatic format allows for easy "
"consumption by the Django framework Horizon is built on. Now JavaScript "
"libraries are utilized like any other python dependency in Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Sebagai bagian dari upaya tim Horizon untuk membagi repositori menjadi "
"potongan-potongan yang lebih logis, semua perpustakaan JavaScript pihak3 "
"dimana Horizon tergantung padanya telah dihapus dari dasar kode Horizon dan "
"paket Xstatic python telah digunakan sebagai gantinya. Format Xstatic "
"memungkinkan untuk konsumsi mudah oleh Horizon kerangka Django yang dibangun "
"di atas. Sekarang perpustakaan JavaScript dimanfaatkan seperti "
"ketergantungan python lainnya di Horizon."
msgid "Availability zone support."
msgstr "Ketersediaan dukungan zona."
msgid "Backwards Compatibility"
msgstr "Backwards Compatibility (kompatibilitas ke belakang)"
msgid ""
"Beginning with the Icehouse cycle, there is now a requirement for JavaScript "
"support in browsers used with OpenStack Dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Dimulai dengan siklus Icehouse, sekarang ada persyaratan untuk dukungan "
"JavaScript di browser yang digunakan dengan OpenStack Dashboard."
msgid "Better Admin Information Architecture"
msgstr ""
"Better Admin Information Architecture (arsitektur informasi admin lebih baik)"
msgid "Better cross-browser support (Safari and IE particularly)."
msgstr " Dukungan cross-browser lebih baik (Safari dan IE khususnya)."
msgid "Better validation of what actions are permitted when."
msgstr "Validasi tindakan lebih baik jika tindakan dibolehkan."
msgid "Bug Fixes"
msgstr "Perbaikan kerusakan"
msgid ""
"By far the biggest UI/UX change in the Folsom release is the introduction of "
"programmatic workflows. These components allow developers to create concise "
"interactions that combine discrete tasks spanning multiple services and "
"resources in a user-friendly way and with minimal boilerplate code. Within a "
"workflow, related objects can also be dynamically created so users don't "
"lose their place when they realize the item they wanted isn't currently "
"available. Look for examples of these workflows in Launch Instance, "
"Associate Floating IP, and Create/Edit Project."
msgstr ""
"Perubahan UI/UX terbesar di rilis Folsom adalah pengenalan alur kerja "
"program. Komponen-komponen ini memungkinkan pengembang untuk membuat "
"interaksi ringkas yang menggabungkan tugas diskrit mencakup beberapa layanan "
"dan sumber daya dalam cara yang user-friendly dan dengan kode boilerplate "
"minimal. Dalam alur kerja, objek terkait dapat juga dibuat secara dinamis "
"sehingga pengguna tidak kehilangan tempatnya ketika mereka menyadari barang "
"yang mereka inginkan saat ini tidak tersedia. Carilah contoh alur kerja ini "
"di Launch Instance, Associate Floating IP, dan Create/Edit Project."
msgid "Ceilometer"
msgstr "Ceilometer"
msgid ""
"Centralized error handling for vastly improved stability/reliability across "
msgstr ""
"Penanganan kesalahan terpusat untuk stabilitas/kehandalan yang jauh lebih "
"baik seluruh APIs/clients."
msgid "Cinder"
msgstr "Cinder"
msgid ""
"Cinder API v3 is used by default now. It was introduced in Mitaka release "
"and has all features from API v2."
msgstr ""
"Cinder API v3 digunakan secara default sekarang. Ini diperkenalkan dalam "
"rilis Mitaka dan memiliki semua fitur dari API v2."
msgid ""
"Cinder defines storage size in gibibytes (GiB), which is inconsistent with "
"Horizon panels that show/request storage size in gigabytes (GB)."
msgstr ""
"Cinder mendefinisikan ukuran penyimpanan dalam gibibytes (GiB), yang tidak "
"konsisten dengan panel Horizon dimana ukuran penyimpanan show/request "
"(penampilan/permintaan) dalam gigabyte (GB)."
msgid "Cinder v2 by default"
msgstr "Cinder v2 secara default"
msgid "Client library changes:"
msgstr "Perubahan perpustakaan klien:"
msgid ""
"Client-side templating capabilities for more easily creating dynamic "
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan template sisi klien untuk lebih mudah pembuatan interaksi dinamis."
msgid "Cloud Admin - View and manage identity resources across domains"
msgstr ""
"Cloud Admin - View (melihat) dan mengelola sumber daya identitas seluruh "
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Community (komunitas)"
msgid "Completely revamped test suite with comprehensive test data."
msgstr ""
"Rangkaian pengujian perombakan menyeluruh dengan data uji komprehensif."
msgid ""
"Compute images metadata can now be edited from the Project dashboard, using "
"the new metadata editor. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/project-images-metadata>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Metadata image Compute sekarang dapat diedit dari dashboard Project, "
"menggunakan editor metadata baru. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/project-images-metadata>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Configurable token hashing, to disable Horizon from hashing the token passed "
"to the OpenStack services."
msgstr ""
"Configurable token hashing (pengacakan token yang dapat dikonfigurasi), "
"untuk menonaktifkan Horizon dari hashing token passed (pengacakan token "
"diteruskan) ke layanan OpenStack."
msgid "Configurable web root for Horizon beyond just '/'"
msgstr "akar web dikonfigurasi untuk Horizon lebih dari sekadar '/'"
msgid "Conflicting Security Group Names With Neutron"
msgstr ""
"Conflicting Security Group Names With Neutron (pertentangan nama grup "
"keamanan dengan Neutron)"
msgid "Conversion from LESS to SCSS"
msgstr "Conversion from LESS to SCSS"
msgid "Copious amounts of documentation for developers."
msgstr "Jumlah dokumentasi berlebihan untuk pengembang."
msgid ""
"Create from a local file feature is added to both Angular and Django Create "
"Image workflows. It works either in a 'legacy' mode which proxies an image "
"upload through Django, or in a new 'direct' mode, which in turn implements "
"[`blueprint horizon-glance-large-image-upload <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/horizon-glance-large-image-upload>`_]. To use the direct "
"mode HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE setting should be changed to 'direct' value "
"along with changing glance-api.conf cors.allowed_origin parameter to the URL "
"from which Horizon is served."
msgstr ""
"Buat dari fitur file lokal ditambahkan ke kedua alur kerja Angular and "
"Django Create Image. Ia bekerja baik dalam mode 'legacy' (warisan) dimana "
"proxy upload gambar melalui Django, atau dalam mode 'direct' baru, yang pada "
"gilirannya mengimplementasikan [`blueprint horizon-glance-large-image-upload "
"upload>`_]. Untuk menggunakan pengaturan modus langsung "
"HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE harus diubah ke nilai 'direct' bersama dengan "
"mengubah parameter glance-api.conf cors.allowed_origin ke URL dari mana "
"Horizon disajikan."
msgid "Creating Rich Network Topologies"
msgstr "Creating Rich Network Topologies (membuat topologi jaringan kaya)"
msgid "Creating and restoring volume backups"
msgstr "Pembuatan dan pemulihan backup Volume"
msgid "Creation and publication of a set of Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)."
msgstr ""
"Pembuatan dan publikasi dari serangkaian Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)."
msgid "Current Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Current"
msgid "Current limitations on managing identity resources with Keystone v3:"
msgstr ""
"Keterbatasan pada saat ini dalam pengelolaan sumber daya identitas dengan "
"Keystone v3:"
msgid ""
"Custom template tags must have a thread-safe Node implementation to work "
"with the the cached loader. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/howto/"
msgstr ""
"Tag template kustom harus memiliki implementasi Node thread-safe untuk "
"bekerja dengan loader cache. Lihat https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/"
msgid ""
"DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS can now take '*' as a key which serves either as a "
"fallback service region, or the default region if no other keys are set."
msgstr ""
"DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS sekarang dapat mengambil '*' sebagai kunci yang "
"berfungsi sebagai wilayah layanan fallback, atau wilayah default jika tidak "
"ada kunci lain yang ditetapkan."
msgid "DVR (Distributed Virtual Routing)"
msgstr "DVR (Distributed Virtual Routing)"
msgid "Dashboards and Panels"
msgstr "Dashboards and Panels (dasbor dan panel)"
msgid "Data Tables"
msgstr "Data Tables (tabel data)"
msgid "DataTables now support a summation row at the bottom of the table."
msgstr ""
"DataTables sekarang mendukung deretan penjumlahan di bagian bawah Table."
msgid ""
"Database-backed sessions will likely not persist across upgrades due to a "
"change in their structure. See `this <https://github.com/openstack/"
"django_openstack_auth/commit/8c64de92f4148d85704b10ea1f7bc441db2ddfee>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Sesi database-backed (didukung database) kemungkinan besar tidak akan "
"bertahan di upgrade karena perubahan dalam struktur mereka. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://github.com/openstack/django_openstack_auth/"
"commit/8c64de92f4148d85704b10ea1f7bc441db2ddfee>`__ ."
msgid "Default Hypervisor Settings Changes"
msgstr ""
"Default Hypervisor Settings Changes (perubahan pengaturan hypervisor default)"
msgid "Deleting large numbers of resources simultaneously"
msgstr "Penghapusan sejumlah besar sumber daya secara bersamaan"
msgid ""
"Deprecated function fix_auth_url_version is removed from openstack_auth "
"library. fix_auth_url_version_prefix function should be used instead of it."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi deparasi fix_auth_url_version dihapus dari perpustakaan "
"openstack_auth. Fungsi fix_auth_url_version_prefix sebaiknya digunakan "
"sebagai gantinya."
msgid "Deprecation Notes"
msgstr "Catatan deprisiasi"
msgid "Direct Image Upload To Glance"
msgstr "Direct Image Upload To Glance (upload image langsung ke Glance)"
msgid "Disk config extension support"
msgstr "Dukungan ekstensi configurasi disk"
msgid "Display IPMI meters values from Ceilometer"
msgstr "Menampilkan nilai meter IPMI dari Ceilometer"
msgid ""
"Display of Router Rules for routers where they are defined is now supported "
"in Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Tampilan Router Rules untuk router dimana mereka didefinisikan sekarang "
"didukung di Horizon."
msgid "Displaying instance power states."
msgstr "Penampilan status daya instance."
msgid "Django 1.6 Support"
msgstr "Django 1.6 Support (dukungan Django 1.6)"
msgid "Django 1.7 is now supported."
msgstr "Django 1.7 sekarang didukung"
msgid "Django 1.8 is not fully supported yet."
msgstr "Django 1.8 belum sepenuhnya didukung."
msgid ""
"Django 1.8 is now supported, and Django 1.7 is our minimum supported version."
msgstr ""
"Django 1.8 sekarang didukung, dan Django 1.7 menjadi versi minimum didukung "
msgid ""
"Django 1.8 is now supported, and Django 1.7 is our minimum supported "
"version. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/drop-"
"django14-support>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Django 1.8 sekarang didukung, dan Django 1.7 adalah versi minimum didukung "
"kami. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/drop-django14-support>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Django 2.0 support is added as experimental. Support for Django 1.10 or "
"older releases is dropped. Django 1.11 (LTS) is still the primary supported "
"Django version."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan Django 2.0 ditambahkan sebagai eksperimental. Dukungan untuk Django "
"1.10 atau rilis yang lebih lama dihapus. Django 1.11 (LTS) masih merupakan "
"versi Django utama yang didukung."
msgid "Django versions 1.4 - 1.6 are now supported by Horizon."
msgstr "Django versions 1.4 - 1.6 sekarang didukung oleh Horizon."
msgid ""
"Do not redirect to the /identity tab admin users on login. Now `user_home` "
"config options works in the same way for all users. [`bug/1778006 <https://"
msgstr ""
"Jangan redirect ke / tab identity pengguna admin saat login. Sekarang opsi "
"konfigurasi `user_home` bekerja dengan cara yang sama untuk semua pengguna. "
"[`bug/1778006 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/1778006>`_]"
msgid "Docs, docs, and more docs!"
msgstr "Dokumen, dokumen, dan dokumen lagi !"
msgid "Does not support hierarchical project management."
msgstr "Tidak mendukung manajemen proyek hirarkis."
msgid "Does not support project admins managing Keystone projects."
msgstr "Tidak mendukung admin proyek mengelola proyek Keystone."
msgid ""
"Does not support role assignments across domains, such as giving a user in "
"domain1 access to domain2."
msgstr ""
"Tidak mendukung penetapan peran di seluruh domain, seperti memberikan "
"pengguna di domain1 akses ke domain2."
msgid ""
"Domain Admin - View and manage identity resources in the domain logged in"
msgstr ""
"Domain Admin - View (melihat) dan mengelola sumber daya identitas dalam "
"domain login"
msgid "Domain management supports the following use cases:"
msgstr "Manajemen domain mendukung kasus penggunaan berikut:"
msgid "Domains, Groups, and More: Keystone v3 API Support"
msgstr ""
"Domains, Groups, and More: Keystone v3 API Support (domain, grup, dan "
"lainnya: dukungan Keystone v3 API)"
msgid ""
"Download buttons for OpenStack RC files have been added to the user dropdown "
"menu in the top right of Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Tombol download untuk file OpenStack RC telah ditambahkan ke menu dropdown "
"pengguna di kanan atas Horizon."
msgid ""
"Due to outcry from various parties, and made possible by improvements in the "
"Python community's support for LESS, Horizon has removed all traces of "
"NodeJS from the project. We now use the ``lesscpy`` module to compile our "
"LESS into the final stylesheets. This should not affect most users in any "
"way, but it should make life easier for downstream distributions and the "
msgstr ""
"Karena protes dari berbagai pihak, dan dimungkinkan oleh perbaikan dalam "
"dukungan masyarakat Python untuk LESS, Horizon telah menghapus semua jejak "
"NodeJS dari proyek. Kami sekarang menggunakan modul ``lesscpy`` untuk "
"mengkompilasi kami LESS ke stylesheet akhir. Hal ini seharusnya tidak "
"mempengaruhi sebagian besar pengguna dengan cara apapun, tetapi harus "
"membuat hidup lebih mudah untuk distribusi hilir dan sejenisnya."
msgid ""
"Due to several Quantum features landing very late in the Grizzly cycle, it "
"is not possible to create particularly complex networking configurations "
"through the OpenStack Dashboard. These features will continue to grow "
"throughout future releases."
msgstr ""
"Karena beberapa Quantum fitur mendarat (landing) sangat terlambat dalam "
"siklus Grizzly, hal ini tidak mungkin untuk membuat konfigurasi jaringan "
"yang sangat kompleks melalui OpenStack Dashboard. Fitur-fitur ini akan terus "
"tumbuh sepanjang rilis mendatang."
msgid ""
"Due to the mechanisms by which Keystone determines \"admin\"-ness for a "
"user, an admin user interacting with the \"Project\" dashboard may see some "
"inconsistent behavior such as all resources being listed instead of only "
"those belonging to that project, or only being able to return to the \"Admin"
"\" dashboard while accessing certain projects."
msgstr ""
"Karena mekanisme Keystone menentukan \"admin\" -ness untuk pengguna, "
"pengguna admin yang berinteraksi dengan dasbor \"Project\" dapat melihat "
"beberapa perilaku tidak konsisten seperti semua sumber daya tercantum "
"bukannya hanya mereka yang termasuk proyek itu, atau hanya dapat kembali "
"menjadi ke dasbor \"Admin\" pada saat pengaksesan proyek tertentu."
msgid ""
"Due to the very late addition of floating IP support in Quantum, Nova's "
"integration there is lacking, so floating IP-related API calls to Nova will "
"fail when your OpenStack deployment uses Quantum for networking. This means "
"that Horizon actions such as \"allocate\" and \"associate\" floating IPs "
"will not work either since they rely on the underlying APIs."
msgstr ""
"Karena penambahan sangat terlambat dari dukungan floating IP di Quantum, "
"integrasi Nova menadi berkurang, sehingga panggilan API IP-related yang "
"mengambang dengan Nova akan gagal ketika pengerahan OpenStack Anda "
"menggunakan Quantum untuk jaringan. Ini berarti bahwa tindakan Horizon "
"seperti IP mengambang \"allocate\" dan \"associate\" tidak akan bekerja "
"baik karena mereka bergantung pada API yang mendasarinya."
msgid ""
"Due to the way that Nova handles flavor editing/replacement it is necessary "
"to delete the old flavor before creating the replacement flavor. As such, if "
"an API error occurs while creating the replacement it is possible to lose "
"the old flavor without the new one being created."
msgstr ""
"Karena cara Nova menangani editing/penanganan flavor, hal ini memerlukan "
"penghapusan flavor lama sebelum membuat flavor pengganti. Dengan demikian, "
"jika kesalahan API terjadi pada saat membuat penggantian, hal ini mungkin "
"terjadi kehilangan flavor lama tanpa pembuatan flavor baru."
msgid ""
"During the Essex release cycle, Horizon underwent a significant set of "
"internal changes to allow extensibility and customization while also adding "
"a significant number of new features and bringing much greater stability to "
"every interaction with the underlying components."
msgstr ""
"Selama siklus rilis Essex, Horizon menjalani serangkaian signifikan dari "
"perubahan internal untuk memungkinkan diperpanjang dan kustomisasi, "
"sementara juga menambahkan sejumlah besar fitur baru dan membawa stabilitas "
"yang lebih besar untuk setiap interaksi dengan komponen yang mendasari."
msgid ""
"During the Grizzly cycle we started holding a weekly project meeting on IRC. "
"This has been extremely beneficial for the growth and progress of the "
"project. Check out the `OpenStack Meetings wiki page`_ for specifics."
msgstr ""
"Selama siklus Grizzly kami mulai mengadakan pertemuan proyek mingguan di "
"IRC. Ini telah sangat bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan dan kemajuan proyek. "
"Periksalah `OpenStack Rapat wiki page`_ untuk spesifik."
msgid "EC2 credentials download."
msgstr "Men-download credential EC2"
msgid "Editable and interactive network topology visualizations."
msgstr "Visualisasi topologi jaringan yang dapat diedit dan interaktif"
msgid "Editable default quotas."
msgstr "Kuota bawaan yang dapat diedit."
msgid "Editing a Flavor Which Results In An API Error Will Delete The Flavor"
msgstr ""
"Editing a Flavor Which Results In An API Error Will Delete The Flavor "
"(mengedit flavor yang dihasilkan dari kesalahan API akan menghapus flavor). "
msgid ""
"Editing flavors is deprecated and may be removed from the 'R' cycle onwards."
msgstr ""
"Mengedit flavor sudah usang dan mungkin dikeluarkan dari siklus 'R' dan "
msgid "Emit the `hzTable:clearSelected` event to clear table row selections."
msgstr ""
"Memancarkan kejadian `hzTable:clearSelected` untuk membersihkan pilihan "
"baris tabel."
msgid ""
"Empowered by changes to the Keystone API, users can now change their own "
"passwords without the need to involve an administrator. This is more secure "
"and takes the hassle out of things for everyone."
msgstr ""
"Diberdayakan oleh perubahan Keystone API, pengguna dapat mengubah password "
"mereka sendiri tanpa perlu melibatkan administrator. Ini lebih aman dan "
"menghilangkan kerumitan untuk semua orang."
msgid ""
"Enabled support for migrating volumes. See `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-migration>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Aktifkan dukungan untuk migrasi volume. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-migration>`__ ."
msgid "Enabling Keystone and Neutron Features"
msgstr "Mengaktifkan fitur Keystone dan Neutron"
msgid "Enabling resetting the state of a snapshot"
msgstr "Pengaktifan pengaturan ulang keadaan snapshot"
msgid "Enabling resetting the state of a volume"
msgstr "Pengaktifan pengaturan ulang keadaan volume"
msgid "Enhanced RBAC support"
msgstr "Dukungan RBAC ditingkatkan"
msgid "Enhanced plugin support for javasciprt, SCSS and Django template."
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan dukungan plugin untuk javascript, SCSS dan template Django."
msgid "Essex Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Essex Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Essex)"
msgid "Exceptions during customization"
msgstr "Pengecualian selama kustomisasi"
msgid ""
"Exceptions raised while overriding built-in Horizon behavior via the "
"\"customization_module\" setting may trigger a bug in the error handling "
"which will mask the original exception."
msgstr ""
"Pengecualian timbul ketika pengesampingan perilaku built-in Horizon melalui "
"pengaturan \"customization_module\" dapat memicu bug dalam penanganan "
"kesalahan yang akan menutupi pengecualian sesuatu yang asli."
msgid "Expose serial console"
msgstr "Paparan konsol serial"
msgid ""
"Exposed event log for clusters. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/sahara-event-log>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Log kejadian terekspos untuk cluster. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/sahara-event-log>`__ ."
msgid "Extensibility"
msgstr "Extensibility (perpanjangan)"
msgid "Extensible Enhancements"
msgstr "Extensible Enhancements"
msgid ""
"FWaaS dashboard is now split out into a separate project ``neutron-fwaas-"
"dashboard``. All new features and maintenances are provided from the new "
"project from now on. The new project provides all features available in "
"Horizon in the past release. To continue to use FWaaS dashboard, install "
"``neutron-fwaas-dashboard`` and set up the horizon plugin configuration file "
"in ``enabled`` directory. For more information, see `neutron-fwaas-dashboard "
"documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/neutron-fwaas-dashboard/latest/"
msgstr ""
"Dashboard FWaaS sekarang terbagi menjadi proyek terpisah ``neutron-fwaas-"
"dashboard``. Semua fitur dan perawatan baru disediakan dari proyek baru "
"mulai sekarang. Proyek baru ini menyediakan semua fitur yang ada di Horizon "
"dalam rilis sebelumnya. Untuk terus menggunakan dasbor FWaaS, pasang "
"``neutron-fwaas-dashboard`` dan atur file konfigurasi plugin horizon di "
"direktori ``enabled``. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat `neutron-fwaas-"
"dashboard documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/neutron-fwaas-dashboard/"
msgid "Fewer API calls to OpenStack endpoints (improves performance)."
msgstr ""
"Lebih sedikit panggilan API untuk endpoint OpenStack (meningkatkan kinerja)."
msgid "Firewall as a Service."
msgstr "Firewall sebagai Service."
msgid ""
"First off, the API Access panel (containing a user's API endpoints, rc "
"files, and EC2 credentials) was moved from Settings to the Access & Security "
"section of the Project dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Pertama, panel API Access (berisikan endpoint pengguna API, file rc, dan "
"kredensial EC2) dipindahkan dari Settings ke bagian Access & Security dari "
"dasbor Project."
msgid ""
"Fix an error on image description field when it is changed in the "
"Angularized panel [:bug: `1779879`]"
msgstr ""
"Perbaiki kesalahan pada bidang deskripsi gambar ketika diubah di panel "
"Angularized [:bug: `1779879`]"
msgid ""
"Fixed a bug where non-admin users would be shown the \"Change Password\" "
"button for users listed under the Identity panel."
msgstr ""
"Memperbaiki bug di mana pengguna non-admin akan ditampilkan tombol \"Change "
"Password\" untuk pengguna yang terdaftar di bawah panel Identity."
msgid "Fixing ordering issues"
msgstr "Perbaikan masalah pengurutan"
msgid "Flavor Extra Specs Support"
msgstr "Flavor Extra Specs Support (dukungan spesifikasi tambahan flavor)"
msgid "Flavor editing was made significantly more stable."
msgstr "Editing flavor dibuat secara nyata lebih stabil."
msgid ""
"Floating IP addresses have a description field that is now exposed in the "
"dashboard. It is also possible to set the description when allocating a "
"floating IP."
msgstr ""
"Alamat IP mengambang memiliki field deskripsi yang sekarang terbuka di "
"dasbor. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk menetapkan deskripsi saat "
"mengalokasikan IP mengambang."
msgid ""
"Floating IP can be released when it is disassociated from a server. "
"\"Release Floating IP\" checkbox is now available in \"Disassociate Floating "
"IP\" form."
msgstr ""
"IP mengambang dapat dilepaskan ketika dipisahkan dari server. Kotak "
"\"Release Floating IP\" sekarang tersedia dalam form \"Disassociate "
"Floating IP\"."
msgid "Floating IPs and Quantum"
msgstr "Floating IPs and Quantum (IP mengambang dan Quantum)"
msgid "Folsom Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Folsom Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Folsom)"
msgid ""
"For a non-malicious user these errors are almost 100% the result of "
"misconfiguration and this makes debugging possible."
msgstr ""
"Untuk pengguna non-malicious, kesalahan ini hampir 100% hasil dari kesalahan "
"konfigurasi dan ini membuat debugging layak."
msgid ""
"For more information see `OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES setting <https://"
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat `OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES setting "
msgid ""
"For more information see `Pluggable Settings <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Untuk informasi lebih lanjut lihat `Pluggable Settings <https://docs."
msgid ""
"For production deployments of Horizon you must add the ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` "
"setting to your ``local_settings.py`` file. This setting was added in Django "
"1.5 and is an important security feature. For more information on it please "
"consult the ``local_settings.py.example`` file or Django's documentation."
msgstr ""
"Untuk pengerahan produksi Horizon Anda harus menambahkan pengaturan "
"``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` ke file ``local_settings.py`` Anda. Pengaturan ini "
"ditambahkan dalam Django 1.5 dan fitur keamanan penting. Untuk informasi "
"lebih lanjut tentang hal itu silahkan baca file ``local_settings.py."
