# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Plugin to store extra hardware information in Swift. Stores the value of the 'data' key returned by the ramdisk as a JSON encoded string in a Swift object. The object is named 'extra_hardware-' and is stored in the 'inspector' container. """ import json from oslo_config import cfg from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _LW from ironic_inspector.common import swift from ironic_inspector.plugins import base from ironic_inspector import utils CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = utils.getProcessingLogger(__name__) EDEPLOY_ITEM_SIZE = 4 class ExtraHardwareHook(base.ProcessingHook): """Processing hook for saving extra hardware information in Swift.""" def _store_extra_hardware(self, name, data): """Handles storing the extra hardware data from the ramdisk""" swift_api = swift.SwiftAPI() swift_api.create_object(name, data) def before_update(self, introspection_data, node_info, **kwargs): """Stores the 'data' key from introspection_data in Swift. If the 'data' key exists, updates Ironic extra column 'hardware_swift_object' key to the name of the Swift object, and stores the data in the 'inspector' container in Swift. Otherwise, it does nothing. """ if 'data' not in introspection_data: LOG.warning(_LW('No extra hardware information was received from ' 'the ramdisk'), node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data) return data = introspection_data['data'] name = 'extra_hardware-%s' % node_info.uuid self._store_extra_hardware(name, json.dumps(data)) # NOTE(sambetts) If data is edeploy format, convert to dicts for rules # processing, store converted data in introspection_data['extra']. # Delete introspection_data['data'], it is assumed unusable # by rules. if self._is_edeploy_data(data): LOG.debug('Extra hardware data is in eDeploy format, ' 'converting to usable format', node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data) introspection_data['extra'] = self._convert_edeploy_data(data) else: LOG.warning(_LW('Extra hardware data was not in a recognised ' 'format (eDeploy), and will not be forwarded to ' 'introspection rules'), node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data) LOG.debug('Deleting \"data\" key from introspection data as it is ' 'assumed unusable by introspection rules. Raw data is ' 'stored in swift', node_info=node_info, data=introspection_data) del introspection_data['data'] node_info.patch([{'op': 'add', 'path': '/extra/hardware_swift_object', 'value': name}]) def _is_edeploy_data(self, data): return all(isinstance(item, list) and len(item) == EDEPLOY_ITEM_SIZE for item in data) def _convert_edeploy_data(self, data): converted = {} for item in data: converted_0 = converted.setdefault(item[0], {}) converted_1 = converted_0.setdefault(item[1], {}) try: item[3] = int(item[3]) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass converted_1[item[2]] = item[3] return converted