"example`` atau dokumentasi Django."
msgid ""
"Forward-compatibility with Django 1.4 and the option of cookie-based "
msgstr "Forward-compatibility dengan Django 1.4 dan opsi sesi berbasis cookie."
msgid "Frontend overhaul to use the Bootstrap CSS/JS framework."
msgstr ""
"Pemeriksaan menyeluruh Frontend menggunakan framework Bootstrap CSS/JS."
msgid ""
"Full migration to python-novaclient from the deprecated openstackx library."
msgstr "Migrasi penuh ke python-novaclient dari perpustakaan openstackx usang"
msgid "Full security group and quota parity between Neutron and Nova network."
msgstr ""
"Kelompok keamanan penuh dan paritas kuota antara Neutron dan jaringan Nova."
msgid ""
"Full support for translation in AngularJS, along with simpler tooling. See "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angular-translate-"
"makemessages>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan penuh untuk terjemahan dalam AngularJS, bersama dengan tool (alat) "
"sederhana. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-translate-makemessages>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Fullscreen Modals have been deprecated in favor of modal-xl. Currently, it "
"is set to 95% of the viewable screen width."
msgstr ""
"Fullscreen Modals telah usang dalam mendukung modal-xl. Saat ini, sudah "
"diatur untuk 95% dari lebar layar yang terlihat."
msgid ""
"Gives end-users the ability to create and delete ports in their networks. "
"The functionality will be implemented into the project network details "
"table. Following the discussions in the bug discussion. This functionality "
"will be enabled/disabled via policy. Blueprint can be found at [`blueprint "
"network-ports-tenant <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/network-"
"ports-tenant>`_] Bug can be found at [`bug 1399252 <https://bugs.launchpad."
msgstr ""
"Berikan end-user kemampuan untuk membuat dan menghapus port di jaringan "
"mereka. Fungsi tersebut akan diimplementasikan ke dalam tabel rincian "
"jaringan proyek. Setelah diskusi dalam diskusi bug. Fungsi ini akan "
"diaktifkan/dinonaktifkan melalui kebijakan. Blueprint dapat ditemukan di "
"[`blueprint network-ports-tenant <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/network-ports-tenant>`_] Bug can be found at [`bug 1399252 <https://"
msgid "Glance"
msgstr "Glance"
msgid "Glance image types are now configurable."
msgstr "Tipe image Glance sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi."
msgid ""
"Glance v2 doesn't support the copy-from feature, so this feature is disabled "
"in Horizon when using Glance v2."
msgstr ""
"Glance v2 tidak mendukung fitur copy-from, sehingga fitur ini dinonaktifkan "
"dalam Horizon saat menggunakan Glance v2."
msgid ""
"Going forward the user will not be logged out, but no information will be "
"populated on the page and they will be presented with error messages "
"informing them that they are unauthorized for the data they attempted to "
msgstr ""
"Ke depan pengguna tidak akan log out, tetapi tidak ada informasi akan diisi "
"pada halaman dan mereka akan disajikan dengan pesan kesalahan "
"menginformasikan mereka bahwa mereka tidak sah untuk data mereka berusaha "
"untuk akses."
msgid "Grizzly Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Grizzly Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Grizzly)"
msgid ""
"HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD setting is deprecated and should be gradually "
"replaced with HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE setting."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD sudah ditinggalkan dan harus diganti "
"secara bertahap dengan pengaturan HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE."
msgid ""
"Hardcoded admin role is replaced with RBAC policy check in panels. Now users "
"access to the panels is defined by policies and not user roles. The change "
"affected the Admin dashboard and its panels (Overview, Hypervisors, "
"Instances and Metadata Definitions)."
msgstr ""
"Peran admin Hardcoded diganti dengan cek kebijakan RBAC di panel. Sekarang "
"akses pengguna ke panel didefinisikan oleh kebijakan dan bukan peran "
"pengguna. Perubahan mempengaruhi dashboard Admin dan panel nya (Ikhtisar, "
"Hypervisor, Instance dan Metadata Definisi)."
msgid "Havana Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Havana Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Havana)"
msgid "Heat"
msgstr "Heat"
msgid ""
"Heat dashboard is now split out into a separate project ``heat-dashboard``. "
"All new features and maintenances are provided from the new project from now "
"on. The new project provides all features available in Horizon in the past "
"release. To continue to use heat dashboard, install ``heat-dashboard`` and "
"set up the horizon plugin configuration file in ``enabled`` directory. For "
"more information, see ``heat-dashboard`` documentation https://docs."
msgstr ""
"Dasbor Heat sekarang terbelah menjadi proyek terpisah ``heat-dashboard``. "
"Semua fitur dan perawatan baru disediakan dari proyek baru mulai sekarang. "
"Proyek baru ini menyediakan semua fitur yang ada di Horizon dalam rilis "
"sebelumnya. Untuk terus menggunakan dasbor heat, pasang ``heat-dashboard`` "
"dan atur file konfigurasi plugin horizon di direktori ``enabled``. Untuk "
"informasi lebih lanjut, baca dokumentasi ``heat-dashboard`` https://docs."
msgid "Heat topology improvements."
msgstr "Perbaikan topologi heat."
msgid "Highlights"
msgstr "Highlights (sorotan)"
msgid "Horizon Release Notes"
msgstr "Horizon Release Notes (catatan rilis Horizon)"
msgid ""
"Horizon and Horizon Plugins can access the Keystone Token from JavaScript so "
"that they can make CORS calls directly to other OpenStack Services. This can "
"enable much more responsive UI."
msgstr ""
"Horizon dan Horizon Plugins dapat mengakses Keystone Token dari JavaScript "
"sehingga mereka dapat membuat panggilan CORS langsung ke Layanan OpenStack "
"lainnya. Ini dapat memungkinkan jauh lebih responsif UI."
msgid ""
"Horizon can be configured to run with multiple themes available at run "
"time. A new selection widget is available through the user menu. It uses a "
"browser cookie to allow users to toggle between the configured themes. By "
"default, Horizon is configured with the two themes available, 'default' and "
msgstr ""
"Horizon dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menjalankan dengan beberapa tema yang "
"tersedia pada waktu berjalan. Sebuah widget pilihan baru tersedia melalui "
"menu pengguna. Menggunakan cookie browser untuk menizinkan pengguna untuk "
"toggle (beralih) antar tema dikonfigurasi. Secara default, Horizon "
"dikonfigurasi dengan dua tema yang tersedia, 'default' dan 'material'."
msgid ""
"Horizon currently supports both Angular 1.3.x and Angular 1.4.x, but will "
"remove 1.3 support in the future. See `Migrating from 1.3 to 1.4 <https://"
msgstr ""
"Horizon saat ini mendukung Angular 1.3.x dan Angular 1.4.x, tetapi akan "
"menghapus dukungan 1,3 di masa depan. Lihat `Migrating from 1.3 to 1.4 "
msgid ""
"Horizon has added support for administrators to query Ceilometer and view a "
"daily usage report per project across services through the OpenStack "
"Dashboard to better understand how system resources are being consumed by "
"individual projects."
msgstr ""
"Horizon telah menambahkan dukungan administrator untuk query Ceilometer dan "
"melihat laporan penggunaan sehari-hari per proyek di seluruh layanan melalui "
"OpenStack Dashboard untuk lebih memahami bagaimana sumber daya sistem yang "
"dikonsumsi oleh masing-masing proyek."
msgid ""
"Horizon has been updated under the hood to use this method, which should "
"bring it better into line with how most deployments are using their object "
msgstr ""
"Horizon telah diperbarui di bawah tenda (hood) untuk menggunakan metode ini, "
"yang harus membawa lebih baik sejalan dengan bagaimana kebanyakan pengerahan "
"menggunakan penyimpanan objek mereka."
msgid ""
"Horizon has begun the transition to using the other OpenStack projects' "
"``policy.json`` files to enforce access controls in the dashboard if the "
"files are provided. This means access controls are more configurable and can "
"be kept in sync between the originating project and Horizon. Currently this "
"is only supported for Keystone and parts of Nova's policy files. Full "
"support will come in the next release. You will need to set the "
"``POLICY_FILES_PATH`` and ``POLICY_FILES`` settings in order to enable this "
msgstr ""
"Horizon telah memulai transisi ke penggunaan file ``policy.json`` proyek "
"OpenStack lain untuk menegakkan kontrol akses di dasbor jika file ini "
"disediakan. Ini berarti kontrol akses menjadi lebih terkonfigurasi dan dapat "
"disimpan dalam sinkronisasi antara proyek yang berasal dan Horizon. Saat ini "
"Horizon hanya didukung untuk Keystone dan bagian dari file kebijakan Nova. "
"Dukungan penuh akan datang pada rilis berikutnya. Anda akan perlu mengatur "
"``POLICY_FILES_PATH`` dan pengaturan ``POLICY_FILES`` untuk mengaktifkan "
"fitur ini."
msgid ""
"Horizon is updated to use the same API policy target rules with Nova, if you "
"made any changes to Horizon's old nova policy file before, make sure to "
"apply your specific policy changes to the new Nova policy file used by "
msgstr ""
"Horizon diperbarui untuk menggunakan aturan sasaran kebijakan API yang sama "
"dengan Nova, jika Anda membuat perubahan ke file kebijakan nova lama milik "
"Horizon sebelumnya, pastikan untuk menerapkan perubahan kebijakan khusus "
"Anda ke file kebijakan baru Nova yang digunakan oleh Horizon."
msgid "Horizon no longer requires Magic Search as an external dependency."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi memerlukan Magic Search sebagai ketergantungan eksternal."
msgid ""
"Horizon no longer requires Nova (or Glance) to function; it will run as long "
"as keystone is present (for instance, swift-only deployments)."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi memerlukan Nova (atau Glance) untuk berfungsi; itu akan "
"berjalan selama keystone hadir (misalnya, swift-only deployment)."
msgid ""
"Horizon no longer uses QUnit in testing, and it has been removed from our "
"requirements. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"replace-qunit-tests-with-jasmine>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Horizon tidak lagi menggunakan QUnit dalam pengujian, dan telah dihapus dari "
"persyaratan kami. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/replace-qunit-tests-with-jasmine>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Horizon now boasts dynamic loading/disabling of dashboards, panel groups and "
"panels. By merely adding a file in the ``enabled`` directory, the selection "
"of items loaded into Horizon can be altered. Editing the Django settings "
"file is no longer required."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang menawarkan pemuatan/menonaktifkan dashboard dinamis, grup "
"panel dan panel. Hanya dengan menambahkan sebuah file di direktori "
"``enabled``, pemilihan item yang dimuat ke Horizon dapat diubah. Pengeditan "
"file pengaturan Django tidak lagi diperlukan."
msgid ""
"Horizon now has a (non-navigational) route in Django so generic details "
"pages are deep-linked."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang memiliki rute (non-navigasi) di Django sehingga halaman "
"rincian generik menjadi deep-linked (dalam-sambungan)."
msgid ""
"Horizon now has multiple configuration options for the default web URL "
"(``WEBROOT``), static file location (``STATIC_ROOT``) and static file URL "
"(``STATIC_URL``) in its settings files."
msgstr ""
"Horizon kini memiliki beberapa pilihan konfigurasi untuk URL web default "
"(bawaan) (``WEBROOT``), lokasi file statis (``STATIC_ROOT``) dan URL file "
"statis (``STATIC_URL``) dalam file pengaturannya."
msgid ""
"Horizon now provides a Wizard control to complete multi-step interdependent "
"tasks. This is now utilized in the create network action."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang menyediakan kontrol Wizard untuk menyelesaikan multi-step "
"tugas yang saling bergantung. Ini sekarang digunakan dalam aksi pembuatan "
msgid ""
"Horizon now supports overriding of existing Django templates. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-theme-templates>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang mendukung utama dari template Django yang ada. Lihat lebih "
"rinci 'this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-theme-"
"templates>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Horizon now supports running integration tests against a working devstack "
"system. There is a limited test suite, but this a great step forward and "
"allows full integration testing."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sekarang mendukung tes integrasi berjalan terhadap sistem devstack "
"bekerja. Ada suite pengujian yang terbatas, tapi ini langkah besar ke depan "
"dan memungkinkan pengujian integrasi penuh."
msgid ""
"Horizon provides support for these new features with the Juno release. These "
"features provide much greater flexibility in specifying software defined "
msgstr ""
"Horizon menyediakan dukungan untuk fitur baru dengan rilis Juno. Fitur ini "
"memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar dalam menentukan jaringan lunak "
"yang didefinisikan."
msgid ""
"Horizon requires both a ``volume`` and ``volumev2`` endpoint for Cinder, "
"even if only using v2."
msgstr ""
"Horizon membutuhkan baik endpoint ``volume`` maupun ``volumev2`` untuk "
"cinder, bahkan jika hanya menggunakan v2."
msgid ""
"Horizon support for network IP availability feature. Enable Horizon admin "
"network dashboard to be able to display IP availability. Enables 2 columns "
"in the admin network subnets table to display the allocated IPs in a given "
"subnet and unallocated free IPs for each subnet in the network."
msgstr ""
"Horizon mendukung fitur ketersediaan IP jaringan. Aktifkan dashboard "
"jaringan admin Horizon supaya dapat menampilkan ketersediaan IP. Aktifkan 2 "
"kolom di tabel subnet jaringan admin untuk menampilkan IP dialokasikan dalam "
"subnet yang ada dan IP bebas tidak dialokasikan untuk setiap subnet dalam "
msgid ""
"Horizon workflow Step now support allowed() method to determine the step "
"should be displayed conditionally. The workflow Step class already support "
"policy check and permission mechanism to decide the step should be "
"displayed, but allowed() is used to support more complex or dynamic "
msgstr ""
"Horizon workflow Step sekarang mendukung metode allowed() untuk menentukan "
"langkah yang harus ditampilkan secara kondisional. Workflow Step class "
"sudah mendukung policy check dan permission mechanism untuk menentukan "
"langkah yang harus ditampilkan, namun allowed() digunakan untuk menunjang "
"kondisi yang lebih kompleks atau dinamis."
msgid ""
"Horizon's structure has been divided into logical groupings called "
"dashboards and panels. Horizon's classes representing these concepts handle "
"all the structural concerns associated with building a complete user "
"interface (navigation, access control, url structure, etc.)."
msgstr ""
"Struktur Horizon telah dibagi ke dalam kelompok logis disebut dashboard dan "
"panel. Kelas Horizon yang mewakili konsep-konsep ini menangani semua "
"kekhawatiran struktural yang terkait dengan membangun antarmuka pengguna "
"lengkap (navigasi, kontrol akses, struktur url, dll)."
msgid "Hundreds of bugfixes and minor user experience improvements."
msgstr "Perbaikan ratusan perbaikan bug dan pengalaman pengguna minor."
msgid "HyperV Console Support"
msgstr "HyperV Console Support (dukungan konsol HyperV)"
msgid "IPv6 subnet modes"
msgstr "modus subnet IPv6"
msgid "IRC Meeting"
msgstr "IRC Meeting (pertemuan chat IRC)"
msgid "Icehouse Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Icehouse Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Icehouse)"
msgid "Icons!"
msgstr "Icons! (ikon)"
msgid "Identity -> Projects -> Modify Quotas form"
msgstr "Identity -> Projects -> Modify Quotas form"
msgid ""
"If the 'default' theme is still required for legacy overrides to function, "
"simply copy the styles in the 'default' theme into a pre-existing theme or "
"create a new custom theme."
msgstr ""
"Jika theme 'default' masih diperlukan untuk menimpa legacy (peninggalan) "
"supaya berfungsi, maka hanya menyalin style (gaya) dalam theme 'default' "
"menjadi tema pre-existing (sudah ada) atau membuat tema kustom baru."
msgid ""
"If you have existing configurations for the ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND`` "
"or ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` settings, you will want to consult the "
"``local_settings.example.py`` file for information on the new options that "
"have been added. Existing configurations will continue to work, but may not "
"have the correct keys to enable some of the new features in Havana."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda memiliki konfigurasi yang ada untuk ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND`` "
"atau pengaturan ``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK``, Anda akan ingin berkonsultasi "
"dengan file ``local_settings.example.py`` untuk informasi tentang pilihan "
"baru yang telah ditambahkan. Konfigurasi yang ada akan terus bekerja, "
"tetapi tidak memiliki tombol yang benar untuk mengaktifkan beberapa fitur "
"baru di Havana."
msgid ""
"If you set 'images_panel' to False for the ANGULAR_FEATURES option (which is "
"not the default) and configure Horizon to use Glance v2, Ramdisk ID and "
"Kernel ID don't show properly on the \"Edit Image\" screen."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda mengatur 'images_panel' ke False untuk opsi ANGULAR_FEATURES (yang "
"tidak default) dan mengkonfigurasi Horizon untuk menggunakan Glance v2, "
"Ramdisk ID dan Kernel ID tidak ditampilkan dengan benar pada layar \"Edit "
"Image\" ."
msgid ""
"If you use a health monitoring service that pings the home page combined "
"with a database-backed session backend you may experience excessive session "
"creation. This issue is slated to be fixed soon, but in the interim the "
"recommended solution is to write a periodic job that deletes expired "
"sessions from your session store on a regular basis."
msgstr ""
"Jika Anda menggunakan layanan pemantauan kesehatan dengan melakukan ping ke "
"home page yang dikombinasikan dengan dukungan sesi database-backed dimana "
"Anda mungkin mengalami pembuatan sesi berlebihan. Masalah ini dijadwalkan "
"untuk segera diperbaiki, tetapi untuk sementara solusi yang dianjurkan "
"adalah menulis pekerjaan periodik yang menghapus sesi kedaluwarsa dari "
"penyimpanan sesi Anda secara teratur."
msgid ""
"If your deployment doesn't have Cinder API v3 endpoint like ``volumev3`` you "
"should create new endpoint or use Cinder API v2 via setting "
"OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS['volume'] = 2 in your OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "
"configuration file."
msgstr ""
"Jika penyebaran Anda tidak memiliki endpoint API Cinder API seperti "
"``volumev3`` Anda harus membuat endpoint yang baru atau menggunakan API "
"Cinder v2 melalui pengaturan OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS ['volume'] = 2 di file "
"konfigurasi OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) Anda."
msgid "Image metadata editor upgraded."
msgstr "Editor metadata image di-upgrade."
msgid ""
"Images can now be added to Glance by providing a URL for Glance to download "
"the image data from."
msgstr ""
"Image sekarang dapat ditambahkan ke Glance dengan menyediakan URL untuk "
"Glance yang men-download data image."
msgid ""
"Implements the \"filter first\" functionality for identity panels such as "
"projects, users, groups and roles. The filter first functionality is "
"described in <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/admin-views-"
msgstr ""
"Mengimplementasikan \"filter first\" secara fungsional untuk panel identitas "
"seperti proyek, pengguna (user), kelompok dan peran (role). Filter first "
"secara fungsional dijelaskan dalam <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgid "Improved Messaging To Users On Logout"
msgstr ""
"Improved Messaging To Users On Logout (perbaikan pesan ke pengguna di logout)"
msgid "Improved Nova instance display and interactions, including:"
msgstr ""
"Interaksi dan penampilan instance Nova yang telah ditingkatkan, termasuk:"
msgid "Improved Plugin Support"
msgstr "Improved Plugin Support (ditingkatkan dukungan plugin)"
msgid "Improved Translatability"
msgstr "Improved Translatability"
msgid "Improved WebSSO support."
msgstr "Dukungan WebSSO ditingkatkan."
msgid "Improved boot-from-volume support."
msgstr "Peningkatan dukungan boot-from-volume."
msgid "Improved client/server search"
msgstr "Peningkatan pencarian client/server"
msgid "Improved error handling and error messages."
msgstr "Peningkatan penanganan kesalahan dan pesan kesalahan."
msgid "Improved in-context help for forms (tooltips and validation messages)."
msgstr ""
"Bantuan dalam konteks (in-context) peningkatan untuk formulir (tooltips dan "
"pesan validasi)."
msgid "Improved region support."
msgstr "Peningkatan dukungan daerah."
msgid "Improved support for managing host aggregates and availability zones"
msgstr ""
"Peningkatan dukungan untuk mengelola agregat host dan zona ketersediaan"
msgid "Improved unicode support for the Object Storage panels."
msgstr "Peningkatan dukungan unicode untuk panel Object Storage."
msgid ""
"Improvements to the heat topology, making more resources identifiable where "
"previously they had no icons and were displayed as unknown resources. See "
"`this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/heat-topology-display-"
"improvement>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan topologi heat, membuat lebih banyak sumber daya teridentifikasi "
"dimana waktu sebelumnya mereka tidak punya ikon dan ditampilkan sebagai "
"sumber yang tidak diketahui. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/heat-topology-display-improvement>`__ ."
msgid ""
"In Folsom, Nova added support for \"extra specs\" on flavors--additional "
"metadata which custom schedulers could use for appropriately scheduling "
"instances. As of the Grizzly release, Horizon now supports reading and "
"writing that data on any flavor."
msgstr ""
"Di Folsom, Nova menambahkan dukungan untuk \"extra specs\" pada flavors--"
"additional metadata dimana penjadwal kustom dapat digunakan secara tepat "
"penjadwalan instance. Pada rilis Grizzly, Horizon sekarang mendukung "
"pembacaraan dan penulisan data pada flavor apapun."
msgid ""
"In Grizzly this has all been reworked to be significantly simpler, and to "
"provide as much contextual help and streamlining as possible."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Grizzly ini semua telah dikerjakan ulang secara signifikan lebih "
"sederhana, dan untuk menyediakan sebanyak mungkin bantuan kontekstual dan "
"sederhana (streamlining)."
msgid ""
"In Grizzly we have instead chosen to improve this by treating service API "
"401 and 403 errors as slightly less severe than unauthorized access attempts "
"to restricted areas of Horizon. The reason for this is threefold:"
msgstr ""
"Dalam Grizzly bukannya kita telah memilih untuk memperbaiki ini dengan "
"pengurangan kesalahan 401 dan 403 layanan API sedikit kurang parah daripada "
"upaya akses tidak sah ke daerah terlarang dari Horizon. Alasan untuk ini "
"adalah tiga:"
msgid ""
"In Icehouse, Horizon delivers support for updating existing Heat stacks. Now "
"stacks that have already been deployed can be adjusted and redeployed. The "
"updated template is also validated when updated. Additionally, support for "
"adding environment files was included."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Icehouse, Horizon memberikan dukungan untuk memperbarui tumpukan Heat "
"yang ada. Sekarang tumpukan yang telah dikerahkan dapat disesuaikan dan "
"didistribusikan. Template yang diperbarui juga divalidasi ketika diperbarui. "
"Selain itu, dukungan untuk menambahkan file lingkungan dimasukan."
msgid ""
"In Juno, Glance introduced the ability to manage a catalog of metadata "
"definitions where users can register the metadata definitions to be used on "
"various resource types including images, volumes, aggregates, and flavors. "
"Support for viewing and editing the assignment of these metadata tags is "
"included in Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Di Juno, Glance memperkenalkan kemampuan untuk mengelola katalog definisi "
"metadata dimana pengguna dapat mendaftar definisi metadata untuk digunakan "
"pada berbagai jenis sumber daya termasuk image, volume, agregat, dan flavor. "
"Dukungan untuk melihat dan mengedit penugasan tag metadata ini termasuk "
"dalam Horizon."
msgid ""
"In Juno, Horizon transitioned to utilizing Bootstrap v3. Horizon had been "
"pinned to an older version of Bootstrap for several releases. This change "
"now allows Horizon to pick up numerous bug fixes and overall improvements in "
"the Bootstrap framework. The look and feel remains mainly consistent with "
"the Icehouse release."
msgstr ""
"Dalam Juno, Horizon dialihkan ke memanfaatkan Bootstrap v3. Horizon telah "
"disematkan ke versi lama dari Bootstrap selama beberapa rilis. Perubahan ini "
"sekarang memungkinkan Horizon untuk mengambil berbagai perbaikan bug dan "
"perbaikan secara keseluruhan dalam rangka Bootstrap. Tampilan dan nuansa "
"masih tetap terutama konsisten dengan rilis Icehouse."
msgid ""
"In a continued effort to provide more complete API support, several "
"additional features of the Cinder API are now supported in Horizon in the "
"Juno release."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya terus untuk memberikan dukungan API yang lebih lengkap, beberapa "
"fitur tambahan dari Cinder API kini didukung di Horizon di rilis Juno."
msgid ""
"In a move to provide a better user experience, Horizon has adopted AngularJS "
"as the primary JavaScript framework. JavaScript is now a browser requirement "
"to run the Horizon interface. More to come in Juno."
msgstr ""
"Dalam sebuah langkah untuk memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang lebih baik, "
"Horizon telah mengadopsi AngularJS sebagai kerangka JavaScript utama. "
"JavaScript sekarang menjadi persyaratan browser untuk menjalankan antarmuka "
"Horizon. Lebih lagi kedatangan Juno."
msgid ""
"In an effort to establish Angular conventions, use the framework's "
"toastService rather than the legacy horizon.alert(...) in client-side code. "
"horizon.alert is still used by the django messaging framework, so horizon."
"messages.js still exists."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya untuk membangun konvensi sudut (Angular), menggunakan kerangka "
"toastService ini daripada horizon.alert (...) warisan dalam kode client-"
"side. Horizon.alert masih digunakan oleh kerangka pesan Django, sehingga "
"horizon.messages.js masih ada."
msgid ""
"In an effort to improve the translations for Horizon, updates to remove "
"concatenations and better handle tense were made."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan terjemahan untuk Horizon, tindakan update "
"untuk menghapus rangkaian (concatenation) dan penanganan tensis (tense) yang "
"lebih baik telah dibuat."
msgid ""
"In an effort to make the dashboard more at-a-glance usable, we've added "
"icons to most of the common action buttons throughout the dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya untuk membuat dashboard yang lebih at-a-glance yang dapat "
"digunakan, kami telah menambahkan ikon untuk sebagian besar tombol tindakan "
"umum di seluruh dashboard."
msgid ""
"In an effort to standarize our HTML class naming conventions, we will be "
"updating various class names to use dashes, instead of underscore or "
"camelcasing, to match with Bootstrap's convention."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya untuk membakukan konvensi penamaan kelas HTML, kami akan "
"memperbarui berbagai nama kelas untuk menggunakan tanda hubung (dash), bukan "
"garis bawah (underscore) atau casing unta (camelcasing), untuk mencocokkan "
"dengan konvensi Bootstrap ini."
msgid ""
"In an ongoing effort to implement Role Based Access Support throughout "
"Horizon, access controls were added in the OpenStack Volume (Cinder) related "
"panels. Utilization of the Cinder v2 API is now a supported option in the "
"Icehouse release. The ability to extend volumes is now available as well."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya berkelanjutan untuk menerapkan Role Based Access Support seluruh "
"Horizon, kontrol akses ditambahkan dalam OpenStack Volume (Cinder) panel "
"terkait. Pemanfaatan Cinder v2 API saat ini merupakan pilihan yang didukung "
"dalam rilis Icehouse. Kemampuan untuk memperluas volume sekarang tersedia "
msgid ""
"In an ongoing effort to support richer role based access control (RBAC) in "
"Horizon, the views for several more services were enhanced with RBAC checks "
"to determine user access to actions. The newly supported services are "
"compute, network and orchestration. These changes allow operators to "
"implement finer grained access control than just \"member\" and \"admin\"."
msgstr ""
"Dalam upaya berkelanjutan untuk dukungan peran yang lebih kaya kontrol akses "
"berbasis (RBAC) di Horizon, penampilan beberapa layanan ditingkatkan dengan "
"pemeriksaan RBAC untuk menentukan akses pengguna ke tindakan. Layanan baru "
"yang didukung adalah komputasi, jaringan dan orkestrasi. Perubahan ini "
"memungkinkan operator untuk menerapkan kontrol akses yang lebih halus "
"berbutir (finer grained access control) dari pada sekedar \"member\" dan "
msgid ""
"In conjunction with the previous item, the dashboard-specific template "
"blocks (e.g. ``nova_main``, ``syspanel_main``, etc.) have been removed in "
"favor of a single ``main`` template block."
msgstr ""
"Dalam hubungannya dengan item sebelumnya, blok template dashboard-specific "
"(e.g. ``nova_main``, ``syspanel_main``, etc.) telah dihapus menjadi satu "
"blok template ``main``."
msgid ""
"In terms of APIs provided for extending Horizon, there are a handful of "
"backwards-incompatible changes that were made:"
msgstr ""
"Dalam hal API tersedia untuk memperluas Horizon, ada beberapa perubahan "
"backwards-incompatible yang dibuat:"
msgid ""
"Inline Edit functionality for Horizon tables is now deprecated and will be "
"removed in Horizon P (12.0) The functionality was removed from the following "
"tables. Admin Volume Types table, Admin Metadata Definitions table, Identity "
"Projects table and Identity Users table"
msgstr ""
"Fungsi Inline Edit untuk tabel Horizon sekarang usang dan akan dihapus di "
"Horizon P (12,0). Fungsi itu dihapus dari tabel berikut. Tabel Admin Volume "
"Types, tabel Admin Metadata Definitions, tabel Identity Projectsdan tabel "
"Identity Users"
msgid "Inline Table Editing"
msgstr "Inline Table Editing"
msgid ""
"Instance metadata can be updated (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgstr ""
"Metadata instance dapat diperbarui (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid "Instance resizing."
msgstr "Mengubah ukuran instance."
msgid "Instance shelving and unshelving now supported."
msgstr "Peletakan (shelving) dan unshelving sekarang didukung."
msgid "Integration Test Framework"
msgstr "Integration Test Framework (kerangka tes integrasi)"
msgid ""
"Integration tests for Flavor features may also be toggled in "
"openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests/horizon.conf using the "
"'panel_type' feature in the 'flavors' setting, either set to 'legacy' or "
"'angular' to match the enabled panel type."
msgstr ""
"Tes integrasi untuk fitur Flavor juga dapat toggle di openstack_dashboard/"
"test/integration_tests/horizon.conf menggunakan fitur 'panel_type' dalam "
"pengaturan 'flavors', baik diatur untuk 'legacy' ataupun 'angular' untuk "
"mencocokkan tipe panel diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Integration tests for Image features may also be toggled in "
"openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests/horizon.conf using the "
"'panel_type' feature, either set to 'legacy' or 'angular' to match the "
"enabled panel type."
msgstr ""
"Tes integrasi untuk fitur Image juga dapat toggled (digeser) di "
"openstack_dashboard/test/integration_tests/horizon.conf menggunakan fitur "
"'panel_type', baik diatur untuk 'legacy' ataupun 'angular' untuk mencocokkan "
"tipe panel diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Internationalization fully enabled, with all strings marked for translation."
msgstr ""
"Internasionalisasi sepenuhnya diaktifkan, dengan semua string yang ditandai "
"untuk penterjemahan."
msgid ""
"Internationalization of client-side JavaScript is now possible in addition "
"to server-side Python code."
msgstr ""
"Internasionalisasi client-side JavaScript sekarang menjadi mungkin selain "
"kode Python server-side."
msgid ""
"It is no longer necessary to include the version suffix into "
"OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL setting. Thanks to a recent update of django-"
"openstack-auth library as of 2.3.0 release, Horizon will append the proper "
"version suffix to the URL based on the value stored inside "
"OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS['identity'] setting."
msgstr ""
"Hal ini tidak lagi diperlukan untuk menyertakan version suffix (akhiran "
"versi) ke pengaturan OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL. Berkat update terbaru dari "
"perpustakaan django-openStack-auth pada rilis 2.3.0, Horizon akan "
"menambahkan akhiran versi yang tepat untuk URL berdasarkan nilai yang "
"tersimpan di dalam pengaturan OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS ['identitas']."
msgid ""
"It is now possible (though there are numerous deployment/security "
"implications) to upload an image file directly from a user's hard disk to "
"Glance through Horizon. For multi-GB images it is still strongly recommended "
"that the upload be done using the Glance CLI. Further improvements to this "
"feature will come in future releases."
msgstr ""
" (Meskipun ada banyak implikasi pengerahan/keamanan), suatu hal mungkin "
"terjadi seksrang untuk meng-upload file image langsung dari hard disk "
"pengguna ke Glance melalui Horizon. Untuk multi-GB image, hal ini masih "
"sangat disarankan bahwa upload dilakukan dengan menggunakan Glance CLI. "
"Perbaikan lebih lanjut untuk fitur ini akan datang dalam rilis mendatang."
msgid "JavaScript"
msgstr "JavaScript"
msgid "JavaScript Libraries Extracted"
msgstr "JavaScript Libraries Extracted"
msgid "JavaScript can now access the Keystone Token."
msgstr "JavaScript sekarang dapat mengakses Keystone Token."
msgid ""
"JavaScript files are now automatically included. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"JavaScript files are now automatically included. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/auto-js-file-finding>`__ for more "
msgid "Juno Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Juno Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Juno)"
msgid "Key New Features"
msgstr "Key New Features "
msgid "Keystone"
msgstr "Keystone"
msgid ""
"Keystone authentication is now handled by a proper pluggable Django "
"authentication backend, offering significantly better and more reliable "
"security for Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Otentikasi Keystone kini ditangani oleh backend otentikasi Django pluggable "
"yang tepat, menawarkan keamanan secara nyata lebih baik dan lebih dapat "
"diandalkan untuk Horizon."
msgid "Kilo Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Kilo Series Release Notes (catatan rilis seri Kilo)"
msgid "Known Issues"
msgstr "Isu Dikenal"
msgid "Known Issues and Limitations"
msgstr "Known Issues and Limitations (masalah umum dan keterbatasan)"
msgid "L3 HA support"
msgstr "Dukungan L3 HA"
msgid ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard has been removed. LBaaS v1 feature was removed from "
"neutron-lbaas in Newton, but LBaaS v1 dashboard in Horizon has been kept "
"only for backward compatibility in Newton release so that operators can "
"upgrade Horizon first. Note that the Dashboard support for LBaaS v2 is "
"provided as a Horizon plugin via `neutron-lbaas-dashboard project <http://"
msgstr ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard telah dihapus. LBaaS v1 feature telah dihapus dari "
"neutron-lbaas di Newton, tetapi LBaaS v1 dashboard di Horizon telah disimpan "
"hanya untuk kompatibilitas dalam rilis Newton sehingga operator dapat meng-"
"upgrade Horizon pertama. Perhatikan bahwa dukungan Dashboard untuk LBaaS v2 "
"disediakan sebagai plugin Horizon melalui `neutron-lbaas-dashboard project "
msgid ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard is now deprecated and will be removed in Ocata release. "
"LBaaS v1 feature was removed from neutron-lbaas in Ocata and this "
"functionality in Horizon is only for backward compatibility so that "
"operators can upgrade Horizon first. Note that the Dashboard support for "
"LBaaS v2 is provided as a Horizon plugin via `neutron-lbaas-dashboard "
"project <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard/"
msgstr ""
"LBaaS v1 dashboard is now deprecated and will be removed in Ocata release. "
"LBaaS v1 feature was removed from neutron-lbaas in Ocata and this "
"functionality in Horizon is only for backward compatibility so that "
"operators can upgrade Horizon first. Note that the Dashboard support for "
"LBaaS v2 is provided as a Horizon plugin via `neutron-lbaas-dashboard "
"project <http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-lbaas-dashboard/"
msgid ""
"LP-1585682 is fixed which grants Horizon the ability to properly version "
"Keystone webpath endpoints (URLs like http://<hostip>/identity instead of "
msgstr ""
"LP-1585682 is fixed which grants Horizon the ability to properly version "
"Keystone webpath endpoints (URLs like http://<hostip>/identity instead of "
msgid ""
"Large amounts of new documentation was added during the Grizzly cycle, most "
"notably are sections documenting: all of the available settings for Horizon "
"and the OpenStack Dashboard; security and deployment considerations; and "
"deeper guides on customizing the OpenStack Dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Jumlah besar dokumentasi baru ditambahkan selama siklus Grizzly, terutama "
"adalah bagian mendokumentasikan: semua pengaturan yang tersedia untuk "
"Horizon dan OpenStack Dashboard; pertimbangan keamanan dan pengerahan; dan "
"panduan lebih dalam tentang kustomisasi OpenStack Dashboard."
msgid ""
"Launch Instance Wizard (beta) -- A full replacement for the launch instance "
"workflow has been implemented in AngularJS to address usability issues in "
"the existing launch instance workflow. Due to the late inclusion date and "
"limited testing, this feature is marked as beta for Kilo and not enabled by "
"default. To use the new workflow, the following change to local_settings.py "
"is required: ``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_NG_ENABLED = True``. Additionally, you can "
"disable the default launch instance wizard with the following: "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_LEGACY_ENABLED = False``. This new work is a view into "
"future development in Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Peluncuran Instance Wizard (beta) - Sebuah penggantian penuh untuk alur "
"kerja instance peluncuran telah dilaksanakan di AngularJS untuk mengatasi "
"masalah kegunaan dalam alur kerja instance peluncuran yang ada. Karena "
"tanggal inklusi terlambat dan pengujian terbatas, fitur ini ditandai sebagai "
"beta untuk Kilo dan tidak diaktifkan secara default. Untuk menggunakan alur "
"kerja baru, perubahan berikut untuk local_settings.py diperlukan: "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_NG_ENABLED = True``. Selain itu, Anda dapat menonaktifkan "
"wizard instance peluncuran standar dengan berikut: "
"``LAUNCH_INSTANCE_LEGACY_ENABLED = False``. Kerja baru ini adalah penampilan "
"pengembangan masa depan di Horizon."
msgid "Launching instances from volumes."
msgstr "Peluncuran instance dari volume."
msgid "Legacy Dashboard Names & Code Separation"
msgstr ""
"Legacy Dashboard Names & Code Separation (nama dashboard warisan & pemisahan "
msgid "Less Complicated LESS Compilation: No More NodeJS"
msgstr "Less Complicated LESS Compilation: No More NodeJS "
msgid ""
"Leveraging enhancements to Identity API v3 (Keystone), users can now change "
"their own passwords without the need to involve an administrator. This "
"functionality was previously only available with Identity API v2.0."
msgstr ""
"Pemanfaatan perangkat tambahan untuk Identity API v3 (Keystone), pengguna "
"dapat mengubah password mereka sendiri tanpa perlu melibatkan administrator. "
"Fungsi ini sebelumnya hanya tersedia dengan Identitas API v2.0."
msgid "Liberty Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Liberty"
msgid "Live Migration Support"
msgstr "Live Migration Support (dukungan migrasi hidup)"
msgid "Loadbalancer Feature"
msgstr "Loadbalancer Feature (fitur penyeimbang beban)"
msgid ""
"Logout now attempts to delete the token(s) associated with the current "
"session to avoid replay attacks, etc."
msgstr ""
"Logout sekarang berusaha untuk menghapus token terkait dengan sesi saat ini "
"untuk menghindari serangan replay, dll"
msgid ""
"Lots of feedback came in that the \"more actions\" dropdown menu (for tables "
"with numerous actions available on each row) was confusing to new users and/"
"or difficult to click."
msgstr ""
"Banyak umpan balik datang bahwa menu dropdown \"more actions\" (untuk tabel "
"dengan berbagai tindakan yang tersedia pada setiap baris) membingungkan "
"untuk pengguna baru dan/atau sulit untuk klik."
msgid "Made the Angular Launch Instance workflow the default in Horizon."
msgstr "Membuat alur kerja Angular Launch Instance default di Horizon."
msgid ""
"Making Horizon extensible for third-party developers was one of the core "
"goals for the Essex release cycle. Massive strides have been made to allow "
"for the addition of new \"plug-in\" components and customization of "
"OpenStack Dashboard deployments."
msgstr ""
"Pembuatan Horizon extensible untuk pengembang pihak ketiga adalah salah satu "
"tujuan inti untuk siklus rilis Essex. Langkah besar telah dibuat untuk "
"memungkinkan penambahan komponen \"plug-in\" baru dan kustomisasi pengerahan "
"OpenStack Dashboard."
msgid ""
"Making Keystone Tokens available to JavaScript slightly increases the risk "
"of a Token being captured. If you don't need this functionality, it can be "
"disabled by setting the following option in your local_settings: "
msgstr ""
"Membuat Keystone Token tersedia untuk JavaScript sedikit meningkatkan risiko "
"Token ditangkap. Jika Anda tidak membutuhkan fungsi ini, hal ini dapat "
"dinonaktifkan dengan menetapkan opsi berikut di local_settings: "
msgid ""
"Managed/Unmanaged volume support -- allows admin to manage existing volumes "
"not managed by cinder, as well as unmanage volumes"
msgstr ""
"Dukungan volume yang dikelola/tidak dikelola - memungkinkan admin untuk "
"mengelola volume yang ada tidak dikelola oleh Cinder, serta tidak mengelola "
msgid ""
"Many JavaScript files and most notably the base page template (``horizon/"
"templates/base.html``) have moved from the framework portion of the repo "
"(``horizon``) to the application side (``openstack_dashboard``) to better "
"separate the framework from the application."
msgstr ""
"Many JavaScript files and most notably the base page template (``horizon/"
"templates/base.html``) have moved from the framework portion of the repo "
"(``horizon``) to the application side (``openstack_dashboard``) to better "
"separate the framework from the application."
msgid ""
"Many Javascript files have moved to new locations in the horizon/lib static "
"folder. Previously the locations of some files were hard-coded but now the "
"locations are determined automatically based on the xstatic package name."
msgstr ""
"Banyak file Javascript telah pindah ke lokasi baru di folder statis horizon/"
"lib . Sebelumnya lokasi dari beberapa file merupakan hard-coded tapi "
"sekarang lokasi ditentukan secara otomatis berdasarkan nama paket xstatic."
msgid "Many of Horizons XStatic packages were updated during this cycle."
msgstr "Banyak paket Horizons XStatic diperbarui selama siklus ini."
msgid ""
"Many, many other bugfixes and improvements. Check out Launchpad for the full "
"list of what went on in Grizzly."
msgstr ""
"Banyak, banyak perbaikan bug dan perbaikan lainnya. Periksa Launchpad pada "
"daftar lengkap apa yang terjadi di Grizzly."
msgid "Menu follows the search input position as the user adds more facets"
msgstr ""
"Menu mengikuti posisi input pencarian sebagai pengguna menambahkan lebih "
msgid "Migrate Instance"
msgstr "Migrate Instance (memigrasikan instance)"
msgid "Migrate all instances from host"
msgstr "Bermigrasi semua instance dari host"
msgid ""
"Migration to python-keystoneclient from the deprecated keystone portion of "
"the python-novaclient library."
msgstr ""
"Migrasi ke python-keystoneclient dari bagian keystone usang dari "
"perpustakaan python-novaclient."
msgid "Mitaka Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Mitaka"
msgid "Modal interactions throughout the entire UI."
msgstr "Interaksi modal di seluruh UI."
msgid "Modal sizes now inherit from Bootstrap's theme variables."
msgstr "Ukuran modal sekarang mewarisi dari variabel tema Bootstrap."
msgid ""
"Modal sizes now inherit their value from theme variables. Two additional "
"sizes are available now for use in Horizon, extra to the standard 3 sizes of "
"Bootstrap Modals, modal-xs and modal-xl."
msgstr ""
"Ukuran modal sekarang mewarisi nilai mereka dari variabel tema. Dua ukuran "
"tambahan tersedia sekarang untuk digunakan dalam Horizon, tambahan untuk "
"standar 3 ukuran Bootstrap Modal, modal-xs dan modal-xl."
msgid ""
"Moreover, a better separation was created between code related to the core "
"Horizon framework code (which is not related to OpenStack specifically) and "
"the OpenStack Dashboard code. At this point *all* code related to OpenStack "
"lives in the OpenStack Dashboard directory, while the Horizon framework is "
"completely agnostic and is a reusable Django app."
msgstr ""
"Selain itu, pemisahan yang lebih baik dibuat antara kode yang berhubungan "
"dengan inti Horizon kode kerangka (yang tidak berhubungan dengan OpenStack "
"khusus) dan kode OpenStack Dashboard. Pada titik ini *all* kode yang terkait "
"dengan OpenStack tinggal di direktori OpenStack Dashboard, sedangkan "
"kerangka Horizon benar-benar agnostik dan dapat digunakan kembali aplikasi "
msgid ""
"Most of the documentation has been reorganised and updated, or rewritten "
"entirely, with the aim of promoting discoverability and ensuring all content "
"is relevant and up to date."
msgstr ""
"Sebagian besar dokumentasi telah direorganisasi dan diperbarui, atau ditulis "
"ulang seluruhnya, dengan tujuan untuk mempromosikan kemampuan untuk "
"menemukan dan memastikan semua konten relevan dan terbaru."
msgid ""
"Move OpenStack Dashboard Swift panel rendering logic to client-side using "
"AngularJS for significant usability improvements."
msgstr ""
"Pindahkan panel OpenStack Dashboard Swift rendering logic (logika analisa) "
"untuk client-side (sisi klien) menggunakan AngularJS untuk perbaikan "
"kegunaan yang signifikan."
msgid "Multi-Domain Cross Service Support"
msgstr "Multi-Domain Cross Service Support"
msgid "Networking"
msgstr "Networking (jaringan)"
msgid "Networking (Quantum)"
msgstr "Networking (Quantum)"
msgid "Neutron"
msgstr "Neutron"
msgid "Neutron Features"
msgstr "Neutron Features (fitur Neutron)"
msgid "Neutron L3 HA"
msgstr "Neutron L3 HA"
msgid "Neutron added several new features in Juno, including:"
msgstr "Neutron menambahkan beberapa fitur baru di Juno, termasuk:"
msgid "Neutron network type for Geneve tunneling protocol is now supported."
msgstr ""
"Tipe jaringan Neutron untuk protokol tunneling Geneve didukung sekarang."
msgid ""
"Neutron provider network configuration now becomes more flexible so that "
"operators can configure various provider network parameters including new "
"network type, segmenatiton ID ranges and so on based on neutron network back-"
"ends they use."
msgstr ""
"Konfigurasi jaringan provider Neutron sekarang menjadi lebih fleksibel "
"sehingga operator dapat mengkonfigurasi berbagai parameter jaringan provider "
"termasuk tipe jaringan baru, rentang ID segmenatiton dan sebagainya "
"berdasarkan back-end jaringan neutron yang mereka gunakan."
msgid ""
"Neutron provider network types for Midonet are now supported. To enable "
"them, specify these network types in ``supported_provider_types`` in the "
"configuration file."
msgstr ""
"Tipe jaringan provider Neutron untuk Midonet sekarang didukung. Untuk "
"mengaktifkannya, tentukan tipe jaringan ini di ``supported_provider_types`` "
"dalam file konfigurasi."
msgid "New Features"
msgstr "Fitur baru"
msgid "New Reusable AngularJS widgets in Horizon:"
msgstr "Widget AngularJS Reusable baru di Horizon:"
msgid "New instance and volume detail views."
msgstr "Instance baru dan penglihatan rinci volume."
msgid "New network topology panel. Added support for subnet allocation."
msgstr ""
"Panel topologi jaringan baru Ditambahkan dukungan untuk alokasi subnet."
msgid "New visualizations for utilization and quotas."
msgstr "Visualisasi baru untuk pemanfaatan dan kuota."
msgid "Newton Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Newton"
msgid ""
"Note that operators need to create at least one group type so that users can "
"use the generic group feature. Otherwise, it might be better to disable the "
"group and group snapshot panels by the horizon plugin ``enabled`` files."
msgstr ""
"Perhatikan bahwa operator perlu membuat setidaknya satu jenis grup sehingga "
"pengguna dapat menggunakan fitur grup generik. Jika tidak, mungkin lebih "
"baik untuk menonaktifkan panel snapshot grup dan grup dengan plugin horizon "
"`` enabled`` file."
msgid "Nova"
msgstr "Nova"
msgid "Nova Features"
msgstr "Nova Features (fitur nova)"
msgid ""
"Nova and Glance are no longer required in order to run Horizon. As long as "
"keystone is present, Horizon will run correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nova dan Glance tidak lagi diperlukan dalam rangka untuk menjalankan "
"Horizon. Selama keystone hadir, Horizon akan berjalan dengan benar."
msgid ""
"Now it is possible to enable/disable port security in Horizon, when the port-"
"security extension is available. Note: Neutron allows disabling the port "
"security on a port only when no security groups are associated to it"
msgstr ""
"Sekarang hal ini memungkinkan untuk mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan keamanan port "
"di Horizon, ketika perpanjangan port-keamanan tersedia. Catatan: Neutron "
"memungkinkan menonaktifkan keamanan port pada port hanya ketika ada kelompok "
"keamanan yang terkait untuk itu"
msgid ""
"Numerous fixes to display more and better information for instances and "
"volumes in their overview pages."
msgstr ""
"Banyak perbaikan untuk menampilkan informasi lebih lanjut dan lebih baik "
"untuk instance dan volume di halaman ikhtisar mereka."
msgid "Numerous other bug fixes"
msgstr "Banyak perbaikan bug lainnya"
msgid "Object Storage Delimiters and Pseudo-folder Objects"
msgstr ""
"Object Storage Delimiters and Pseudo-folder Objects (pembatas penyimpanan "
"objek dan objek pseudo-folder)"
msgid "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Ocata Series Release Notes"
msgid ""
"One of the most common activities in a dashboard user interface is simply "
"displaying a list of resources or data and allowing the user to take actions "
"on that data. To this end, Horizon abstracted the commonalities of this task "
"into a reusable set of classes which allow developers to programmatically "
"create displays and interactions for their data with minimal effort and zero "
msgstr ""
"Salah satu kegiatan yang paling umum dalam antarmuka pengguna dasbor hanya "
"menampilkan daftar sumber daya atau data dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk "
"mengambil tindakan pada data tersebut. Untuk tujuan ini, Horizon disarikan "
"kesamaan tugas ini menjadi satu set dapat digunakan kembali kelas yang "
"memungkinkan pengembang untuk membuat pemrograman menampilkan dan interaksi "
"untuk data mereka dengan sedikit usaha dan nol boilerplate."
msgid "One-click Floating IP Management"
msgstr "One-click Floating IP Management (satu-klik manajemen IP mengambang)"
msgid "Online Compression"
msgstr "Online Compression"
msgid "OpenStack RC file download."
msgstr " Download file OpenStack RC."
msgid "Orchestration Resources Panel"
msgstr "Orchestration Resources Panel (panel summer daya Orchestration)"
msgid "Organized Images"
msgstr "Organized Images (image terorganisir)"
msgid "Other Improvements and Fixes"
msgstr "Peningkatan dan pembetulan lainnya)"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Catatan lain."
msgid ""
"Overall, great effort has been made to maintain compatibility for third-"
"party developers who have built on Horizon so far."
msgstr ""
"Secara keseluruhan, upaya besar telah dilakukan untuk menjaga kompatibilitas "
"dengan pengembang pihak ketiga yang telah dibangun di Horizon sejauh ini."
msgid ""
"Overall, great effort has been made to maintain compatibility for third-"
"party developers who may have built on Horizon so far."
msgstr ""
"Secara keseluruhan, upaya besar telah dilakukan untuk menjaga kompatibilitas "
"dengan pengembang pihak ketiga yang mungkin telah dibangun di Horizon sejauh "
msgid ""
"Overall, though, great effort has been made to maintain compatibility for "
"third-party developers who may have built on Horizon so far."
msgstr ""
"Meskipun, secara keseluruhan, upaya besar telah dilakukan untuk menjaga "
"kompatibilitas dengan pengembang pihak ketiga yang mungkin telah dibangun di "
"Horizon sejauh ini."
msgid ""
"PKI token support has been dropped from horizon. PKI token was removed from "
"keystone in Ocata release which was released two years ago. It is a good "
"timing to drop its support."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan token PKI telah diturunkan dari horizon. Token PKI dihapus dari "
"keystone dalam rilis Ocata yang dirilis dua tahun lalu. Ini adalah waktu "
"yang tepat untuk menjatuhkan dukungannya."
msgid "Page Layout Changes"
msgstr "Page Layout Changes (perubahan tâta letak halaman)"
msgid "Pagination"
msgstr "Pagination (paginasi)"
msgid ""
"Panel group is introduced in the Admin dashboard to organize admin panels "
"better. Panels in \"System\" group of Admin dashboard are now categorized "
"into four groups: \"Compute\", \"Volume\", \"Network\" and \"System\"."
msgstr ""
"Kelompok panel diperkenalkan di dashboard Admin untuk mengatur panel admin "
"yang lebih baik. Panel di \"System\" group dashboard Admin sekarang "
"dikategorikan menjadi empat kelompok: \"Compute\", \"Volume\", \"Network\" "
"dan \"System\"."
msgid ""
"Password confirmation boxes are now validated for matching passwords on the "
"client side for more immediate feedback."
msgstr ""
"Kotak konfirmasi password sekarang divalidasi untuk pencocokan password pada "
"sisi klien supaya umpan balik yang lebih cepat."
msgid "Pausing/suspending instances."
msgstr "Berhenti/menangguhkan instance."
msgid "Per-project flavor support."
msgstr "Dukungan flavor per-project."
msgid "Pike Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Pike"
msgid "Plugin Architecture"
msgstr "Plugin Architecture (arsitektur plugin)"
msgid ""
"Plugin improvements, Horizon auto discovers JavaScript files for inclusion, "
"and now has mechanisms for pluggable SCSS and Django template overrides."
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan plugin, Horizon atau penemuan file JavaScript untuk inclusion "
"(pemasukan), dan sekarang memiliki mekanisme untuk pengesampingan pluggable "
"SCSS dan Django Template."
msgid ""
"Policies associated with Consistency Groups exist in the Cinder policy file, "
"and by default, all actions are disabled."
msgstr ""
"Kebijakan yang terkait dengan Consistency Group ada di file kebijakan "
"Cinder, dan secara default, semua tindakan dinonaktifkan."
msgid "Prelude"
msgstr "Prelude"
msgid ""
"Preview Stack view allows users to preview stacks specified in templates "
"before creating them."
msgstr ""
"Preview Stack lihat memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat tumpukan ditentukan "
"dalam template sebelum menciptakan mereka."
msgid ""
"Previously horizon assumes only ``volume`` as an endpoint for the Cinder "
"regardless of the API version. As a result, if deployers configure Cinder v2/"
"v3 API endpoint as ``volumev2`` or ``volumev3``, Volume related menus -- "
"\"Create Volume from instance snapshot\" and \"Create instance from Volume\" "
"-- were not displayed. Horizon now checks the availability of the Block "
"Storage service by looking for all posible endpoints ``volume``, "
"``volumev2`` and ``volumev3``."
msgstr ""
"Horizon sebelumnya hanya mengasumsikan ``volume`` sebagai titik akhir untuk "
"Cinder terlepas dari versi API. Akibatnya, jika deployers mengonfigurasi "
"titik akhir API Cinder v2 / v3 sebagai ``volumev2`` atau `` volumev3``, menu "
"terkait Volume -- \"Create Volume from instance snapshot\" dan \"Create "
"instance from Volume\" -- tidak ditampilkan. Horizon sekarang memeriksa "
"ketersediaan layanan Block Storage dengan mencari semua endpoint yang "
"mungkin ``volume``, ``volumev2`` dan ``volumev3``."
msgid "Properties are now bound to the controller instead of the scope."
msgstr "Properti sekarang terikat ke controller bukan scope (ruang lingkup)."
msgid ""
"Provided the ability for plugins to contribute translations to the "
"JavaScript message catalog. Previously the horizon and openstack_dahboard "
"applications were hardcoded."
msgstr ""
"Dibekali kemampuan untuk plugin untuk berkontribusi terjemahan ke katalog "
"pesan JavaScript. Sebelumnya horizon dan aplikasi openstack_dashboard "
"merupakan hardcoded."
msgid "QoS (quality of service) support."
msgstr "Dukungan QoS (quality of service)."
msgid "Quantum"
msgstr "Quantum (kuantum)"
msgid "Quantum Brocade Plugin Not Compatible"
msgstr ""
"Quantum Brocade Plugin Not Compatible (plugin brocade quantum tidak "
msgid ""
"Quantum added a huge number of new features in Grizzly, including L3 support "
"(routers), load balancers, network topology infographics, better "
"compatibility with Nova networking APIs (VNIC ordering when launching an "
"instance; security groups and floating IP integration) and vastly improved "
"informational displays."
msgstr ""
"Quantum menambahkan sejumlah besar fitur baru di Grizzly, termasuk dukungan "
"L3 (router), balancers beban, infografis topologi jaringan, kompatibilitas "
"yang lebih baik dengan Nova networking API (pengurutan VNIC ketika "
"peluncuran sebuah instance; kelompok keamanan dan integrasi IP mengambang) "
"dan jauh lebih baik informasi menampilkan."
msgid ""
"Quantum support has been removed from Horizon for the Essex release. It will "
"be restored in Folsom in conjunction with Quantum's first release as a core "
"OpenStack project."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan Quantum telah dihapus dari Horizon untuk rilis Essex. Ini akan "
"dipulihkan di Folsom dalam hubungannya dengan Quantum pertama dirilis "
"sebagai proyek inti OpenStack."
msgid "Queens Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Queens"
msgid ""
"Quota information panel and forms are now tabbified per back-end service."
msgstr ""
"Panel dan formulir informasi kuota kini ditabulasikan per layanan back-end. "
msgid "Quotas are now displayed dynamically throughout the Project dashboard."
msgstr "Kuota sekarang ditampilkan secara dinamis sepanjang dasbor Project."
msgid "Realtime AJAX updating for instances in transition states."
msgstr "Pembaharuan AJAX realtime untuk instance dalam keadaan transisi."
msgid "Realtime AJAX updating for volumes in transition states."
msgstr "Realtime AJAX memperbarui untuk volume di kondisi transisi."
msgid "Release Overview"
msgstr "Release Overview (ikhtisar rilis)"
msgid ""
"Remove deprecated Cinder API V1 support. Cinder V1 API was deprecated for a "
"while and removed in Queens release. If you need to enable Cinder support "
"you should update the `OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS` configuration option to use "
"Cinder V2 or V3 API."
msgstr ""
"Hapus dukungan Cinder API V1 yang tidak berlaku lagi. Cinder V1 API tidak "
"digunakan lagi untuk sementara dan dihapus dalam rilis Queens. Jika Anda "
"perlu mengaktifkan dukungan Cinder, Anda harus memperbarui opsi konfigurasi "
"`OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS` untuk menggunakan Cinder V2 atau V3 API."
msgid ""
"Remove formerly deprecated initScope() function for Angularized actions. "
"Instead use initAction() and get scope from second parameter of perform() "
msgstr ""
"Hapus fungsi initScope() sebelumnya yang tidak digunakan lagi untuk tindakan "
"Angularized. Malah menggunakan initAction () dan mendapatkan scope dari "
"parameter kedua fungsi perform()."
msgid ""
"Removing formerly deprecated Swift UI code that was replaced with an "
"improved Angular version in Mitaka."
msgstr ""
"Menghapus kode Swift UI usang sebelumnya diganti dengan versi Angular yang "
"ditingkatkan di Mitaka."
msgid "Rendering issues in extensions"
msgstr "Rendering issues in extensions (isu rendering di ekstensi)"
msgid "Reorganizations"
msgstr "Reorganizations (organisasi ulang)"
msgid "Required fields in forms are now better indicated."
msgstr "Kolom wajib dalam formulir sekarang terlihat petunjuknya lebih baik."
msgid "Resizing of Trove instances -- changing instance flavor"
msgstr "Mengubah ukuran instance Trove - berubah flavor instance"
msgid "Resource Browser"
msgstr "Resource Browser (peramban Internet sumber daya)"
msgid "Rocky Series Release Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Rilis Seri Rocky"
msgid "Role-Based Access Controls"
msgstr "Role-Based Access Controls (kontrol akses berbasis peran)"
msgid ""
"Router rules is a horizon extension provided by Big Switch Networks. As part "
"of the horizon-vendor-split work, we drop the extension from upstream "
"horizon. It is now available as a separate plugin at https://github.com/"
msgstr ""
"Aturan Router adalah ekstensi horizon yang disediakan oleh Big Switch "
"Networks. Sebagai bagian dari pekerjaan horizon-vendor-split, kita drop "
"ekstensi dari horizon hulu. Hal ini sekarang tersedia sebagai plugin "
"terpisah di https://github.com/bigswitch/horizon-bsn"
msgid "Sahara"
msgstr "Sahara"
msgid ""
"Sahara UX Improvements -- Dramatic improvements to the Sahara user "
"experience have been made with the addition of guided cluster creation and "
"guided job creation pages."
msgstr ""
"Perbaikan Sahara UX - perbaikan dramatis untuk pengalaman pengguna Sahara "
"telah dibuat dengan penambahan halaman pembuatan klaster terpandu dan "
"pembuatan pekerjaan terpandu."
msgid ""
"Second, the Default Quotas and Services panels (which were both strictly "
"informational) were combined into tabs in a single System Info panel to make "
"it clear that these panels are thematically related, and to create a home "
"for informational-only displays like these."
msgstr ""
"Kedua, panel Default Quotas and Services (dimana keduanya informasi ketat) "
"digabung menjadi tab di panel System Info tunggal untuk membuat jelas bahwa "
"panel ini adalah tematis terkait, dan untuk membuat rumah untuk display "
"informational-only seperti ini."
msgid "Security Group Rule Editing Improvements"
msgstr ""
"Security Group Rule Editing Improvements (perbaikan editing aturan grup "
msgid "Security Group Rule Templates"
msgstr "Security Group Rule Templates (template aturan kelompok keamanan)"
msgid "Security Issues"
msgstr "Isu keamanan"
msgid ""
"Security group association per port is now shown in the port detail page. In "
"Neutron different security groups can be associated on different ports of a "
"same server instance, but previously it cannot be referred in Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Asosiasi grup keamanan per port sekarang ditampilkan di halaman detail port. "
"Dalam kelompok keamanan Neutron yang berbeda dapat dikaitkan pada port yang "
"berbeda dari instance server yang sama, namun sebelumnya tidak dapat disebut "
"di Horizon."
msgid "Security groups can be added to a running instance."
msgstr "Kelompok keamanan dapat ditambahkan ke instance berjalan."
msgid ""
"Security groups now can be specified when creating a port. When the port "
"security is enabled, the security groups tab will be displayed in create "
"port workflow."
msgstr ""
"Kelompok keamanan sekarang bisa ditentukan saat membuat port. Bila keamanan "
"port diaktifkan, tab kelompok keamanan akan ditampilkan dalam membuat alur "
"kerja port."
msgid ""
"Securtiy group \"Add rule\" form now allows to specify 'any' IP protocol and "
"'any' port number (for TCP and UDP protocols). This feature is available "
"when neutron is used as a networking back-end. You can specify 'any' IP "
"protocol for 'Other Protocol' and ``-1`` means 'any' IP protocol. You can "
"also see ``All ports`` choice in 'Open Port' field in case of TCP or UDP "
"protocol is selected."
msgstr ""
"Kelompok securtiy \"Add rule\" form sekarang memungkinkan untuk menentukan "
"'any' protokol IP dan 'any' nomor port (untuk protokol TCP dan UDP). Fitur "
"ini tersedia bila neutron digunakan sebagai jaringan back-end. Anda dapat "
"menentukan 'any' protokol IP untuk 'Other Protokol' dan ``-1`` berarti 'any' "
"protokol IP. Anda juga dapat melihat pilihan ``All ports`` di field 'Open "
"Port' dalam kasus protokol TCP atau UDP dipilih."
msgid ""
"Selenium tests may now be exercised using the headless PhantomJS driver."
msgstr ""
"Tes Selenium sekarang dapat dilakukan menggunakan driver PhantomJS tanpa "
msgid "Self-Service Password Change"
msgstr "Self-Service Password Change (perubahan password self-service)"
msgid "Server Side Table Filtering"
msgstr "Server Side Table Filtering"
msgid "Session Creation and Health Checks"
msgstr ""
"Session Creation and Health Checks (pembuatan sesi dan pemeriksaan kesehatan)"
msgid ""
"Session timeout can now be enabled to log out the user after a period of "
"inactivity as a security feature."
msgstr ""
"Batas waktu sesi sekarang dapat diaktifkan untuk log out pengguna setelah "
"periode tidak aktif sebagai fitur keamanan."
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Settings (pengaturan)"
msgid ""
"Several fixes have been made to the hzTable controller. The list below "
"outline these changes. See inline documentation for usage details."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa perbaikan telah dilakukan untuk hzTable controller. Daftar di "
"bawah outline (garis besar) perubahan ini. Lihat dokumentasi inline untuk "
"rincian penggunaan."
msgid ""
"Several new indicators have been added to inform users why they've been "
"logged out when they land on the login screen unexpectedly. These indicators "
"make it clear whether the user's session has expired, they timed out due to "
"inactivity, or they are not authorized for the section of the dashboard they "
"attempted to access."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa indikator baru telah ditambahkan untuk menginformasikan pengguna "
"mengapa mereka telah log out ketika mereka mendarat di layar login tiba-"
"tiba. Indikator-indikator ini membuat jelas apakah sesi pengguna telah "
"berakhir, mereka timed out karena tidak aktif, atau mereka tidak berwenang "
"untuk bagian dari dasbor dimana mereka berusaha untuk akses."
msgid ""
"Several sections of the Admin dashboard have been rearranged to more "
"logically group information together. Additionally, new sources of "
"information have been added to allow Admins to better understand the state "
"of the hosts in the cloud and their relationship to host aggregates, "
"availability zones, etc."
msgstr ""
"Beberapa bagian dari dashboard Admin telah disusun ulang lebih logis untuk "
"informasi kelompok bersama-sama. Selain itu, sumber-sumber informasi baru "
"telah ditambahkan untuk memungkinkan Admin untuk lebih memahami keadaan host "
"di awan dan hubungan mereka menjadi host agregat, zona ketersediaan, dll"
msgid "Significant PEP8 and code quality compliance improvements."
msgstr "Perbaikan PEP8 dan kepatuhan kualitas kode nyata"
msgid ""
"Since there are many very common security group rules which users tediously "
"re-add each time (rules for SSH and ping, for example) the Horizon team has "
"added pre-configured templates for common rules which a user can select and "
"add to their security group with two clicks. These rules are configurable "
"via the ``SECURITY_GROUP_RULES`` setting."
msgstr ""
"Karena ada banyak aturan keamanan yang sangat umum kelompok dimana pengguna "
"bosan menambahkan kembali setiap kali (aturan untuk SSH dan ping, misalnya), "
"tim Horizon telah menambahkan template pra-dikonfigurasi untuk aturan umum "
"dimana pengguna dapat memilih dan menambahkan ke grup keamanan mereka dengan "
"dua klik. Aturan-aturan ini dapat dikonfigurasi melalui pengaturan "
msgid "Some of the general areas of improvement include:"
msgstr "Beberapa bidang umum yang diperbaki meliputi:"
msgid "Some of these features include:"
msgstr "Beberapa fitur tersebut meliputi:"
msgid "Sorting has been improved in many places through the dashboard."
msgstr "Sorting telah diperbaiki di banyak tempat melalui dashboard."
msgid "Stack Template view"
msgstr "Stack Template view (tampilan Stack Template)"
msgid ""
"String attributes ``action_present`` and ``action_past`` were dropped from "
"``horizon.tables.BatchAction``. ``action_present`` and ``action_past`` "
"*methods* are the recommended way to define action labels for BatchAction. "
"The offical way allows us to define more complete strings for action labels "
"and this also allows translators to translate more flexibily."
msgstr ""
"Atribut string ``action_present`` dan ``action_past`` dihapus dari ``horizon."
"tables.BatchAction``. Metode `` action_present`` dan `` action_past`` * * "
"adalah cara yang disarankan untuk menentukan label aksi untuk BatchAction. "
"Cara resmi memungkinkan kita untuk mendefinisikan string yang lebih lengkap "
"untuk label tindakan dan ini juga memungkinkan penerjemah menerjemahkan "
"lebih fleksibel."
msgid ""
"Support a parameter to specify subnet or fixed IP address when creating port."
msgstr ""
"Mendukung parameter untuk menspesifikasi subnet atau alamat IP tetap saat "
"membuat port."
msgid ""
"Support for Federated authentication via Web Single-Sign-On -- When "
"configured in keystone, the user will be able to choose the authentication "
"mechanism to use from those support by the deployment. This feature must be "
"enabled by changes to local_settings.py to be utilized. The related settings "
"to enable and configure can be found `here <https://docs.openstack.org/"
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk otentikasi Federasi via Web Single-Sign-On -- Bila "
"dikonfigurasi di keystone, pengguna akan dapat memilih mekanisme otentikasi "
"untuk digunakan dari dukungan oleh pengerahan. Fitur ini harus diaktifkan "
"dengan perubahan pada local_settings.py untuk digunakan. Pengaturan yang "
"terkait untuk mengaktifkan dan mengkonfigurasi dapat ditemukan `here "
"html#websso-enabled>` __."
msgid "Support for Keystone's PKI tokens."
msgstr "Support for Keystone's PKI tokens (dukungan untuk token PKI Keystone)"
msgid "Support for Nova volumes, including:"
msgstr "Dukungan untuk volume Nova, sudah termasuk:"
msgid "Support for Nova's features has been greatly improved in Essex:"
msgstr "Dukungan untuk fitur Nova telah sangat meningkat di Essex:"
msgid ""
"Support for Theming -- A simpler mechanism to specify a custom theme for "
"Horizon has been included. Allowing for use of CSS values for Bootstrap and "
"Horizon variables, as well as the inclusion of custom CSS. More details "
"available `here <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/configuration/"
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk Theming - Mekanisme yang lebih sederhana untuk memperincis "
"custom theme Horizon telah disertakan. Mengizinkan penggunaan nilai CSS "
"untuk variabel Bootstrap dan Horizon, serta penyertaan CSS khusus. Detail "
"lebih lanjut tersedia `here <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/"
"configuration/settings.html#custom-theme-path>` __"
msgid "Support for adding plugin specific AngularJS modules"
msgstr "Dukungan untuk penambahan modul AngularJS spesifik plugin"
msgid "Support for adding static files, e.g., CSS, JS, images"
msgstr "Dukungan untuk penambahan file statis, misalnya, CSS, JS, image"
msgid ""
"Support for batch actions on multiple resources (e.g. terminating multiple "
"instances at once)."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk tindakan batch pada beberapa sumber (misalnya mengakhiri "
"beberapa contoh sekaligus)."
msgid "Support for easily setting flavor extra specs"
msgstr "Dukungan untuk memudahkan mengatur spesifikasi tambahan flavor"
msgid "Support for managing Floating IP address pools."
msgstr "Dukungan untuk pengeloaan kolam alamat IP mengambang."
msgid "Support for self-signed or other specified SSL certificate checking."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk pengecekan sertifikat SSL self-signed atau spesific "
"sertifikat lainnya"
msgid ""
"Support for shelving and unshelving of instances. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-shelving-command>`__ for more "
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk shelving (meletakkan) dan unshelving instance. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-shelving-"
"command>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Support for v2 block device mapping, falling back to v1 when unavailable. "
"See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/horizon-block-"
"device-mapping-v2>`__. for more details."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan untuk pemetaan perangkat blok v2, turun ke belakang ke v1 ketika "
"tidak tersedia. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgid ""
"Support has been added to set and display DNS attributes for Floating IPs "
"(DNS Name and DNS Domain). These attributes are only available if Neutron "
"has the `dns-integration` extension enabled."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan telah ditambahkan untuk mengatur dan menampilkan atribut DNS untuk "
"Floating IPs (Nama DNS dan Domain DNS). Atribut-atribut ini hanya tersedia "
"jika Neutron memiliki ekstensi `dns-integration` diaktifkan."
msgid ""
"Support security groups association per network port for operators and "
"users. Note that the current implementation only supports to edit security "
"groups of neutron port from the port tables in the network detail page "
"(Further improvement is planned)."
msgstr ""
"Mendukung asosiasi kelompok keamanan per port jaringan untuk operator dan "
"pengguna. Perhatikan bahwa implementasi saat ini hanya mendukung untuk "
"mengedit kelompok keamanan port neutron dari tabel port di halaman detail "
"jaringan (perbaikan lebih lanjut direncanakan)."
msgid "Supporting upload-to-image"
msgstr "Dukungan upload-to-image"
msgid "Suspend/Resume actions for Stacks"
msgstr "Tindakan Suspend/Resume untuk Stacks"
msgid "Swift"
msgstr "Swift"
msgid "Swift container and object metadata are now supported."
msgstr "Kontainer Swift dan metadata objek sekarang didukung."
msgid "Table drawers -- expandable table content"
msgstr "Table drawer - konten table yang data dikembangkan"
msgid ""
"Tables can now be written to support editing fields in the table to reduce "
"the need for opening separate forms. The first sample of this is in the "
"Admin dashboard, Projects panel."
msgstr ""
"Tabel sekarang dapat ditulis untuk mendukung kolom editing dalam tabel untuk "
"mengurangi kebutuhan pembukaan bentuk terpisah. Sampel pertama ini berada di "
"dasbor Admin, panel Proyek."
msgid ""
"Tables can now easily be wired to filter results from underlying API calls "
"based on criteria selected by the user rather than just perform an on page "
"search. The first example of this is in the Admin dashboard, Instances panel."
msgstr ""
"Tabel sekarang dapat dengan mudah ditransfer untuk menyaring hasil dari "
"panggilan API yang mendasari berdasarkan kriteria yang dipilih oleh pengguna "
"bukan hanya melakukan pada pencarian halaman. Contoh pertama ini berada di "
"dasbor Admin, panel Instance."
msgid "Tabs and TabGroups"
msgstr "Tabs and TabGroups (tab adan tabgrup)"
msgid ""
"The \"Quotas\" tab in the \"Create Project\" form was split out into a new "
"separate form \"Modify Quotas\". Quotas for a new project need to be "
"configured from \"Modify Quotas\" action after creating a new project."
msgstr ""
"Tab \"Quotas\" dalam formulir \"Create Project\" dibagi menjadi bentuk "
"terpisah baru \"Modify Quotas\". Kuota untuk proyek baru perlu "
"dikonfigurasikan dari aksi \"Modify Quotas\" setelah membuat proyek baru."
msgid ""
"The 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' and 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"options has been deprecated and will be removed in the Newton release. "
"Starting with Mitaka you can create one default subnet pool per address "
"family through the Neutron API. These subnet pools will automatically show "
"up in the subnet pool list using the name of the pool as label."
msgstr ""
"Opsi 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' dan 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"telah usang dan akan dihapus dalam rilis Newton. Dimulai dengan Mitaka Anda "
"dapat membuat satu kolam subnet default per keluarga alamat melalui API "
"Neutron. Kolam subnet ini secara otomatis akan muncul dalam daftar kolam "
"subnet menggunakan nama kolam sebagai label."
msgid ""
"The 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' and 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"options were deprecated in the Mitaka release and are no longer valid in the "
"Newton release. Starting with Mitaka you can create one default subnet pool "
"per address family through the Neutron API. These subnet pools will "
"automatically show up in the subnet pool list using the name of the pool as "
msgstr ""
"Opsi 'default_ipv4_subnet_pool_label' dan 'default_ipv6_subnet_pool_label' "
"usang dalam rilis Mitaka dan tidak lagi berlaku dalam rilis Newton. Dimulai "
"dengan Mitaka Anda dapat membuat satu kolam subnet default per keluarga "
"alamat melalui API Neutron. Kolam subnet ini secara otomatis akan muncul "
"dalam daftar kolam subnet menggunakan nama kolam sebagai label."
msgid "The 'webroot' theme has been removed."
msgstr "Theme 'webroot' telah dihapus."
msgid ""
"The 'webroot' theme was providing an example of how to set the webroot value "
"through SCSS for accessing needed static URL prefixes for assets like font "
"paths. This value is now retrieved directly from the Django settings and is "
"available directly in the SCSS namespace via $static_url."
msgstr ""
"Tema 'webroot' itu memberikan contoh bagaimana mengatur nilai webroot "
"melalui SCSS untuk mengakses awalan URL statis yang diperlukan bagi aset "
"seperti font paths (jalan font). Nilai ini sekarang diambil langsung dari "
"pengaturan Django dan tersedia langsung di namespace SCSS melalui $ "
msgid ""
"The Access & Security panel's tabs have been moved to their own panels for "
"clearer navigation and better performance. API Access and Key Pairs now "
"reside in the Compute panel group. Floating IPs and Security Groups are now "
"in the Network panel group."
msgstr ""
"Tab panel Access & Security ini telah dipindahkan ke panel mereka sendiri "
"untuk navigasi yang lebih jelas dan kinerja yang lebih baik. API Access dan "
"Key Pairs sekarang berada dalam kelompok panel Compute. Floating IPs dan "
"Security Groups sekarang dalam kelompok panel Network."
msgid ""
"The Angular Bootstrap upgrade contains a breaking change as the directives "
"and services in this library were renamed. See https://github.com/angular-ui/"
msgstr ""
"Angular Bootstrap upgrade berisi breaking change sebagai arahan dan layman "
"di perpustakaan ini diganti namanya. Lihat https://github.com/angular-ui/"
msgid ""
"The Brocade plugin for Quantum does not support key features of the floating "
"IP addresses API which are considered central to Horizon's functionality. As "
"such, it is not compatible with the Grizzly release's Quantum integration."
msgstr ""
"Plugin Brocade untuk Quantum tidak mendukung fitur kunci dari API alamat IP "
"mengambang yang dianggap pusat untuk fungsi Horizon. Dengan demikian, hal "
"itu tidak kompatibel dengan integrasi Quantum Grizzly rilis ini."
msgid ""
"The Cisco N1K Router plugin's additional features are available through a "
"special additional dashboard when enabled and supported in Neutron."
msgstr ""
"Fitur tambahan plugin Cisco N1K Router tersedia melalui dasbor tambahan "
"khusus ketika diaktifkan dan didukung dalam Neutron."
msgid ""
"The Essex Horizon release is only partially backwards-compatible with Diablo "
"OpenStack components. While it is largely possible to log in and interact, "
"many functions in Nova, Glance and Keystone changed too substantially in "
"Essex to maintain full compatibility."
msgstr ""
"The Essex Horizon rilis merupakan hanya sebagian backwards-compatible dengan "
"komponen Diablo OpenStack. Walaupun hal sangat memungkinkan untuk login dan "
"berinteraksi, banyak fungsi di Nova, Glance dan Keystone berubah terlalu "
"mendasar dalam Essex untuk mempertahankan kompatibilitas penuh."
msgid ""
"The Flavor panel now may be configured to use either the legacy or Angular "
msgstr ""
"Panel Flavor sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menggunakan warisan "
"(legacy) atau kode Angular."
msgid ""
"The Folsom Horizon release should be fully-compatible with both Folsom and "
"Essex versions of the rest of the OpenStack core projects (Nova, Swift, "
"etc.). While some features work significantly better with an all-Folsom "
"stack due to bugfixes, etc. in underlying services, there should not be any "
"limitations on what will or will not function. (Note: Quantum was not a core "
"OpenStack project in Essex, and thus this statement does not apply to "
"network management.)"
msgstr ""
"The Folsom Horizon rilis harus sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan versi Folsom dan "
"Essex dari sisa proyek inti OpenStack (Nova, Swift, dll). Sementara beberapa "
"fitur bekerja secara signifikan lebih baik dengan all-Folsom stack karena "
"perbaikan bug, dll layanan yang mendasarinya, tidak boleh ada pembatasan "
"pada apa yang akan berfungsi atau tidak akan berfungsi. (Catatan: Quantum "
"bukan proyek OpenStack inti di Essex, dan dengan demikian pernyataan ini "
"tidak berlaku untuk manajemen jaringan.)"
msgid ""
"The Folsom release cycle brought several major advances to Horizon's user "
"experience while also reintroducing Quantum networking as a core piece of "
"the OpenStack Dashboard."
msgstr ""
"Siklus rilis Folsom membawa beberapa kemajuan besar untuk pengalaman "
"pengguna Horizon dan juga memasukan kembali jaringan Quantum sebagai bagian "
"inti dari OpenStack Dashboard."
msgid ""
"The Grizzly Horizon release should be fully compatible with both Grizzly and "
"Folsom versions of the rest of the OpenStack core projects (Nova, Swift, "
"etc.). While some features work significantly better with an all-Grizzly "
"stack due to bugfixes, etc. in underlying services, there should not be "
"limitations on what will or will not function."
msgstr ""
"Grizzly Horizon rilis harus sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan versi Grizzly dan "
"Folsom sisa proyek inti OpenStack (Nova, Swift, dll). Sementara beberapa "
"fitur bekerja secara signifikan lebih baik dengan stack all-Grizzly karena "
"perbaikan bug, dll layanan yang mendasarinya, tidak boleh ada pembatasan apa "
"yang akan atau yang tidak akan berfungsi."
msgid ""
"The Grizzly release cycle saw sweeping improvements to overall user "
"experience, huge stability improvements, lots of new networking, instance "
"management and image management features, a long-needed architectural "
"clarification, and big increases in community engagement! Read on to get the "
msgstr ""
"Siklus rilis Grizzly melihat perbaikan luas pengalaman pengguna secara "
"keseluruhan, peningkatan stabilitas besar, banyak jaringan baru, manajemen "
"instance dan fitur manajemen image, klarifikasi arsitektur long-needed, dan "
"kenaikan besar dalam keterlibatan masyarakat! Baca terus untuk mendapatkan "
msgid ""
"The HA property is updateable in the UI, however, Neutron API does not allow "
"the update operation because toggling HA support does not work."
msgstr ""
"Properti HA menjadi dapat diupdate di UI, bagaimanapun, Neutron API tidak "
"memungkinkan operasi update karena dukungan HA toggling tidak bekerja."
msgid ""
"The Havana Horizon release should be fully compatible with both Havana and "
"Grizzly versions of the rest of the OpenStack integrated projects (Nova, "
"Swift, etc.). New features in other OpenStack projects which did not exist "
"in Grizzly will obviously only work in Horizon if the rest of the stack "
"supports them as well."
msgstr ""
"Havana Horizon rilis harus sepenuhnya kompatibel dengan kedua versi Havana "
"dan Grizzly dari sisa proyek OpenStack terintegrasi (Nova, Swift, dll). "
"Fitur baru di proyek OpenStack lain yang tidak ada di Grizzly jelas hanya "
"akan bekerja di Horizon jika sisa stack mendukung mereka juga."
msgid ""
"The Havana release cycle brings support for *three* new projects, plus "
"significant new features for several existing projects. On top of that, many "
"aspects of user experience have been improved for both end users and "
"administrators. The community continues to grow and expand. The Havana "
"release is solidly the best release of the OpenStack Dashboard project yet!"
msgstr ""
"Siklus rilis Havana membawa dukungan untuk *three* proyek baru, ditambah "
"fitur-fitur baru yang signifikan untuk beberapa proyek yang ada. Selain itu, "
"banyak aspek dari pengalaman pengguna telah ditingkatkan untuk pengguna "
"akhir dan administrator. Masyarakat terus tumbuh dan berkembang. Havana "
"rilis secara kokoh menjadi rilis terbaik dari proyek OpenStack Dashboard!"
msgid ""
"The Icehouse release cycle brings several improvements to Horizon's user "
"experience, improved extensibility, and support for many additional features "
"in existing projects. The community continues to grow. Read more for the "
msgstr ""
"Siklus rilis Icehouse membawa beberapa perbaikan untuk pengalaman pengguna "
"Horizon, skalabilitas ditingkatkan, dan dukungan untuk banyak fitur tambahan "
"dalam proyek-proyek yang ada. Masyarakat terus tumbuh. Baca lebih lanjut "
"untuk spesifik."
msgid ""
"The Images panel now may be configured to use either the legacy or Angular "
msgstr ""
"Panel Image sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk menggunakan kode legacy atau "
"Angular (warisan atau sudut)."
msgid ""
"The Images table now has a new feature: predefined filters for seeing your "
"own images, images that have been shared with you, or public images. This "
"makes finding the image you're looking for a great deal easier and more "
msgstr ""
"Images table sekarang memiliki fitur baru: filter yang telah ditetapkan "
"untuk melihat image Anda sendiri, image yang telah dibagikan dengan Anda, "
"atau image publik. Hal ini membuat penemuan image yang Anda cari banyak "
"lebih mudah dan lebih menyenangkan."
msgid ""
"The Juno release cycle brings a significant update to the user experience; "
"numerous stability improvements; support for Sahara; and significant "
"enhancements in feature support for networking, volumes, databases and "
"images. The community continues to grow and gain speed. Read on for more "
msgstr ""
"Siklus Juno rilis membawa update yang signifikan untuk pengalaman pengguna; "
"banyak perbaikan stabilitas; dukungan untuk Sahara; dan perangkat tambahan "
"yang signifikan dalam mendukung fitur untuk jaringan, volume, database dan "
"image. Masyarakat terus tumbuh dan memperoleh kecepatan. Baca terus untuk "
"lebih jelasnya."
msgid ""
"The Loadbalancer feature landed in the 11th hour for both Quantum and "
"Horizon and, though we did our best to test it, may still contain "
"undiscovered bugs. It is best considered a \"beta\" or \"experimental\" "
"feature for the Grizzly release."
msgstr ""
"Fitur loadbalancer mendarat di jam 11 untuk kedua Quantum dan Horizon, "
"meskipun kita melakukan yang terbaik untuk menguji itu, masih mungkin "
"mengandung bug yang belum ditemukan. Hal ini betul betul dipertimbangkan "
"sebagai \"beta\" atau fitur \"eksperimental\" untuk rilis Grizzly."
msgid ""
"The OPENSTACK_IMAGE_FORMATS variable must be added to the "
"REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS setting in local_settings.py"
msgstr ""
"Variable OPENSTACK_IMAGE_FORMATS harus ditambahkan ke setting "
"REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS di local_settings.py"
msgid ""
"The OpenStack Data Processing project (Sahara) was formally included into "
"the integrated release in Juno and Horizon includes broad support for "
"managing your data processing. You can specify and build clusters to utilize "
"several data types with user specified jobs while tracking the progress of "
"those jobs."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack Pengolahan Data (Sahara) secara resmi dimasukkan ke dalam "
"rilis yang terintegrasi di Juno dan Horizon termasuk dukungan luas untuk "
"mengelola pemrosesan data Anda. Anda dapat menentukan dan membangun klaster "
"untuk memanfaatkan beberapa jenis data dengan pekerjaan spesifik pengguna "
"pada waktu bersamaan melacak kemajuan pekerjaan itu."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack Database as a Service project (Trove) graduated from "
"incubation in the Havana cycle, and thanks to their industriousness they "
"delivered a set of panels for the OpenStack dashboard to allow for "
"provisioning and managing your Trove databases and backups. Disclaimer: "
"Given that Trove's first official release as an integrated project will not "
"be until Icehouse this feature should still be considered experimental and "
"may be subject to change."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack Database sebagai proyek Service (Trove) lulus dari inkubasi dalam "
"siklus Havana, dan terima kasih kepada kerajinan mereka, mereka menyampaikan "
"set panel untuk dasbor OpenStack untuk memungkinkan provisioning dan "
"mengelola database Trove dan backup. Disclaimer: Mengingat bahwa rilis resmi "
"pertama Trove sebagai proyek terpadu tidak akan sampai Icehouse, fitur ini "
"tetap harus dianggap eksperimental dan mungkin berubah."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack Database as a Service project (Trove) is part of the "
"integrated release in the Icehouse cycle. Improvements to the client "
"connections and overall stability were added in the Icehouse cycle."
msgstr ""
"OpenStack Database sebagai proyek Service (Trove) merupakan bagian dari "
"rilis yang terintegrasi dalam siklus Icehouse. Perbaikan koneksi client dan "
"stabilitas keseluruhan ditambahkan dalam siklus Icehouse."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack Orchestration project (Heat) debuted in Havana, and Horizon "
"delivers full support for managing your Heat stacks. Highlights include "
"support for dynamic form generation from supported Heat template formats, "
"stack topology visualizations, and full stack resource inspection."
msgstr ""
"Proyek OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) memulai debutnya di Havana, dan "
"Horizon memberikan dukungan penuh untuk mengelola tumpukan Heat Anda. "
"Highlights meliputi dukungan untuk generasi bentuk dinamis dari format "
"template Heat yang mendukung, visualisasi topologi tumpukan, dan inspeksi "
"sumber daya tumpukan penuh."
msgid ""
"The OpenStack Translations team came fully into its own during the Havana "
"cycle and the quality of the translations in Horizon are the best yet by "
"far. Congratulations to that team for their success in building the "
"community that started primarily within the OpenStack Dashboard project."
msgstr ""
"Tim OpenStack Translations datang sepenuhnya ke sendiri selama siklus Havana "
"dan kualitas terjemahan di Horizon adalah terbaik sejauh ini. Selamat kepada "
"tim untuk keberhasilan mereka dalam membangun masyarakat yang mulai terutama "
"dalam proyek OpenStack Dashboard."
msgid ""
"The Python Launch Instance workflow has been deprecated and no longer "
"displays by default."
msgstr ""
"Alur kerja Python Launch Instance telah usang dan tidak menampilkan lagi "
"secara default."
msgid ""
"The Python Swift panel has been deprecated and no longer displays by "
"default. To use the old interface edit ``enabled/"
"_1920_project_containers_panel.py`` to change ``swift_panel`` to "
msgstr ""
"Panel Python Swift telah usang dan tidak menampilkan lagi secara default. "
"Untuk menggunakan antarmuka lama mengedit ``enabled/"
"_1920_project_containers_panel.py`` merubah ``swift_panel`` ke ``'legacy'``."
msgid ""
"The Queens release of horizon depends on Django 1.8 to 1.11, but Django 1.8 "
"to 1.10 support will be dropped in the next release (Rocky)."
msgstr ""
"Queens rilis horizon tergantung pada Django 1,8 sampai 1,11, tapi dukungan "
"Django 1,8 sampai 1,10 akan dijatuhkan pada rilis berikutnya (Rocky)."
msgid ""
"The Sahara based content has been removed from the Horizon source tree and "
"is now a separate plugin. To continue managing Sahara in Horizon, installing "
"the sahara-dashboard plugin on the Horizon server is required."
msgstr ""
"Konten berdasarkan Sahara telah dihapus dari source tree (pohon sumber daya) "
"Horizon dan sekarang plugin terpisah. Untuk secara kontinue mengelola Sahara "
"di Horizon, installah plugin sahara-dashboard pada server Horizon yang "
msgid ""
"The Trove based content has been removed from the Horizon source tree and is "
"now a separate plugin. To continue managing Trove in Horizon, installing the "
"trove-dashboard plugin on the Horizon server is required."
msgstr ""
"Konten berdasarkan Trove telah dihapus dari source tree (pohon sumber daya) "
"Horizon dan sekarang plugin terpisah. Untuk secara kontinue mengelola Trove "
"di Horizon, installah plugin trove-dashboard pada server Horizon yang "
msgid ""
"The ``TEMPLATE_*`` settings have been replaced with a ``TEMPLATE`` dict. "
"This will likely cause issues when porting settings to this version of "
"Horizon. The TEMPLATE_DEBUG setting has been removed and is tied to the "
"DEBUG setting now. A detailed explanation of this dict can be found at "
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan `` TEMPLATE_ * `` telah diganti dengan dict ``TEMPLATE``. Ini "
"kemungkinan akan menyebabkan masalah ketika port pengaturan untuk versi "
"Horizon. Pengaturan TEMPLATE_DEBUG telah dihapus dan terkait dengan "
"pengaturan DEBUG sekarang. Penjelasan rinci tentang dict ini dapat ditemukan "
"di https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#templates"
msgid ""
"The ``can_haz`` and ``can_haz_list`` template filters have been renamed to "
"``has_permissions`` and ``has_permissions_on_list`` respectively."
msgstr ""
"Filter template ``can_haz`` and ``can_haz_list`` telah diubah namanya "
"menjadi ``has_permissions`` dan ``has_permissions_on_list`` masing-masing."
msgid ""
"The ``is_authenticated()`` and ``is_anonymous()`` functions in Django "
"OpenStack Auth's ``User`` class are properties when running under Django "
"1.10, and no longer take a margin parameter."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi `` is_authenticated () `` dan `` is_anonymous () `` dalam class "
"Django OpenStack Auth's ``User`` adalah properti saat berjalan di bawah "
"Django 1.10, dan tidak lagi mengambil parameter marjin."
msgid ""
"The ``profile_support`` setting has been removed from the "
"``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` dict, and any usages have been removed from "
"the Horizon code base. If you were relying on this being set by default, you "
"will now need to manually set the value in your plugin/customisation."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``profile_support`` telah dihapus dari dict "
"``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK``, dan setiap penggunaan telah dihapus dari "
"basis kode Horizon. Jika Anda mengandalkan ini yang diatur secara default, "
"Anda sekarang perlu untuk secara manual mengatur nilai di plugin/kustomisasi "
msgid ""
"The ``status_unknown`` table row class has been replaced with the default "
"bootstrap ``warning`` class."
msgstr ""
" Kelas baris tabel `` Status unknown``telah diganti dengan bootstrap "
"default kelas ``warning``."
msgid ""
"The ``virtio-forwarder`` VNIC type has been added to the list of valid types "
"that may be set on a port. This requests a low-latency virtio port inside "
"the instance, likely backed by hardware acceleration and requires a "
"supporting Neutron mechanism driver."
msgstr ""
"Tipe \"virtio-forwarder`` VNIC telah ditambahkan ke daftar jenis yang valid "
"yang mungkin ditetapkan pada port. Ini meminta port virtio low-latency di "
"dalam instance, kemungkinan didukung oleh akselerasi perangkat keras dan "
"memerlukan driver mekanisme Neutron pendukung."
msgid "The `select` method has been renamed to to `toggleSelect`."
msgstr "Metode `select` telah diubah namanya menjadi ke` toggleSelect`."
msgid ""
"The ability for an administrator to reset the password of a server/instance."
msgstr "Kemampuan administrator untuk me-reset password dari server/instance."
msgid ""
"The ability to edit flavors is disabled by default. See "
"``ENABLE_FLAVOR_EDIT`` in the settings documentation for more information."
msgstr ""
"Kemampuan untuk mengedit flavor dinonaktifkan secara default. Lihat "
"``ENABLE_FLAVOR_EDIT`` di dokumentasi pengaturan untuk informasi lebih "
msgid ""
"The breadcrumb navigation inside the details pages now applies across "
"Horizon. A small change in the logic means that ``custom_breadcrumb`` items "
"in the context no longer need to specify the panel name and link. See "
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
msgstr ""
"Navigasi breadcrumb di dalam halaman rincian sekarang berlaku di Horizon. "
"Sebuah perubahan kecil dalam logika berarti item ``custom_breadcrumb`` dalam "
"konteks tidak perlu lagi menentukan nama panel dan tautan. Lihat [`blueprint "
"navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
msgid ""
"The configuration documentation for ``supported_vnic_types`` in "
"``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` has been updated to help an operator decide "
"which VNIC types should be available for users to choose from."
msgstr ""
"Dokumentasi konfigurasi untuk ``supported_vnic_types`` di "
"``OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` telah diperbarui untuk membantu operator "
"menentukan jenis VNIC mana yang harus tersedia bagi pengguna untuk dipilih."
msgid ""
"The conversion to utilizing Bootstrap v3 can cause content extensions "
"written on top of Horizon to have rendering issues. Most of these are fixed "
"by a simple CSS class name substitutions. These issues are primarily seen "
"with buttons and panel content widths."
msgstr ""
"Konversi ke pemanfaatan Bootstrap v3 dapat menyebabkan ekstensi konten yang "
"ditulis di atas Horizon memiliki masalah rendering. Sebagian besar "
"diperbaiki oleh substitusi nama kelas CSS sederhana. Isu-isu ini terutama "
"terlihat dengan tombol dan lebar konten panel."
msgid ""
"The dashboard-specific ``base.html`` templates (e.g. ``nova/base.html``, "
"``syspanel/base.html``, etc.) have been removed in favor of a single ``base."
"html`` template."
msgstr ""
"Template dashboard-specific ``base.html`` (e.g. ``nova/base.html``, "
"``syspanel/base.html``, etc.) telah dihapus menjadi satu template ``base."
msgid ""
"The default for ``can_set_mountpoint`` is now ``False``, and should be set "
"to ``True`` in the settings in order to add the option to set the mount "
"point for volumes in the dashboard. At this point only the Xen hypervisor "
"supports this feature."
msgstr ""
"Default untuk ``can_set_mountpoint`` sekarang adalah ``False``, dan harus "
"ditetapkan untuk ``True`` dalam pengaturan penambahan pilihan untuk mengatur "
"mount point volume di dasbor. Pada titik ini hanya hypervisor Xen mendukung "
"fitur ini."
msgid ""
"The default for ``can_set_password`` is now ``False``. This means that "
"unless the setting is explicitly set to ``True``, the option to set an "
"'Admin password' for an instance will not be shown in the Launch Instance "
"workflow. Not all hypervisors support this feature which created confusion "
"with users."
msgstr ""
"Default untuk ``can_set_password`` sekarang menajdi ``False``. Ini berarti "
"bahwa jika pengaturan secara eksplisit diatur untuk ``True``, pilihan untuk "
"menetapkan 'Admin password' untuk sebuah instance tidak akan ditampilkan "
"dalam alur kerja Launch Instance. Tidak semua hypervisors mendukung fitur "
"ini yang membingungkan pengguna."
msgid ""
"The default keystone API vesion is switch to ``v3``. If you still use the "
"keystone v2.0 API by default, you need to configure "
"keystone v2.0 API."
msgstr ""
"Versi API keystone default beralih ke ``v3``. Jika Anda masih menggunakan "
"API keystone v2.0 secara default, Anda perlu mengkonfigurasi "
"ke API keystone v2.0."
msgid ""
"The deprecated ``OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK`` configuration option has been "
"removed. If you still use it, you need to replace it with "
msgstr ""
"Opsi konfigurasi usang ``OPENSTACK_QUANTUM_NETWORK`` telah dihapus. Jika "
"Anda masih menggunakannya, Anda perlu menggantinya dengan "
msgid ""
"The deprecated feature of \"Edit Flavor\" was deleted Historically, Horizon "
"has provided the ability to edit Flavors by deleting and creating a new one "
"with the same information. This is not supported in the Nova API and causes "
"unexpected issues and breakages."
msgstr ""
"Fitur \"Edit Flavor\" yang tidak digunakan telah dihapus secara historis, "
"Horizon telah menyediakan kemampuan untuk mengedit Flavours dengan menghapus "
"dan membuat yang baru dengan informasi yang sama. Ini tidak didukung di API "
"Nova dan menyebabkan masalah dan gangguan yang tidak terduga."
msgid ""
"The developer enabled files have been moved from ``openstack_dashboard/"
"enabled`` to ``openstack_dashboard/contrib/developer/enabled``. To enable "
"them, copy into ``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` and set ``DEBUG = "
msgstr ""
"File pengaktifan pengembang telah dipindahkan dari ``openstack_dashboard/"
"enabled`` ke ``openstack_dashboard/contrib/developer/enabled``. Untuk "
"mengaktifkannya, salin ke ``openstack_dashboard/local/enabled`` dan atur "
"``DEBUG = True``."
msgid ""
"The final django TEMPLATE_LOADERS configuration will now be generated from "
"See the settings documentation for more information."
msgstr ""
"Django final konfigurasi TEMPLATE_LOADERS sekarang akan dihasilkan dari "
"ADD_TEMPLATE_LOADERS. Lihat dokumentasi pengaturan untuk informasi lebih "
msgid "The following deprecated settings have been dropped."
msgstr "Pengaturan yang tidak berlaku lagi berikut ini telah dibatalkan."
msgid ""
"The function fix_auth_url_version() should be removed from openstack_auth "
"library as soon as Horizon no longer needs it. The replacement function is "
"fix_auth_url_version_prefix() which returns a fixed url and a boolean flag "
"indicating if the url was actually fixed. Having a separate flag allows to "
"emit more precise warning messages about inconsistencies in Keystone "
"endpoint URL."
msgstr ""
"Fungsi fix_auth_url_version () harus dihapus dari perpustakaan "
"openstack_auth segera setalah Horizon tidak lagi membutuhkan. Fungsi "
"pengganti adalah fix_auth_url_version_prefix () yang mengembalikan fixed url "
"dan boolean flag yang menunjukkan ketika url itu benar-benar tetap. Memiliki "
"bendera terpisah memungkinkan untuk memancarkan pesan peringatan yang lebih "
"tepat tentang inkonsistensi dalam URL endpoint Keystone."
msgid ""
"The hard-coded run_tests commands for extracting translatable strings and "
"updating message catalogs have been ported to django management commands as "
"extract_messages and update_catalog. These accept several parameters to make "
"them easier to use with downstream customisations and string modifications, "
"but the default behaviour is the same as before."
msgstr ""
"Perintah hard-coded run_tests untuk mengekstrak string yang diterjemahkan "
"dan untuk memperbarui pesan katalog sudah dikirimkan ke perintah manajemen "
"Django sebagai extract_messages dan update_catalog. Ini menerima beberapa "
"parameter untuk membuat mereka lebih mudah digunakan dengan penyesuaian "
"hilir dan modifikasi string, tetapi perilaku default masih sama seperti "
msgid ""
"The hz-resource-panel directive takes in a Heat resource name (e.g. 'OS::"
"Nova::Server') and displays an appropriate header and allows content to be "
"transcluded to build the panel page."
msgstr ""
"Direktif hz-sumber daya-panel mengambil dalam nama sumber daya Heat "
"(misalnya 'OS :: Nova :: Server') dan menampilkan header yang tepat dan "
"memungkinkan konten untuk ditransklusikan untuk membangun halaman panel."
msgid ""
"The hz-resource-table directive takes in a Heat resource name (e.g. 'OS::"
"Nova::Server') and uses the Angular registry to provide actions, columns, "
"and summary views."
msgstr ""
"Direktif hz-resource-table mengambil dalam nama sumber daya Heat (misalnya "
"'OS :: Nova :: Server') dan menggunakan registry Angular untuk memberikan "
"tindakan, kolom, dan penampilan ringkasan."
msgid ""
"The identity panels (domains, projects, users, roles, groups) have also been "
"converted to support RBAC at the view level. The identity panels have been "
"moved from the admin dashboard into their own 'Identity' dashboard and "
"accessibility is determined by policies alone. This is the first step toward "
"consolidating the near duplicate content of the project and admin dashboards "
"into single views supporting a wide range of roles."
msgstr ""
"Panel identitas (domain, proyek, pengguna, peran, kelompok) juga telah "
"dikonversi untuk mendukung RBAC di tingkat tampilan. Panel identitas telah "
"dipindahkan dari dasbor admin ke dasbor 'Identitas' mereka sendiri dan "
"aksesibilitasnya ditentukan oleh kebijakan sendiri. Ini adalah langkah "
"pertama menuju konsolidasi konten duplikasi dekat (near duplicate content) "
"suatu proyek dan dasbor admin ke tampilan tunggal yang mendukung berbagai "
msgid ""
"The initScope method for action services has been deprecated, with the new "
"method initAction added which does not get passed a scope. The allowed and "
"perform method are now passed a scope for context in addition to the first "
"item/items argument. The \"scope\" parameter to the WizardModalService "
"modal() method has also been deprecated, and will be ignored in a future "
"release of Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Metode initScope untuk layanan action telah menjadi usang, dimana metode "
"initAction baru yang ditambahkan yang tidak bisa diteruskan ke scope. Metode "
"mengizinkan dan melakukan ini sekarang dilewati scope untuk konteks "
"disamping ada argumen item pertama. Parameter \"scope\" dengan metode "
"WizardModalService modal () juga telah menjadi usang, dan akan diabaikan di "
"rilis Horizon masa mendatang."
msgid "The keystone v3 API now becomes the default keystone API version."
msgstr "API keystone v3 sekarang menjadi versi API keystone default."
msgid ""
"The logos in Horizon (previously logo-splash.png and logo.png) now load SVG "
"files instead of PNG. The default logos have been updated to reflect the new "
"OpenStack branding."
msgstr ""
"Logo di Horizon (sebelumnya logo-splash.png dan logo.png) sekarang memuat "
"file SVG bukannya PNG lagi. Logo default telah diperbarui untuk mencerminkan "
"merek OpenStack baru."
msgid ""
"The main engine managing integration with oslo.policy has been moved to "
"django_openstack_auth. The configuration is still managed in Horizon, but "
"the setting for ``POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION`` now uses ``openstack_auth.policy."
"check`` rather than ``openstack_dashboard.policy.check``. Current behavior "
"will remain consistent."
msgstr ""
"Mesin utama pengelolaan integrasi dengan oslo.policy telah dipindahkan ke "
"django_openstack_auth. Konfigurasi ini masih dikelola di Horizon, tetapi "
"pengaturan untuk ``POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION`` sekarang menggunakan "
"``openstack_auth.policy.check`` daripada ``openstack_dashboard.policy."
"check``. Perilaku saat ini akan tetap konsisten."
msgid ""
"The metadata editor has been updated with AngularJS. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/angularize-metadata-update-modals>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Editor metadata telah diperbarui dengan AngularJS. Lihat lebih rinci `this "
"modals>`__ ."
msgid ""
"The network topology diagram has been replaced with an interactive graph "
"containing collapsible networks, and scales far better in large deployments. "
"See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/curvature-network-"
"topology>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Diagram topologi jaringan telah diganti dengan grafik interaktif yang berisi "
"collapsible network (jaringan dilipat), dan skala yang jauh lebih baik dalam "
"(large deployment) penyebaran besar. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/curvature-network-topology>`__ ."
msgid ""
"The new Nova instance actions view provides a list of all actions taken on "
"all instances in the current project allowing users to view resulting errors "
"or actions taken by other users on those instances."
msgstr ""
"Penampilan tindakan instance Nova baru menyediakan daftar semua tindakan "
"yang diambil pada semua instance di proyek ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk "
"melihat akibat kesalahan atau tindakan yang diambil oleh pengguna lain pada "
msgid ""
"The number of OpenStack Compute (Nova) features that are supported in "
"Horizon continues to grow. New features in the Havana release include:"
msgstr ""
"Jumlah fitur OpenStack Compute (Nova) yang didukung di Horizon terus "
"berkembang. Fitur baru dalam rilis Havana meliputi:"
msgid ""
"The number of OpenStack Compute (Nova) features that are supported in "
"Icehouse grew. New features in the Icehouse release include:"
msgstr ""
"Jumlah fitur OpenStack Compute (Nova) yang didukung dalam Icehouse tumbuh. "
"Fitur baru dalam rilis Icehouse meliputi:"
msgid ""
"The oslo concurrency minimum requirement has been raised from 3.5.0 to 3.7.1"
msgstr ""
"Persyaratan minimum concurrency oslo telah dibangkitkan dari 3.5.0 ke 3.7.1"
msgid ""
"The overall structure of the page layout in Horizon has been altered. "
"Existing templates by 3rd parties to override page templates may require "
"some rework."
msgstr ""
"Struktur keseluruhan dari tata letak halaman di Horizon telah diubah. Ada "
"template oleh pihak ke-3 untuk mengganti halaman template mungkin memerlukan "
"beberapa pengerjaan ulang."
msgid ""
"The plugin system in Horizon continued to improve in the Juno release. Some "
"of those improvements:"
msgstr ""
"Sistem plugin di Horizon terus meningkatkan dalam rilis Juno. Beberapa "
"perbaikan dari mereka:"
msgid ""
"The policy framework in horizon now supports policy directories per service. "
"This corresponds to ``policy_dirs`` configuration option from \"oslo.policy"
"\" library. The new setting ``POLICY_DIRS`` was introduced. The setting "
"allows to define multiple policy directories per service. For example, it is "
"useful for a case where multiple projects provide policy files like neutron "
"stadium projects. For detail, see `the horizon Setting Reference <https://"
msgstr ""
"Kerangka kebijakan di horizon sekarang mendukung direktori kebijakan per "
"layanan. Ini sesuai dengan opsi konfigurasi ``policy_dirs` dari perpustakaan "
"\"oslo.policy\". Setelan baru ``POLICY_DIRS`` telah diperkenalkan. "
"Pengaturan memungkinkan untuk menentukan beberapa direktori kebijakan per "
"layanan. Misalnya, hal ini berguna untuk kasus di mana beberapa proyek "
"menyediakan file kebijakan seperti proyek neutron stadium. Untuk detailnya, "
"lihat `the horizon Setting Reference <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/"
msgid ""
"The port-details page has a new tab for managing Allowed Address Pairs. This "
"tab and its features will only be available when this extension is active in "
"Neutron. The Allowed Address Pairs tab will enable creating, deleting, and "
"listing address pairs for the current port."
msgstr ""
"halaman port-detail memiliki tab baru untuk mengelola Allowed Address "
"Pairs. Tab ini dan fitur-fiturnya hanya akan tersedia ketika ekstensi ini "
"aktif di Neutron. Tab Allowed Address Pair akan mengaktifkan pembuatan, "
"penghapusan, dan pendaftaran pasangan alamat untuk port saat ini."
msgid ""
"The primary dashboard and panel navigation has been updated from the tab "
"navigation to an accordion implementation. Dashboards and Panel Groups are "
"now expandable and collapsible in the page navigation. This change allows "
"for the addition of more dashboards as well as accommodates the increasing "
"number of panels in dashboards."
msgstr ""
"Dasbor primer dan panel navigasi telah diperbarui dari navigasi tab untuk "
"implementasi akordeon. Dashboard dan Panel Groups sekarang diperluas dan "
"diciutkan dalam navigasi halaman. Perubahan ini memungkinkan untuk "
"penambahan lebih dashboard serta mengakomodasi meningkatnya jumlah panel di "
msgid ""
"The property `numSelected` has been removed, use `selected.length` instead."
msgstr ""
"Properti `numSelected` telah dihapus, menggunakan `selected.length` sebagai "
msgid "The property `selected` is now a list of selected rows."
msgstr "Properti `selected` sekarang menjadi daftar baris yang dipilih."
msgid ""
"The property `selections` tracks the checkbox selection state of each row."
msgstr ""
"Properti `selections` melacak kondisi pilihan checkbox (kotak centang) dari "
"setiap baris."
msgid ""
"The python-swiftclient library and python-cinderclient libraries are now "
"used under the hood instead of cloudfiles and python-novaclient respectively."
msgstr ""
"Perpustakaan python-swiftclient dan perpustakaan python-cinderclient "
"sekarang digunakan di bawah tenda bukan cloudfiles dan python-novaclient "
"untuk masing-masing."
msgid ""
"The run_tests.sh script is now deprecated and all functionality has been "
"provided by either tox or manage.py. run_tests will be removed in Queens "
msgstr ""
"Skrip run_tests.sh sekarang dihentikan dan semua fungsi yang telah "
"disediakan oleh tox ataupun manage.py. run_tests akan dihapus dalam Queens "
msgid ""
"The security group rule editing experience has always been inherently very "
"complicated simply given the number of options and the very technical terms "
"involved. Moreover, the combined table-plus-form approach the OpenStack "
"Dashboard had taken only made the UX more frustrating for an already "
"difficult area."
msgstr ""
"Pengalaman editing aturan grup keamanan selalu inheren sangat rumit hanya "
"diberikan jumlah pilihan dan istilah yang sangat teknis yang terlibat. "
"Selain itu, gabungan table-plus-form pendekatan OpenStack Dashboard yang "
"telah diambil hanya membuat UX lebih frustasi untuk daerah yang sudah sulit."
msgid "The setting CUSTOM_THEME_PATH is now deprecated."
msgstr "Pengaturan CUSTOM_THEME_PATH sekarang tidak berlaku."
msgid "The setting DEFAULT_THEME_PATH is now deprecated."
msgstr "Pengaturan DEFAULT_THEME_PATH sekarang tidak berlaku."
msgid ""
"The settings ``enable_firewall`` and ``enable_vpn`` which have been "
"deprecated since Juno release are now actually dropped. If you are using "
"these settings to disable FWaaS v1 and VPNaaS dashboards, use "
"``REMOVE_PANEL`` of `the Pluggable Panel mechanism <https://docs.openstack."
"org/developer/horizon/topics/settings.html#pluggable-settings-for-panels>`__ "
"to disable these panels. Note that Horizon checks the availability of FWaaS "
"v1 and/or VPNaaS in your Neutron deploymennt and disables corresponding "
"panels if not available, so in most cases you do not need to take care of "
"the change."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``enable_firewall`` dan `` enable_vpn`` yang telah ditinggalkan "
"sejak rilis Juno sekarang benar-benar terjatuh. Jika Anda menggunakan "
"pengaturan ini untuk menonaktifkan dasbor FWaaS v1 dan VPNaaS, gunakan "
"``REMOVE_PANEL`` dari mekanisme Pluggable Panel <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"developer/horizon/topics/settings.html#pluggable-settings -for-panel> `__ "
"untuk menonaktifkan panel ini. Perhatikan bahwa Horizon memeriksa "
"ketersediaan FWaaS v1 dan / atau VPNaaS di tempat pengerahan Neutron Anda "
"dan menonaktifkan panel yang sesuai jika tidak tersedia, jadi dalam "
"kebanyakan kasus Anda tidak perlu mengatur perubahan."
msgid ""
"The supported stylesheets in Horizon have been converted to utilize SCSS "
"rather than LESS. The change was necessary due to a prevalent lack of "
"support for LESS compilers in python. This change also allowed us to upgrade "
"to Bootstrap 3, as parts of the Bootstrap 3 LESS stylesheets were not "
"supported by existing python based LESS compilers."
msgstr ""
"Stylesheet yang didukung di Horizon telah dikonversi untuk menggunakan SCSS "
"daripada LESS. Perubahan itu diperlukan karena kurangnya lazim dukungan "
"compiler LESS di python. Perubahan ini juga memungkinkan kita untuk meng-"
"upgrade ke Bootstrap 3, sebagai bagian dari stylesheet Bootstrap 3 LESS "
"tidak didukung oleh python yang ada berdasarkan compiler LESS."
msgid ""
"The telemetry code in Horizon has been deprecated and disabled for several "
"releases now. The code has now been removed from the tree."
msgstr ""
"Kode telemetri di Horizon telah menjadi usang dan nonaktif selama beberapa "
"rilis sekarang. Kode kini telah dihapus dari induknya (tree)."
msgid ""
"Themes have moved location from ``openstack_dashboard/static/themes``, to "
"``openstack_dashboard/themes``. Paths may need to be updated accordingly. "
"Furthermore, Horizon is aligning closer with Bootstrap markup, and themes "
"should be built around this ideology; see the top bar and side navigation "
"for details."
msgstr ""
"Tema telah pindah lokasi dari ``openstack_dashboard/static/themes``, ke "
"``openstack_dashboard/themes``. Jalur mungkin perlu diperbarui sesuai. "
"Selanjutnya, Horizon adalah menyelaraskan lebih dekat dengan Bootstrap "
"markup, dan tema harus dibangun sekitar ideologi ini; melihat bar bagian "
"atas dan navigasi samping untuk rincian."
msgid ""
"There are also some Nova related panels (e.g. \"Instances\") that reference "
"storage size in \"GB\". These panels will be addressed in subsequent patches."
msgstr ""
"Ada juga beberapa panel Nova terkait (misal \"Instance\") yang mereferensi "
"ukuran penyimpanan di \"GB\". Panel ini akan dibahas dalam patch berikutnya."
msgid ""
"There is now an ``OPENSTACK_NOVA_EXTENSIONS_BLACKLIST`` option in the "
"settings, to disable selected extensions for performance reasons. See `this "
"commit/18f4b752b8653c9389f8b0471eccaa0659707ebe>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang ada opsi ``OPENSTACK_NOVA_EXTENSIONS_BLACKLIST`` dalam pengaturan, "
"untuk menonaktifkan ekstensi terpilih karena alasan kinerja. Lihat lebih "
"rinci `this <https://github.com/openstack/horizon/"
"commit/18f4b752b8653c9389f8b0471eccaa0659707ebe>`__ ."
msgid ""
"There will no longer be any ``WARNING`` messages regarding the developer "
"panels in logs."
msgstr ""
"Tidak akan ada lagi pesan ``WARNING`` mengenai panel pengembang di log."
msgid ""
"These features allow for tremendous flexibility when constructing software-"
"defined networks for your cloud using Neutron."
msgstr ""
"Fitur ini memungkinkan fleksibilitas yang luar biasa ketika membangun "
"jaringan software-defined untuk cloud Anda menggunakan Neutron."
msgid ""
"Third-party developers who wish to build on Horizon can get started much "
"faster using the new dashboard and panel templates. See the docs on "
"`creating a dashboard`_ and `creating a panel`_ for more information."
msgstr ""
"Pengembang pihak ketiga yang ingin membangun Horizon dapat memulai lebih "
"cepat menggunakan template dasbor dan panel baru. Lihat dokumentasi pada "
"`creating a dashboard`_ and `creating a panel`_ untuk informasi lebih lanjut."
msgid ""
"This is useful when you would like to disable some default panel. You can do "
"it by specifying ``DISABLED = True`` in a plugin enabled file in ``local/"
"enabled`` directory with a same name."
msgstr ""
"Ini berguna saat Anda ingin menonaktifkan beberapa panel default. Anda dapat "
"melakukannya dengan menentukan ``DISABLED = True`` di file yang diaktifkan "
"plugin di direktori ``local/enabled`` dengan nama yang sama."
msgid ""
"This works in most cases, but there is a case where you need to be careful "
"when upgrading horizon. If you use ``REMOVE_PANEL`` to remove some default "
"panel by putting a plugin enabled file with a same name in ``local/enabled`` "
"directory, you now need to use ``DISABLED = True`` or change the filename."
msgstr ""
"Ini bekerja dalam banyak kasus, namun ada kasus di mana Anda harus berhati-"
"hati saat upgrading horizon. Jika Anda menggunakan ``REMOVE_PANEL`` untuk "
"menghapus beberapa panel default dengan meletakkan file yang mengaktifkan "
"plugin dengan nama yang sama di direktori ``local/enabled``, Anda sekarang "
"perlu menggunakan ``DISABLED = True`` atau ubah nama file."
msgid ""
"Timezone support is now enabled. You can select your preferred timezone in "
"the User Settings panel."
msgstr ""
"Dukungan Timezone sekarang diaktifkan. Anda dapat memilih zona waktu Anda "
"lebih suka di panel User Setting."
msgid ""
"To aid in continued maintenance of Horizon as a themable and customizable "
"framework, the highly customized 'default' styles are being dropped in favor "
"of standard Bootstrap styles. The 'default' theme will only house scss "
"variable changes going forward."
msgstr ""
"Untuk membantu pemeliharaan Horizon secara continue sebagai kerangka yang "
"dapat berganti tema dan dapat disesuaikan, gaya 'default' sangat disesuaikan "
"dalam mendukung gaya Bootstrap standar. Theme 'default' akan hanya house "
"scss variable (variabel SCSS rumah) perubahan ke depan."
msgid ""
"To change the behavior around hypervisor management in Horizon you must add "
"the ``OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES`` setting to your ``settings.py`` or "
"``local_settings.py`` file."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mengubah perilaku sekitar manajemen hypervisor di Horizon Anda harus "
"menambahkan pengaturan ``OPENSTACK_HYPERVISOR_FEATURES`` ke ``settings.py`` "
"Anda or file ``local_settings.py``."
msgid ""
"To improve support for Neutron based clouds, when creating a database "
"instance, the user can now specify the NIC for the database instance on "
"creation allowing direct access to the instance by the user."
msgstr ""
"Untuk meningkatkan dukungan cloud berbasis Neutron, saat pembuatan database "
"instance, pengguna sekarang dapat menentukan NIC untuk instance database "
"pada pembuatan perizinan akses langsung ke instance oleh pengguna."
msgid ""
"To support this extensibility, all the components used to build on Horizon's "
"interface are now modular and reusable. Horizon's own dashboards use these "
"components, and they have all been built with third-party developers in "
"mind. Some of the main components are listed below."
msgstr ""
"Untuk mendukung diperpanjang ini, semua komponen yang digunakan untuk "
"membangun antarmuka Horizon sekarang modular dan dapat digunakan kembali. "
"Dashboard Horizon sendiri menggunakan komponen ini, dan mereka semua telah "
"dibangun dengan pengembang pihak ketiga dalam pikirannya. Beberapa komponen "
"utama tercantum di bawah ini."
msgid "Transfer table widget"
msgstr "Widget tabel transfer"
msgid "Translation Team"
msgstr "Translation Team (tim terjemahan)"
msgid "Trove"
msgstr "Trove"
msgid "Trove Databases"
msgstr "Trove Databases"
msgid ""
"Trove and Sahara panels now reside in ``openstack_dashboard/contrib``. This "
"is to provide separation for reviews provided mostly by the service teams. "
"In the future, these panels may become plugins rather than being kept in "
"Horizon. See `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/plugin-"
"sanity>`__ for more details."
msgstr ""
"Panel Trove dan Sahara sekarang tinggal di ``openstack_dashboard/contrib``. "
"Hal ini untuk memberikan pemisahan pengulasan yang disediakan sebagian besar "
"oleh tim pelayanan. Di masa depan, panel ini dapat menjadi plugin bukannya "
"disimpan di Horizon. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad."
"net/horizon/+spec/plugin-sanity>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Trove supports using multiple types of datastores, e.g., mysql, redis, "
"mongodb. Users can now select from the list of datastores supported by the "
"cloud operator when creating their database instances."
msgstr ""
"Trove mendukung penggunaan beberapa jenis datastores, misalnya, mysql, "
"redis, mongodb. Pengguna sekarang dapat memilih dari daftar datastores yang "
"didukung oleh operator cloud ketika pembuatan instance database mereka."
msgid "UX Changes"
msgstr "UX Changes"
msgid "Under The Hood"
msgstr "Under The Hood (di bawah tenda)"
msgid "Under the Hood"
msgstr "Under the Hood"
msgid ""
"Unified job interface map. This is a human readable method for passing in "
"configuration data that a job may require or accept. See `this <https://"
"blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/unified-job-interface-map-ui>`__ for "
"more details."
msgstr ""
"Pekerjaan terpadu peta antarmuka. Ini adalah metode yang dapat dibaca "
"manusia untuk melewati data konfigurasi dimana pekerjaan bisa memerlukan "
"atau menerima. Lihat lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/unified-job-interface-map-ui>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Unnecessary API calls to back-end services are eliminated when checking the "
"quota and usage in individual panels. Each panel checks a resource can be "
"created by retrieving the current quota and usage for the resource. However, "
"the previous implementation retrieves quota and usage of unrelated resources "
"(For example, Nova usage is retrieved when checking a network usage). It can "
"be a performance problem in large deployments. This behavior is now fixed to "
"load quota and usage only for resources which are really required."
msgstr ""
"API yang tidak perlu untuk layanan back-end dihilangkan saat memeriksa kuota "
"dan penggunaan panel individual. Setiap panel memeriksa sumber daya dapat "
"dibuat dengan mengambil kuota dan penggunaan saat ini untuk sumber daya. "
"Namun, implementasi sebelumnya mengambil kuota dan penggunaan sumber daya "
"yang tidak terkait (Misalnya, penggunaan Nova diambil saat memeriksa "
"penggunaan jaringan). Ini bisa menjadi masalah kinerja dalam deployment "
"besar. Perilaku ini sekarang tetap memuat kuota dan penggunaan hanya untuk "
"sumber daya yang benar-benar dibutuhkan."
msgid ""
"UpdateAction is deprecated in Newton and removed now. You should not use "
"inline edit functionality in your plugins anymore."
msgstr ""
"UpdateAction tidak lagi digunakan di Newton dan dihapus sekarang. Anda tidak "
"boleh menggunakan fungsi edit inline di plugin Anda lagi."
msgid "Upgrade Information"
msgstr "Upgrade Information (informasi upgrade)"
msgid "Upgrade Notes"
msgstr "Catatan Upgrade"
msgid "User - View identity project in the domain logged in"
msgstr "Pengguna - View (melihat) proyek identitas dalam domain login"
msgid "User Experience"
msgstr "User Experience (pengalaman pengguna)"
msgid "User Experience Group"
msgstr "User Experience Group (kelompok pengalaman pengguna)"
msgid "User Experience Improvements"
msgstr "Perbaikan pengalaman pengguna"
msgid "User language preference customization."
msgstr " Kustomisasi preferensi bahasa pengguna"
msgid ""
"Using the \"select all\" checkbox to delete large numbers of resources at "
"once can cause network timeouts (depending on configuration). This is due to "
"the underlying APIs not supporting bulk-deletion natively, and consequently "
"Horizon has to send requests to delete each resource individually behind the "
msgstr ""
"Menggunakan \"select all\" kotak centang untuk menghapus sejumlah besar "
"sumber daya sekaligus dapat menyebabkan waktu tunggu jaringan (tergantung "
"pada konfigurasi). Hal ini disebabkan API yang mendasari tidak mendukung "
"bulk-deletion aslinya, dan akibatnya Horizon harus mengirimkan permintaan "
"untuk menghapus setiap sumber daya individual belakang layar."
msgid ""
"Using the \"select all\" checkbox to delete large numbers of resources via "
"the API can cause network timeouts (depending on configuration). This is due "
"to the APIs not supporting bulk-deletion natively, and consequently Horizon "
"has to send requests to delete each resource individually behind the scenes."
msgstr ""
"Penggunaan \"select all\" kotak centang untuk menghapus sejumlah besar "
"sumber daya melalui API dapat menyebabkan timeout jaringan (tergantung pada "
"konfigurasi). Hal ini disebabkan API tidak mendukung bulk-deletion natively, "
"dan akibatnya Horizon harus mengirimkan permintaan untuk menghapus setiap "
"sumber daya secara individual di belakang layar."
msgid "VPN as a Service."
msgstr "VPN sebagai Service."
msgid ""
"VPNaaS dashboard is now split out into a separate project ``neutron-vpnaas-"
"dashboard``. All new features and maintenances are provided from the new "
"project from now on. The new project provides all features available in "
"Horizon in the past release. To continue to use VPNaaS dashboard, install "
"``neutron-vpnaas-dashboard`` and set up the horizon plugin configuration "
"file in ``enabled`` directory. For more information, see ``neutron-vpnaas-"
"dashboard`` documentation http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-"
msgstr ""
"Dashbor VPNaaS sekarang terbagi menjadi proyek terpisah ``neutron-vpnaas-"
"dashboard``. Semua fitur dan perawatan baru disediakan dari proyek baru "
"mulai sekarang. Proyek baru ini menyediakan semua fitur yang ada di Horizon "
"dalam rilis sebelumnya. Untuk terus menggunakan dashbor VPNaaS, pasang "
"``neutron-vpnaas-dashboard`` dan atur file konfigurasi plugin horizon di "
"direktori ``enabled``. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, lihat dokumentasi "
"``neutron-vpnaas-dashboard`` http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-"
msgid "Various fixes for browser compatibility and rendering."
msgstr "Berbagai perbaikan untuk kompatibilitas browser dan rendering."
msgid ""
"Very early in the Grizzly cycle we took the opportunity to do some "
"longstanding cleanup and refactoring work. The \"nova\" dashboard was "
"renamed to \"project\" and the \"syspanel\" dashboard was renamed to \"admin"
"\" to better reflect their respective purposes."
msgstr ""
"Dari awal dalam siklus Grizzly kami mengambil kesempatan untuk melakukan "
"beberapa lama pembersihan dan refactoring kerja. Dashboard \"nova\" ini "
"berganti nama menjadi \"proyek\" dan dashboard \"syspanel\" ini berganti "
"nama menjadi \"admin\" untuk lebih mencerminkan tujuan masing-masing."
msgid ""
"View added to allow administrators to view/add/update Glance Metadata "
msgstr ""
"Tampilan ditambahkan untuk memungkinkan administrator untuk menampilkan/"
"menambah/update definisi Glance Metadata"
msgid "Volume encryption metadata support"
msgstr "dukungan metadata enkripsi volume"
msgid "Volume migration is now supported."
msgstr "Migrasi volume sekarang didukung."
msgid ""
"Volume quotas are handled by the appropriate service depending on whether or "
"not Cinder is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Kuota Volume ditangani oleh layanan yang sesuai tergantung pada aktif atau "
"tidak aktif Cinder."
msgid "Volume retype"
msgstr "Volume retype"
msgid "Volume snapshots."
msgstr "Snapshot volume."
msgid "Volume transfer support between projects"
msgstr "Dukungan transfer volume antar proyek"
msgid ""
"Volume types can be now edited, and include description fields. See `this "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-type-descriptio>`__ "
"for more details."
msgstr ""
"Tipe volume sekarang dapat diedit, dan memasukan field deskripsi. Lihat "
"lebih rinci `this <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/volume-"
"type-descriptio>`__ ."
msgid ""
"Volumes created from snapshots are empty - https://bugs.launchpad.net/"
msgstr ""
"Volume dibuat dari snapshot kosong - https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgid "Volumes creation and management."
msgstr "Pembuatan volume dan manajemen."
msgid ""
"We now automatically determine the static folder location for xstatic "
"packages being used by Horizon."
msgstr ""
"Kami sekarang secara otomatis menentukan lokasi folder statis untuk paket "
"xstatic digunakan oleh Horizon."
msgid ""
"We've now improved it so that the button to open the menu is clearly labeled "
"and the hitbox for clicking it is significantly larger."
msgstr ""
"Sekarang kami telah ditingkatkan sehingga tombol untuk membuka menu diberi "
"label dengan jelas dan HitBox untuk mengklik secara nyata lebih besar."
msgid ""
"When Horizon's object storage interface was first added, Swift's "
"documentation recommended adding 0-byte objects with a special content type "
"to denote pseudo-folders within a container. They have since decided that "
"this is not the recommended practice, and that pseudo-folders should only be "
"demarcated by a delimiting character (usually \"/\") in the object name."
msgstr ""
"Ketika antarmuka penyimpanan objek Horizon pertama kali ditambahkan, "
"dokumentasi Swift merekomendasikan penambahan objek 0-byte dengan tipe "
"konten khusus untuk menunjukkan pseudo-folder dalam sebuah kontainer. Sejak "
"mereka telah memutuskan bahwa ini bukan praktek yang disarankan, dan bahwa "
"pseudo-folder harus dan hanya dibatasi oleh suatu karakter pembatas "
"(biasanya \"/\") dalam nama objek."
msgid ""
"Whereas Nova Network uses only the name of a security group when specifying "
"security groups at instance launch time, Neutron can accept either a name or "
"a UUID. In order to support both, Horizon passes in the name of the selected "
"security groups. However, due to some data-isolation issues in Neutron there "
"is an issue that can arise if an admin user tries to specify a security "
"group with the same name as another security group in a different project "
"which they also have access to. Neutron will find multiple matches for the "
"security group name and will fail to launch the instance. The current "
"workaround is to treat security group names as unique for admin users."
msgstr ""
"Nova Network hanya menggunakan nama dari kelompok keamanan ketika menentukan "
"kelompok keamanan pada waktu peluncuran instance, sedangkan Neutron dapat "
"menerima baik nama atau UUID. Dalam rangka mendukung keduanya, Horizon "
"melewatkan nama dari kelompok keamanan yang dipilih. Namun, karena beberapa "
"masalah data isolasi di Neutron, timbullah issu jika pengguna admin mencoba "
"untuk menentukan grup keamanan dengan nama yang sama dengan grup keamanan "
"lain dalam proyek yang berbeda dimana mereka juga memiliki akses ke proyek "
"itu . Neutron akan menemukan banyak kecocokan untuk nama grup keamanan dan "
"akan gagal untuk memulai instance. Solusi saat ini untuk memperlakukan nama "
"grup keamanan yang unik untuk pengguna admin."
msgid ""
"While Horizon supports managing Identity v3 entities and authenticating in a "
"multi-domain Keystone configuration, there is a v3, v2.0 token compatibility "
"issue when trying to manage resources for users outside the ``default`` "
"domain. For this reason, v2.0 has been restored as the default API version "
"for OpenStack Identity (Keystone). For a single domain environment, Keystone "
"v3 API can still be used via the ``OPENSTACK_API_VERSION`` setting."
msgstr ""
"Sementara Horizon mendukung pengelolaan entitas Identitas v3 dan otentikasi "
"dalam konfigurasi Keystone multi-domain, ada isu kompatibilitas token v3, "
"v2.0 ketika mencoba pengelolaan sumber daya untuk pengguna di luar domain "
"``default``. Untuk alasan ini, v2.0 telah dipulihkan sebagai versi default "
"API untuk OpenStack Identity (Keystone). Untuk lingkungan domain tunggal, "
"Keystone v3 API masih bisa digunakan melalui pengaturan "
msgid ""
"With Icehouse, the ability for users to create containers and mark them as "
"public is now available. Links are added to download these public "
"containers. Users can now explicitly create pseudo directories rather than "
"being required to create them as part of the container creation process."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Icehouse, kemampuan bagi pengguna untuk membuat kontainer dan "
"menandai mereka sebagai publik sekarang tersedia. Link ditambahkan untuk men-"
"download ini kontainer publik. Pengguna sekarang dapat secara eksplisit "
"membuat direktori semu (pseudo directory) bukan lagi dituntut untuk membuat "
"mereka sebagai bagian dari proses pembuatan kontainer."
msgid ""
"With Quantum being a core project for the Folsom release, we worked closely "
"with the Quantum team to bring networking support back into Horizon. This "
"appears in two primary places: the Networks panel in both the Project and "
"Admin dashboards, and the Network tab in the Launch Instance workflow. "
"Expect further improvements in these areas as Quantum continues to mature "
"and more users adopt this model of virtual network management."
msgstr ""
"Dengan Quantum telah menjadi proyek inti untuk rilis Folsom, kami bekerja "
"sama dengan tim Quantum untuk membawa dukungan jaringan kembali ke Horizon. "
"Ini muncul di dua tempat utama: panel Network baik di dasbor Proyek dan "
"dasbor Admin, dan tab Network dalam alur kerja Launch Instance. Harapan "
"perbaikan lebih lanjut di bidang Quantum sampai matang dan lebih banyak "
"pengguna mengadopsi model manajemen jaringan virtual ini."
msgid ""
"With the OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone) v3 API fully fledged in the "
"Havana release, Horizon has added full support for all the new features such "
"as Domains and Groups, Role management and assignment to Domains and Groups, "
"Domain-based authentication, and Domain context switching."
msgstr ""
"Dengan OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone) v3 API sepenuhnya matang dalam "
"rilis Havana, Horizon telah menambahkan dukungan penuh untuk semua fitur "
"baru seperti Domain dan Group, manajemen Role dan tugas untuk Domain dan "
"Group, otentikasi berbasis Domain, dan context switching Domain."
msgid ""
"With the move to SCSS, there may be issues with utilizing online compression "
"in non-DEBUG mode in Horizon. Offline compression continues to work as in "
"previous releases."
msgstr ""
"Dengan pindah ke SCSS, mungkin ada isu dengan pemanfaatan kompresi secara "
"online dalam mode non-DEBUG di Horizon. Kompresi offline terus bekerja "
"seperti dalam rilis sebelumnya."
msgid "Wizard"
msgstr "Wizard"
msgid "Workflows"
msgstr "Workflows (alur kerja)"
msgid "XStatic-Angular updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Angular updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular-Bootstrap update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Angular-FileUpload updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular-FileUpload update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Angular-Gettext updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Angular-Gettext update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Bootstrap-SCSS update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Bootswatch updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Bootswatch update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Bootswatch updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Bootswatch update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-D3 updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-D3 update from dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Font-Awesome updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Font-Awesome update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Font-Awesome updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Font-Awesome update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-JSEncrypt updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-JSEncrypt update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Jasmine updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Jasmine update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-MDI updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-MDI update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Rickshaw updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Rickshaw update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Roboto-Fontface updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Roboto-Fontface update dari ke"
msgid "XStatic-Smart-Table updated from to"
msgstr "XStatic-Smart-Table update dari ke"
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`cinder-generic-volume-groups`] Cinder generic groups is now "
"supported. Consistency groups views will be disabled if the generic group "
"support is available. User is able to create generic groups and snapshots "
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`cinder-generic-volume-groups`] Cinder generic groups sekarang "
"didukung. Tampilan grup konsistensi akan dinonaktifkan jika dukungan grup "
"generik tersedia. Pengguna dapat membuat grup dan snapshot generik sekarang."
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`drop-nova-network`] Horizon nova-network floating IP and "
"security groups supports have been dropped in Pike release. nova-network has "
"been marked as deprecated in Nova in Newton release and horizon support was "
"dropped in favor of it. Neutron now becomes a requirement for floating IP "
"and security groups. Other operations on instances which created with nova-"
"network should work same as before."
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`drop-nova-network`] Horizon nova-network floating IP dan "
"dukungan kelompok keamanan telah dijatuhkan dalam rilis Pike. Nova-network "
"telah ditandai sebagai usang di Nova dalam rilis Newton dan dukungan horizon "
"dijatuhkan untuk mendukungnya. Neutron sekarang menjadi persyaratan untuk "
"floating IP dan kelompok keamanan. Operasi lain pada instance yang dibuat "
"dengan nova-network harus bekerja sama seperti sebelumnya."
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`horizon-plugin-tab-for-info-and-quotas`] (for horizon plugin "
"developers) Django workflow step is now pluggable and horizon plugins can "
"add extra step(s) to an existing workflow provided by horizon or other "
"horizon plugins. Extra steps can be added via the horizon plugin “enabled” "
"file. For more detail, see ``EXTRA_TABS`` description in `Pluggable Panels "
"and Groups <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/configuration/"
"pluggable_panels.html#extra-steps>`__ of the horizon documentation."
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`horizon-plugin-tab-for-info-and-quotas`] (untuk pengembang "
"horizon plugin) langkah workflow Django sekarang menjadi pluggable dan "
"plugin horizon dapat menambahkan langkah tambahan ke workflow yang ada yang "
"disediakan oleh horizon atau plugin horizon lainnya. Langkah-langkah "
"tambahan dapat ditambahkan melalui horizon plugin “enabled” file. Untuk "
"detail lebih lanjut, lihat deskripsi ``EXTRA_TABS`` di `Pluggable Panels and "
"Groups <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/configuration/"
"pluggable_panels.html#extra-steps>` __ dari dokumentasi horizon."
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`instance-rescue-horizon-support`] Support instance rescue "
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`instance-rescue-horizon-support`] Mendukung fitur penyelamatan "
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`merge-openstack-auth`] ``django_openstack_auth`` was merged "
"into the main horizon repository. Ensure to uninstall ``django-openstack-"
"auth`` python package **BEFORE** upgrading horizon to Queens."
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`merge-openstack-auth`] ``django_openstack_auth`` digabungkan ke "
"dalam main horizon repository. Pastikan untuk uninstall paket python "
"``django-openstack-auth`` **BEFORE** upgrading horizon ke Queens."
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`mitigate-breach-attacks`] Adding Django-debreach module to "
"mitigate breach attacks. Enabling the RandomCommentMiddleware to counter "
"breach attack by randomising the content length of each response."
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`mitigate-breach-attacks`] Menambahkan modul Django-debreach "
"untuk mengurangi serangan pelanggaran. Mengaktifkan RandomCommentMiddleware "
"untuk menangkal serangan pelanggaran dengan mengacak panjang konten setiap "
msgid ""
"[:blueprint:`neutron-trunk-ui`] Neutron trunk feature is now supported. It "
"is supported in both the project and admin dashboards. The panel will be "
"displayed if Neutron API extension 'trunk' is available. It displays "
"information about trunks. The details page for each trunk also shows "
"information about subports of that trunk."
msgstr ""
"[:blueprint:`neutron-trunk-ui`] Fitur Neutron trunk kini didukung. Hal ini "
"didukung baik di dasbor proyek dan admin. Panel akan ditampilkan jika "
"'trunk' extension API Neutron tersedia. Ini menampilkan informasi tentang "
"trunk. Halaman rincian untuk setiap trunk juga menunjukkan informasi tentang "
"subport dari trunk tersebut."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1337473`] The default quotas of neutron resource for a new project "
"are no longer got from the quotas of the current project. Neutron did not "
"provide a way to retrieve the default quotas and horizon used the quotas of "
"the current project as the default quotas for a new project as a workaround. "
"Neutron implemented an API to retrieve default quotas since newton and "
"horizon now consumes it."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1337473`] Kuota default sumber neutron untuk proyek baru tidak lagi "
"didapat dari kuota proyek saat ini. Neutron tidak menyediakan cara untuk "
"mengambil kuota dan horizon default yang digunakan kuota proyek saat ini "
"sebagai kuota default untuk proyek baru sebagai solusi. Neutron menerapkan "
"API untuk mengambil kuota default sejak newton dan horizon sekarang "
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1544703`] Add a new optional WEBSSO_KEYSTONE_URL property to "
"facilitate WEBSSO deployments where network segmentation is used per "
"security requirement. In this case, the controllers are not reachable from "
"public network. Therefore, user's browser will not be able to access "
"OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL if it is set to the internal endpoint."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1544703`] Tambahkan properti WEBSSO_KEYSTONE_URL opsional baru untuk "
"memfasilitasi penyebaran WEBSSO di mana segmentasi jaringan digunakan sesuai "
"kebutuhan keamanan. Dalam hal ini, pengontrol tidak dapat dijangkau dari "
"jaringan publik. Oleh karena itu, peramban pengguna tidak akan dapat "
"mengakses OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL jika disetel ke internal endpoint."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1564543`] ``AVAILABLE_THEMES`` was used to determine whether a theme "
"was selectable via the user facing widget, however it was noted that "
"sometimes a parent theme is desired for inheritance, and needs to be hidden "
"from the widget entirely. ``SELECTABLE_THEMES`` was added as a setting that "
"can be used to collect a theme for inheritance, but hide it from the user's "
"view. See `the settings documentation <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/"
"latest/configuration/themes.html#inherit-from-an-existing-theme>`__ for "
"usage specifics."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1564543`] ``AVAILABLE_THEMES`` digunakan untuk menentukan apakah "
"sebuah tema dapat dipilih melalui widget yang dihadapi pengguna, namun "
"dicatat bahwa terkadang tema induk diinginkan untuk pewarisan, dan perlu "
"disembunyikan dari widget sepenuhnya. ``SELECTABLE_THEMES`` ditambahkan "
"sebagai setting yang bisa digunakan untuk mengumpulkan tema untuk pewarisan, "
"namun sembunyikan dari tampilan pengguna. Lihat `the settings documentation "
"from-an-existing-theme>` __ untuk penggunaan secara spesifik."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1681627`] A problem that Angular-based detail page (ngdetail page) "
"cannot be reloaded or opened via direct URL has been fixed. Note that there "
"are some known issues described in the `Known Issues`_ section."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1681627`] Masalah bahwa halaman detail Angular-based (halaman "
"ngdetail) tidak dapat dimuat ulang atau dibuka melalui URL langsung telah "
"diperbaiki. Perhatikan bahwa ada beberapa masalah yang diketahui yang "
"dijelaskan di `Known Issues`_ section."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1690433`] \"Get me a network\" feature provided by nova and neutron "
"is now exposed in the launch server form. This feature will sets up a "
"neutron network topology for a project if there is no network in the "
"project. It simplifies the workflow when launching a server. In the horizon "
"support, when there is no network which can be used for a server, a dummy "
"network named 'auto_allocated_network' is shown in the network choices. The "
"feature is disabled by default because it requires preparations in your "
"neutron deployment. To enable it, set ``enable_auto_allocated_network`` in "
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1690433`] Fitur \"Get me a network\" yang disediakan oleh nova dan "
"neutron sekarang terpapar dalam bentuk server peluncuran. Fitur ini akan "
"membuat topologi jaringan neutron untuk proyek jika tidak ada jaringan dalam "
"proyek. Ini menyederhanakan alur kerja saat meluncurkan server. Dalam "
"dukungan horizon, ketika tidak ada jaringan yang dapat digunakan untuk "
"server, jaringan dummy bernama 'auto_allocated_network' ditampilkan dalam "
"pilihan jaringan. Fitur ini dinonaktifkan secara default karena memerlukan "
"persiapan dalam penyebaran neutron Anda. Untuk mengaktifkannya, setel "
"``enable_auto_allocated_network`` dalam `` OPENSTACK_NEUTRON_NETWORK`` ke `` "
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1700325`] Horizon now allows to override an embeded default plugin "
"enabled file by specifying an enabled plguin file with a same filename. If "
"there are plugin enabled files with a same name both in ``enabled`` and "
"``local/enabled`` directories, the file in ``local/enabled`` will be used "
"and the file in ``enabled`` will be ignored now. Previously, both files are "
"processed in the order of ``enabled`` and then ``local/enabled`` in this "
"case, but this made operators difficult to change the order of panels from "
"the default order."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1700325`] Horizon sekarang memungkinkan untuk mengganti file plugin "
"default yang diembed dengan menetapkan file plugin yang diaktifkan dengan "
"nama file yang sama. Jika ada file yang mengaktifkan plugin dengan nama yang "
"sama di direktori ``enabled`` dan ``local/enabled``, file dalam ``local/"
"enabled`` akan digunakan dan file dalam ``enabled`` akan diabaikan sekarang. "
"Sebelumnya, kedua file tersebut diproses sesuai urutan ``enabled`` dan "
"kemudian ``local/enabled`` dalam kasus ini, namun hal ini membuat operator "
"sulit untuk mengubah urutan panel dari urutan default."
msgid "[:bug:`1742332`] Description for security group rule is supported."
msgstr "[:bug:`1742332`] Deskripsi untuk aturan grup keamanan didukung."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1746706`] Fixed a bug the navigation menu and breadcrumb list are not "
"reproduced properly when reloading or opening Angular-based detail page "
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1746706`] Memperbaiki bug menu navigasi dan daftar breadcrumb tidak "
"direproduksi dengan benar ketika reload atau membuka halaman detail Angular-"
"based secara langsung."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1746706`] When reloading or opening Angular-based detail page "
"directly, the navigation menu and breadcrumb list are not recovered properly "
"and the first panel is focused. [:bug:`1746709`] when we try to open non-"
"existing Angular-based detail page, \"Not Found\" (404) page is not shown. A "
"blank page only with the navigation menu will be shown."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1746706`] Saat memuat ulang atau membuka halaman detail berbasis "
"Angular secara langsung, menu navigasi dan daftar breadcrumb tidak ditemukan "
"dengan benar dan panel pertama difokuskan. [: bug: `1746709`] saat kami "
"mencoba membuka halaman detail berbasis Angular yang tidak ada, halaman "
"\"Not Found\" (404) tidak ditampilkan. Halaman kosong hanya dengan menu "
"navigasi akan ditampilkan."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1746754`] (for horizon plugin developers) Django tab is now pluggable "
"and horizon plugins can add extra tab(s) to an existing tab provided by "
"horizon or other horizon plugins. Extra tabs can be added via the horizon "
"plugin \"enabled\" file. For more detail, see ``EXTRA_TABS`` description in "
"`Pluggable Panels and Groups <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/"
"configuration/pluggable_panels.html#extra-tabs>`__ of the horizon "
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1746754`] (untuk pengembang horizon plugin) Django tab sekarang "
"menjadi pluggable dan horizon plugins dapat menambahkan tab ekstra (s) ke "
"tab yang ada yang disediakan oleh horizon atau plugin horizon lainnya. Tab "
"tambahan dapat ditambahkan melalui plugin horizon \"enabled\" file. Untuk "
"detail lebih lanjut, lihat deskripsi ``EXTRA_TABS`` di `Pluggable Panels and "
"Groups <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/configuration/"
"pluggable_panels.html#extra-tabs>` __ dari dokumentasi horizon."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1755339`] (for horizon plugin developers) A new plugin option "
"``ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES`` is now available and horizon plugins can add extra "
"xstatic modules via the horizon plugin \"enabled\" file. For more detail, "
"see ``ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES`` description in `Pluggable Panels and Groups "
"html#ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES>`__ in horizon documentation."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1755339`] (untuk pengembang horizon plugin) Sebuah opsi plugin baru "
"``ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES`` sekarang tersedia dan plugin horizon dapat "
"menambahkan modul xstatic tambahan melalui plugin horizon \"enabled\" file. "
"Untuk detail lebih lanjut, lihat ``ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES`` deskripsi di "
"`Pluggable Panels and Groups <https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/"
"configuration/pluggable_panels.html#ADD_XSTATIC_MODULES>` __ dalam "
"dokumentasi horizon."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1763204`] Use of this 'djano.wsgi' file has been deprecated since the "
"Rocky release in favor of 'wsgi.py' in the 'openstack_dashboard' module. "
"This file is a legacy naming from before Django 1.4 and an importable 'wsgi."
"py' is now the default. This file will be removed in the T release cycle."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1763204`] Penggunaan file 'djano.wsgi' ini sudah tidak digunakan lagi "
"sejak rilis Rocky yang mendukung 'wsgi.py' di modul 'openstack_dashboard'. "
"File ini adalah penamaan lama dari sebelumnya Django 1.4 dan 'wsgi.py' yang "
"dapat diimpor sekarang menjadi default. File ini akan dihapus dalam siklus "
"rilis T."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1772345`] ``DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` no longer overrides the cookie "
"value from ``services_region``. This fixes the UX where a user controlled "
"value keeps being overridden by a setting and changes "
"``DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` to act as a default (as the name implies) per "
"endpoint if the cookie is not set rather than an override. The cookie will "
"still be overridden when it is for a region not present in the user's "
"current catalog, so this will still handle the original multi-keystone case "
"that requried the introduction of ``DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS``."
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1772345`] `` DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` tidak lagi mengesampingkan "
"nilai cookie dari ``services_region``. Ini memperbaiki UX di mana nilai yang "
"dikontrol pengguna terus dikesampingkan oleh pengaturan dan mengubah "
"``DEFAULT_SERVICE_REGIONS`` untuk bertindak sebagai default (sesuai namanya) "
"per endpoint jika cookie tidak disetel ke override. Cookie masih akan "
"ditimpa saat itu untuk wilayah yang tidak ada dalam katalog pengguna saat "
"ini, jadi ini masih akan menangani kasus multi-keystone asli yang mewajibkan "
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1779268`] Supported ``can_edit_*`` settings in Angularized identity "
"panels. To enable this settings in Angularized identity panels, add "
"``local_settings.py``. For more detail, see `REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS "
"api-required-settings>`__ in horizon settings documentation."
msgstr ""
"[: bug: `1779268`] Mendukung pengaturan` `can_edit_ *` `di panel identity "
"Angularized. Untuk mengaktifkan pengaturan ini di panel identity "
"Angularized, tambahkan ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_BACKEND`` ke "
"``REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS`` pada ``local_settings.py``. Untuk detail "
"lebih lanjut, lihat `REST_API_REQUIRED_SETTINGS <https://docs.openstack.org/"
"horizon/latest/configuration/settings.html#rest-api-required-settings>`__ "
"dalam dokumentasi pengaturan horizon."
msgid ""
"[:bug:`1785263`] Modify the project detail view in a multi tabbed view, "
"composed of:"
msgstr ""
"[:bug:`1785263`] Memodifikasi tampilan detail proyek dalam tampilan multi "
"tab, terdiri dari:"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint Supports extra properties in project and user <https://"
"user>`_] Support an ability to treat additional information for project and "
"user as an extra attribute."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint Supports extra properties in project and user <https://"
"user>`_] Mendukung kemampuan untuk memperlakukan informasi tambahan untuk "
"proyek dan pengguna sebagai atribut tambahan."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint admin-neutron-l3-agent <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/admin-neutron-l3-agent>`_] Add support for managing neutron L3 agent "
"hosts. The admin screen for system information now provides links / views "
"to see what routers reside on what hosts. In addition, the admin view of "
"routers now also provides a list of where the router is hosted and the link "
"to see what other routers are sharing the same host."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint admin-neutron-l3-agent <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/admin-neutron-l3-agent>`_] Menambahkan dukungan untuk mengelola "
"neutron L3 agent host. Layar admin untuk sistem informasi saat ini "
"menyediakan link/views untuk melihat router apakah berada pada host apa. "
"Selain itu, tampilan router admin kini juga menyediakan daftar dimana router "
"berada pada host dan link untuk melihat apa router lain berbagi pada host "
"yang sama."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint admin-views-filter-first <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/admin-views-filter-first>`_] This blueprint provides a "
"configurable setting to allow operators require admin users to provide a "
"search criteria first before loading data into admin views."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint admin-views-filter-first <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/admin-views-filter-first>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan "
"pengaturan yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengizinkan operator mengharuskan "
"pengguna admin untuk memberikan kriteria pencarian pertama sebelum pemuatan "
"data ke tampilan admin."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-performance-strict-di <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-performance-strict-di>`_] This blueprint enforces "
"strict dependency injection in AngularJS code, for improvements to "
"minification and thus performance."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-performance-strict-di <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-performance-strict-di>`_] Cetak biru ini memaksa "
"injeksi ketergantungan yang ketat dalam kode AngularJS, untuk perbaikan "
"minification dan kinerja."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-schema-form <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-schema-form>`_] Added the Angular Schema Form library to "
"Horizon. This allows developers to build angular forms and workflows from "
"JSON. Read more at `<http://schemaform.io/>`_"
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-schema-form <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/angular-schema-form>`_] Ditambahkan perpustakaan Angular Schema Form "
"ke Horizon. Hal ini memungkinkan pengembang untuk membangun bentuk sudut dan "
"alur kerja dari JSON. Baca lebih lanjut di `<http://schemaform.io/>` _"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-table-directive <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-table-directive>`_] This blueprint provides a way for "
"developers to programatically declare an Angular table vs writing HTML "
"markup. It reduces the boilerplate HTML code. For a basic table, you need to "
"pass in the data and the column configuration into the `hz-dynamic-table` "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-table-directive <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-table-directive>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan cara "
"bagi pengembang secara programatikal mendeklarasikan Angular table vs "
"menulis HTML markup. Ini mengurangi kode HTML boilerplate. Untuk table "
"dasar, Anda harus melewatkan dalam data dan konfigurasi kolom ke dalam "
"direktif `hz-dynamic-table`."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint angular-template-overrides <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-template-overrides>`_] This blueprint provides a way "
"for deployers to use a theme to override HTML fragments used by Angular code "
"in Horizon. For example, to override the launch instance help panel when "
"the 'material' theme is used, create openstack_dashboard/themes/material/"
"static/templates/framework /widgets/help-panel/help-panel.html. All of the "
"client side templates are now compiled into a single JavaScript file that is "
"minified and is given as an additional file in the manifest.json file."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint angular-template-overrides <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/angular-template-overrides>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan cara "
"untuk deployer menggunakan tema untuk mengesampingkan fragmen HTML yang "
"digunakan oleh Angular code di Horizon. Misalnya, untuk mengesampingkan "
"launch instance help panel ketika tema 'material' yang digunakan, membuat "
"openstack_dashboard/themes/material/static/templates/framework /widgets/help-"
"panel/help-panel.html. Semua template sisi klien sekarang dikompilasi ke "
"dalam sebuah file JavaScript tunggal yang diminimalkan dan diberikan sebagai "
"file tambahan dalam file manifest.json."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint application-credentials <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/application-credentials>`_] Adds a new panel for creating, "
"viewing, and deleting keystone application credentials."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint application-credentials <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/application-credentials>`_] Menambahkan panel baru untuk "
"membuat, melihat, dan menghapus kredensial aplikasi keystone."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] This feature adds 2 new tabs to "
"the Project Volumes panel. The first tab will display Consistency Groups, "
"and the second tab will display Consistency Group Snapshots. Consistency "
"Groups (CG) contain existing volumes, and allow the user to perform actions "
"on the volumes in one step. Actions include: create/update/delete CGs, "
"snapshot all volumes in a CG, clone all volumes in a CG, and create a new CG "
"and volumes from a CG snapshot. Policies associated with Consistency Groups "
"exist in the Cinder policy file, and by default, all actions are disabled."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] Fitur ini menambahkan 2 tab baru "
"ke panel Project Volume. Tab pertama akan menampilkan Consistency Grup, dan "
"tab kedua akan menampilkan Consistency Grup Snapshots. Consistency Groups "
"(CG) berisi volume yang ada, dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan "
"tindakan pada volume dalam satu langkah. Tindakan meliputi: membuat/update/"
"menghapus CG, snapshot semua volume di CG, mengkloning semua volume di CG, "
"dan menciptakan CG baru dan volume dari sebuah snapshot CG. Kebijakan yang "
"terkait dengan Consistency Grup ada di file kebijakan Cinder, dan secara "
"default, semua tindakan dinonaktifkan."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] This feature adds a new "
"Consistency Groups tab to the Project Volumes panel. Consistency Groups (GG) "
"contain existing volumes, and allow the user to perform actions on the "
"volumes in one step. Actions include: create a CG, manage volumes associated "
"with the CG, update a CG, and delete a CGs. Note that a CG can not be "
"deleted if it contains any volumes."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint cinder-consistency-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/cinder-consistency-groups>`_] Fitur ini menambahkan tab "
"Konsistensi Grup baru ke panel Project Volume. Consistency Groups (GG) "
"berisi volume yang ada, dan mengizinkan pengguna untuk melakukan tindakan "
"pada volume dalam satu langkah. Tindakan meliputi: membuat CG, mengatur "
"volume terkait dengan CG, memperbarui CG, dan menghapus CG. Perhatikan bahwa "
"CG tidak dapat dihapus jika mengandung volume apapun."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint configurable-boot-sources <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/configurable-boot-sources>`_] Allows administrators to "
"restrict which sources are available to boot from in the Launch Instance "
"modal by adding 4 new settings to LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS (disable_image, "
"disable_instance_snapshot, disable_volume, disable_volume_snapshot)."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint configurable-boot-sources <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/configurable-boot-sources>`_] Memungkinkan administrator "
"untuk membatasi sumber yang tersedia untuk boot dari dalam modal Launch "
"Instance oleh menambahkan 4 pengaturan baru untuk LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS "
"(disable_image, disable_instance_snapshot, disable_volume, "
msgid ""
"[`blueprint extensible-header <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/extensible-header>`_] Added a feature to insert custom headers into "
"horizon's topbar."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint extensible-header <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/extensible-header>`_] Menambahkan fitur untuk menyisipkan header "
"kustom ke topbar horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint integrate-magic-search <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/integrate-magic-search>`_] Magic Search was an external dependency "
"that was being heavily modified or overwritten in sections, so the used "
"parts of code base have been moved into Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint integrate-magic-search <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/integrate-magic-search>`_] Magic Search adalah ketergantungan "
"eksternal yang sedang banyak dimodifikasi atau ditimpa di bagian, sehingga "
"bagian yang digunakan dari basis kode telah dipindahkan ke Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint integration-tests-hardening <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/integration-tests-hardening>`_] This blueprint reduced "
"failures in the integration tests caused by structure or styling changes, by "
"making them less dependent on aspects of page structure, such as ordering or "
"CSS classes."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint integration-tests-hardening <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/integration-tests-hardening>`_] Cetak biru ini mengurangi "
"kegagalan dalam tes integrasi disebabkan oleh perubahan struktur atau "
"styling, dengan membuat mereka kurang bergantung pada aspek struktur "
"halaman, seperti pemesanan atau kelas CSS."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-idp <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-idp>`_] Add support for managing keystone "
"identity provider. To enable the panel, set "
"``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_FEDERATION_MANAGEMENT`` in the local_settting.py to "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-idp <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-idp>`_] Menambahkan dukungan untuk "
"mengelola penyedia identitas keystone. Untuk mengaktifkan panel, mengatur "
"``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_FEDERATION_MANAGEMENT`` di local_settting.py ke True."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-mapping <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-mapping>`_] Add basic support for managing "
"keystone federation mapping."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-mapping <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-mapping>`_] Menambahkan dukungan dasar "
"untuk mengelola pemetaan federasi keystone."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-protocol-mapping <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-protocol-mapping>`_] This "
"blueprint provides CRUD interaction for identity provider protocols."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint keystone-federation-protocol-mapping <https://blueprints."
"launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/keystone-federation-protocol-mapping>`_] Cetak "
"biru ini memberikan interaksi CRUD untuk protokol provider identitas."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint manage-ips Add ability to manage floating IPs in syspanel "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/manage-ips>`_] Admin "
"dashboard Floating IPs panel has been added to Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint manage-ips Add ability to manage floating IPs in syspanel "
"<https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/manage-ips>`_] Dashboard "
"admin panel IP mengambang telah ditambahkan ke Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint message-of-the-day <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/message-of-the-day>`_] Message of the day can now be configured in "
"horizon, this will be displayed to the user whenever they login. To enable "
"the feature set ``MESSAGES_PATH`` in the local_settting.py to the directory "
"where message files are located. The message file must have a .json file "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint message-of-the-day <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/message-of-the-day>`_] Pesan hari sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi di "
"horizon, ini akan ditampilkan kepada pengguna setiap kali mereka login. "
"Untuk mengaktifkan fitur set `` MESSAGES_PATH`` di local_settting.py ke "
"direktori dimana file pesan berada. File pesan harus memiliki ekstensi file ."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/navigation-improvements>`_] Breadcrumb navigation has been "
"added across Horizon."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint navigation-improvements <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/navigation-improvements>`_] navigasi breadcrumb telah "
"ditambahkan di Horizon."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint network-bandwidth-limiting-qos <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/network-bandwidth-limiting-qos>`_] Add partial support for "
"Network QoS policies. Since the panel is incomplete in Pike, it is disabled "
"by default. It can be enabled in the file `openstack_dashboard/enabled/"
"_1510_project_network_qos_panel.py`. When enabled, this panel allows users "
"to view a list of created network policies. This panel displays a table view "
"of the name, description and shared status of each policy. The details page "
"for each policy also shows information on the associated rules."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint network-bandwidth-limiting-qos <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/network-bandwidth-limiting-qos>` _] Tambahkan dukungan "
"sebagian untuk kebijakan Network QoS. Karena panel tidak lengkap di Pike, "
"maka panel tersebut akan dinonaktifkan secara default. Ini bisa diaktifkan "
"di file `openstack_dashboard/enabled/_1510_project_network_qos_panel.py`. "
"Bila diaktifkan, panel ini memungkinkan pengguna melihat daftar kebijakan "
"jaringan yang dibuat. Panel ini menampilkan tampilan tabel nama, deskripsi "
"dan status bersama masing-masing kebijakan. Halaman rincian untuk setiap "
"kebijakan juga menunjukkan informasi tentang peraturan yang terkait."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint neutron-trunk-ui <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"neutron-trunk-ui>`_] Add partial support for Neutron Trunks. Since the panel "
"is incomplete in Pike, it is disabled by default. It can be enabled in the "
"file 'openstack_dashboard/enabled/_1500_project_trunks_panel.py'. After "
"enabling it the Project/Network/Trunks panel turns on if Neutron API "
"extension 'trunk' is available. It displays information about trunks. The "
"details page for each trunk also shows information about subports of that "
"trunk. Currently supported actions: delete."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint neutron-trunk-ui <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"neutron-trunk-ui>` _] Tambahkan dukungan sebagian untuk Neutron Trunks. "
"Karena panel tidak lengkap di Pike, maka panel tersebut akan dinonaktifkan "
"secara default. Ini bisa diaktifkan di file 'openstack_dashboard/enabled/"
"_1500_project_trunks_panel.py'. Setelah mengaktifkannya, panel Project/"
"Network/Trunk akan menyala jika ekstensi Neutron API 'trunk' tersedia. Ini "
"menampilkan informasi tentang trunk. Halaman rincian untuk setiap bagasi "
"juga menunjukkan informasi tentang subport dari trunk tersebut. Tindakan "
"yang didukung saat ini: delete."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint ng-keypairs <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ng-"
"keypairs>`_] AngularJS-based Key Pairs panel is added. The features in the "
"legacy panel are fully implemented. The Key Pairs panel now may be "
"configured to use either the legacy or AngularJS-based codes. The "
"ANGULAR_FEATURES setting now allows for a `key_pairs_panel`. If set to True, "
"then the AngularJS-Based Key Pairs panel will be used, while the Django "
"version will be used if set to False. Default value for key_pairs_panel is "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint ng-keypairs <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ng-"
"keypairs>` _] Panel AngularJS-based Key Pairs ditambahkan. Fitur di panel "
"warisan sepenuhnya diimplementasikan. Panel Key Pairs sekarang dapat "
"dikonfigurasi untuk menggunakan kode berbasis legacy atau AngularJS. "
"Pengaturan ANGULAR_FEATURES sekarang memungkinkan adanya `key_pairs_panel`. "
"Jika disetel ke True, maka panel AngularJS-Based Key Pairs akan digunakan, "
"sementara versi Django akan digunakan jika disetel ke False. Nilai default "
"untuk key_pairs_panel adalah True."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint ng-server-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"ng-server-groups>`_] This blueprint add angular server groups panel below "
"the Project->Compute panel group. The panel turns on if Nova API extension "
"'ServerGroups' is available. It displays information about server groups. "
"The details page for each server group also shows information about "
"instances of that server group. Supported actions: create, delete."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint ng-server-groups <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/"
"ng-server-groups>`_] Cetak biru ini menambahkan grup panel server sudut di "
"bawah kelompok panel Project->Compute. Panel akan menyala jika Nova API "
"extension 'ServerGroups' tersedia. Ini menampilkan informasi tentang grup "
"server. Halaman detail untuk setiap grup server juga menunjukkan informasi "
"tentang instance dari grup server tersebut. Aksi yang didukung: buat, hapus."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint ng-users <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ng-"
"users>`_] AngularJS-based Users panel is added. The features in the legacy "
"panel are almost implemented. The Users panel now may be configured to use "
"either the legacy or AngularJS-based codes. The ANGULAR_FEATURES setting now "
"allows for a `users_panel`. If set to True, then the AngularJS-Based Users "
"panel will be used, while the Django version will be used if set to False. "
"Default value for users_panel is False, due to lack of extensional buttons, "
"i.e. for showing password and adding project, see also [`bug/1733271 "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint ng-users <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/ng-"
"users>`_] Panel AngularJS-based Users ditambahkan. Fitur di panel legacy "
"hampir diterapkan. Panel Users sekarang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk "
"menggunakan kode berbasis warisan (legacy) atau AngularJS. Pengaturan "
"ANGULAR_FEATURES sekarang memungkinkan untuk `users_panel`. Jika disetel ke "
"True, maka panel AngularJS-Based Users akan digunakan, sedangkan versi "
"Django akan digunakan jika disetel ke False. Nilai default untuk users_panel "
"adalah False, karena kurangnya tombol ekstensional, yaitu untuk menampilkan "
"kata sandi dan menambahkan proyek, lihat juga [`bug/1733271 <https://bugs."
msgid ""
"[`blueprint operation-history-log <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/operation-history-log>`_] Added a feature to log operation history of "
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint operation-history-log <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/operation-history-log>`_] Ditambahkan fitur untuk log sejarah operasi "
msgid ""
"[`blueprint pagination-for-flavor <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/pagination-for-flavor>`_] Added forward and backward pagination to the "
"Flavors panel"
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint pagination-for-flavor <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
"+spec/pagination-for-flavor>`_] Ditambahkan ke depan dan pagination mundur "
"ke panel Flavors"
msgid ""
"[`blueprint password-expires-validation <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/password-expires-validation>`_] This blueprint provides a "
"configurable setting to allow operators set the threshold days between the "
"current date and the expiration date to show a message to warn users change "
"their password prior the expiration date."
msgstr ""
"[`blueprint password-expires-validation <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/"
"horizon/+spec/password-expires-validation>`_] Cetak biru ini menyediakan "
"pengaturan yang dapat dikonfigurasi untuk memungkinkan operator menetapkan "
"threshold day antara tanggal sekarang dan tanggal kedaluwarsa untuk "
"menampilkan pesan untuk memperingatkan pengguna mengubah kata sandinya "
"sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa."
msgid ""
"[`bug 1618235 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1618235>`__] User can "
"now delete all characters typed in input search without causing the "
"selected facet to disappear when the last character is deleted."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1618235 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1618235>`__] Pengguna "
"sekarang dapat menghapus semua karakter yang diketik dalam pencarian masukan "
"tanpa mengakibatkan selected facet menghilang ketika karakter terakhir "
msgid ""
"[`bug 1635505 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1635505>`__] Horizon "
"now properly allows to use arrow keys inside of the input search, without "
"triggering a new text search that refreshes the content of the table below."
msgstr ""
"[`bug 1635505 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1635505>`__] Horizon "
"sekarang mengizinkan secara benar untuk menggunakan tombol panah dalam "
"pencarian masukan, tanpa memicu pencarian teks baru yang refresh isi dari "
"tabel di bawah ini."
msgid ""
"[`bug/1733271 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/1744271>`_] Users panel "
"has Angularized, but buttons showing passwords is not implemented, i.e. for "
"Password, Confirm Password and Admin password. Also, button adding project "
"for selection of Primary Project is not implemented."
msgstr ""
"[`bug/1733271 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/1744271>`_] Panel pengguna "
"telah Angularized, tetapi tombol yang menunjukkan kata sandi tidak "
"diterapkan, yaitu untuk Password, Confirm Password and Admin password. Juga, "
"tombol penambahan proyek untuk pemilihan Proyek Primer tidak dilaksanakan."
msgid ""
"``CUSTOM_THEME_PATH`` and ``DEFAULT_THEME_PATH`` (both deprecated in "
"Mitaka): Use AVAILABLE_THEMES instead."
msgstr ""
"``CUSTOM_THEME_PATH`` dan ``DEFAULT_THEME_PATH`` (Keduanya ditinggalkan di "
"Mitaka): Gunakan AVAILABLE_THEMES sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"``Group`` tab displaying all groups which have roles on the project (and "
"their roles on it)."
msgstr ""
"Tab ``Group`` menampilkan semua grup yang memiliki peran pada proyek (dan "
"peran mereka di dalamnya)."
msgid ""
"``HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD`` (deprecated in Newton): Use "
msgstr ""
"``HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD`` (tidak digunakan lagi dalam Newton): Gunakan "
"``HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE`` sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"``OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE`` setting now has a consistent default value and "
"it defaults to ``publicURL``. If you use the default value, previously (at "
"least Ocata release) Horizon used ``internalURL`` for keystone and "
"``publicURL`` for other services. The default value is now ``publicURL``, so "
"if you want horizon to use ``internalURL`` to talk with back-end services, "
"ensure to set ``OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE`` to ``internalURL``."
msgstr ""
"Setelan `OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE`` sekarang memiliki nilai default yang "
"konsisten dan defaultnya adalah` `publicURL``. Jika Anda menggunakan nilai "
"default, sebelumnya (setidaknya rilis Ocata) Horizon menggunakan "
"``internalURL`` untuk keystone dan ``publicURL`` untuk layanan lainnya. "
"Nilai default sekarang ``publicURL``, jadi jika Anda ingin menggunakan "
"\"internURL`` untuk berbicara dengan layanan back-end, pastikan untuk "
"menetapkan ``OPENSTACK_ENDPOINT_TYPE`` ke ``internURL``."
msgid ""
"``OPENSTACK_TOKEN_HASH_ALGORITHM`` setting was removed because it was used "
"only for PKI token check. Unless you use PKI token before upgrading, there "
"is no affect and you can safely drop it from your local_settings.py."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``OPENSTACK_TOKEN_HASH_ALGORITHM`` telah dihapus karena hanya "
"digunakan untuk pemeriksaan token PKI. Kecuali Anda menggunakan token PKI "
"sebelum upgrading, tidak ada pengaruh dan Anda dapat dengan aman "
"melepaskannya dari local_settings.py Anda."
msgid ""
"``OPENSTACK_TOKEN_HASH_ENABLED`` (deprecated in Mitaka): PKI tokens "
"currently work with hashing (before Ocata) and Keystone already dropped PKI "
"token support in Ocata."
msgstr ""
"``OPENSTACK_TOKEN_HASH_ENABLED`` (tidak digunakan lagi di Mitaka): token PKI "
"saat ini bekerja dengan hashing (sebelum Ocata) dan Keystone sudah "
"kehilangan dukungan token PKI di Ocata."
msgid "``Overview`` tab displaying general information about the project."
msgstr "Tab ``Overview`` menampilkan informasi umum tentang proyek."
msgid ""
"``TOKEN_DELETION_DISABLED`` (deprecated in Ocata): It was not marked as "
"deprecated in the horizon documentation, but this had no effect since Ocata "
msgstr ""
"``TOKEN_DELETION_DISABLED`` (tidak berlaku lagi di Ocata): Ini tidak "
"ditandai sebagai ditinggalkan dalam dokumentasi horizon, tetapi ini tidak "
"berpengaruh sejak rilis Ocata."
msgid ""
"``Users`` tab displaying all users which have roles on the project (and "
"their roles on it), including users which have roles on the project throw "
"their membership to a group."
msgstr ""
"Tab ``Users`` menampilkan semua pengguna yang memiliki peran pada proyek "
"(dan peran mereka di dalamnya), termasuk pengguna yang memiliki peran pada "
"proyek yang membuang keanggotaan mereka ke grup."
msgid ""
"``simple_ip_management`` setting in ``HORIZON_CONFIG`` was dropped. This "
"actually has no meaning after nova-network support was dropped in Pike. If "
"you use this setting to hide ``Disassociate Floating IP`` button in the "
"instance table, use the policy file instead."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``simple_ip_management`` di ``HORIZON_CONFIG`` dicabut. Ini "
"sebenarnya tidak ada artinya setelah dukungan nova-network dijatuhkan "
"(dropped) di Pike. Jika Anda menggunakan pengaturan ini untuk menyembunyikan "
"tombol ``Disassociate Floating IP`` dalam tabel instance, gunakan file "
"kebijakan sebagai gantinya."
msgid ""
"blueprint gb-to-gib-conversion <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgstr ""
"blueprint gb-to-gib-conversion <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1379761"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1379761"
msgid "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1508571"
msgstr "https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1508571"
msgid ""
"the ``ANGULAR_FEATURES`` setting now allows for a key ``images_panel``. If "
"set to ``True``, then the Angular Images panel will be used, while the "
"Python version will be used if set to ``False``."
msgstr ""
"Pengaturan ``ANGULAR_FEATURES`` sekarang mengizinkan kunci "
"``images_panel``. Jika diatur ke `` True``, maka panel Angular Image akan "
"digunakan, sedangkan versi Python akan digunakan jika diatur ke `` False``."