# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Support for introspection rules.""" import jsonpath_rw as jsonpath import jsonschema from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import timeutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from sqlalchemy import orm from ironic_inspector.common.i18n import _, _LE, _LI from ironic_inspector import db from ironic_inspector.plugins import base as plugins_base from ironic_inspector import utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) _CONDITIONS_SCHEMA = None _ACTIONS_SCHEMA = None def conditions_schema(): global _CONDITIONS_SCHEMA if _CONDITIONS_SCHEMA is None: condition_plugins = [x.name for x in plugins_base.rule_conditions_manager()] _CONDITIONS_SCHEMA = { "title": "Inspector rule conditions schema", "type": "array", # we can have rules that always apply "minItems": 0, "items": { "type": "object", # field might become optional in the future, but not right now "required": ["op", "field"], "properties": { "op": { "description": "condition operator", "enum": condition_plugins }, "field": { "description": "JSON path to field for matching", "type": "string" }, "multiple": { "description": "how to treat multiple values", "enum": ["all", "any", "first"] }, }, # other properties are validated by plugins "additionalProperties": True } } return _CONDITIONS_SCHEMA def actions_schema(): global _ACTIONS_SCHEMA if _ACTIONS_SCHEMA is None: action_plugins = [x.name for x in plugins_base.rule_actions_manager()] _ACTIONS_SCHEMA = { "title": "Inspector rule actions schema", "type": "array", "minItems": 1, "items": { "type": "object", "required": ["action"], "properties": { "action": { "description": "action to take", "enum": action_plugins }, }, # other properties are validated by plugins "additionalProperties": True } } return _ACTIONS_SCHEMA class IntrospectionRule(object): """High-level class representing an introspection rule.""" def __init__(self, uuid, conditions, actions, description): """Create rule object from database data.""" self._uuid = uuid self._conditions = conditions self._actions = actions self._description = description def as_dict(self, short=False): result = { 'uuid': self._uuid, 'description': self._description, } if not short: result['conditions'] = [c.as_dict() for c in self._conditions] result['actions'] = [a.as_dict() for a in self._actions] return result @property def description(self): return self._description or self._uuid def check_conditions(self, node_info, data): """Check if conditions are true for a given node. :param node_info: a NodeInfo object :param data: introspection data :returns: True if conditions match, otherwise False """ LOG.debug('Checking rule "%(descr)s" on node %(uuid)s', {'descr': self.description, 'uuid': node_info.uuid}) ext_mgr = plugins_base.rule_conditions_manager() for cond in self._conditions: field_values = jsonpath.parse(cond.field).find(data) field_values = [x.value for x in field_values] cond_ext = ext_mgr[cond.op].obj if not field_values: if cond_ext.ALLOW_NONE: LOG.debug('Field with JSON path %(path)s was not found in ' 'data for node %(uuid)s', {'path': cond.field, 'uuid': node_info.uuid}) field_values = [None] else: LOG.info(_LI('Field with JSON path %(path)s was not found ' 'in data for node %(uuid)s, rule "%(rule)s" ' 'will not be applied'), {'path': cond.field, 'uuid': node_info.uuid, 'rule': self.description}) return False for value in field_values: result = cond_ext.check(node_info, value, cond.params) if (cond.multiple == 'first' or (cond.multiple == 'all' and not result) or (cond.multiple == 'any' and result)): break if not result: LOG.info(_LI('Rule "%(rule)s" will not be applied to node ' '%(uuid)s: condition %(field)s %(op)s %(params)s ' 'failed'), {'rule': self.description, 'uuid': node_info.uuid, 'field': cond.field, 'op': cond.op, 'params': cond.params}) return False LOG.info(_LI('Rule "%(rule)s" will be applied to node %(uuid)s'), {'rule': self.description, 'uuid': node_info.uuid}) return True def apply_actions(self, node_info, rollback=False): """Run actions on a node. :param node_info: NodeInfo instance :param rollback: if True, rollback actions are executed """ if rollback: method = 'rollback' else: method = 'apply' LOG.debug('Running %(what)s actions for rule "%(rule)s" ' 'on node %(node)s', {'what': method, 'rule': self.description, 'node': node_info.uuid}) ext_mgr = plugins_base.rule_actions_manager() for act in self._actions: LOG.debug('Running %(what)s action `%(action)s %(params)s` for ' 'node %(node)s', {'action': act.action, 'params': act.params, 'node': node_info.uuid, 'what': method}) ext = ext_mgr[act.action].obj getattr(ext, method)(node_info, act.params) LOG.debug('Successfully applied %(what)s to node %(node)s', {'what': 'rollback actions' if rollback else 'actions', 'node': node_info.uuid}) def create(conditions_json, actions_json, uuid=None, description=None): """Create a new rule in database. :param conditions_json: list of dicts with the following keys: * op - operator * field - JSON path to field to compare Other keys are stored as is. :param actions_json: list of dicts with the following keys: * action - action type Other keys are stored as is. :param uuid: rule UUID, will be generated if empty :param description: human-readable rule description :returns: new IntrospectionRule object :raises: utils.Error on failure """ uuid = uuid or uuidutils.generate_uuid() LOG.debug('Creating rule %(uuid)s with description "%(descr)s", ' 'conditions %(conditions)s and actions %(actions)s', {'uuid': uuid, 'descr': description, 'conditions': conditions_json, 'actions': actions_json}) try: jsonschema.validate(conditions_json, conditions_schema()) except jsonschema.ValidationError as exc: raise utils.Error(_('Validation failed for conditions: %s') % exc) try: jsonschema.validate(actions_json, actions_schema()) except jsonschema.ValidationError as exc: raise utils.Error(_('Validation failed for actions: %s') % exc) cond_mgr = plugins_base.rule_conditions_manager() act_mgr = plugins_base.rule_actions_manager() conditions = [] for cond_json in conditions_json: field = cond_json['field'] try: jsonpath.parse(field) except Exception as exc: raise utils.Error(_('Unable to parse field JSON path %(field)s: ' '%(error)s') % {'field': field, 'error': exc}) plugin = cond_mgr[cond_json['op']].obj params = {k: v for k, v in cond_json.items() if k not in ('op', 'field', 'multiple')} try: plugin.validate(params) except ValueError as exc: raise utils.Error(_('Invalid parameters for operator %(op)s: ' '%(error)s') % {'op': cond_json['op'], 'error': exc}) conditions.append((cond_json['field'], cond_json['op'], cond_json.get('multiple', 'any'), params)) actions = [] for action_json in actions_json: plugin = act_mgr[action_json['action']].obj params = {k: v for k, v in action_json.items() if k != 'action'} try: plugin.validate(params) except ValueError as exc: raise utils.Error(_('Invalid parameters for action %(act)s: ' '%(error)s') % {'act': action_json['action'], 'error': exc}) actions.append((action_json['action'], params)) try: with db.ensure_transaction() as session: rule = db.Rule(uuid=uuid, description=description, disabled=False, created_at=timeutils.utcnow()) for field, op, multiple, params in conditions: rule.conditions.append(db.RuleCondition(op=op, field=field, multiple=multiple, params=params)) for action, params in actions: rule.actions.append(db.RuleAction(action=action, params=params)) rule.save(session) except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as exc: LOG.error(_LE('Database integrity error %s when ' 'creating a rule'), exc) raise utils.Error(_('Rule with UUID %s already exists') % uuid, code=409) LOG.info(_LI('Created rule %(uuid)s with description "%(descr)s"'), {'uuid': uuid, 'descr': description}) return IntrospectionRule(uuid=uuid, conditions=rule.conditions, actions=rule.actions, description=description) def get(uuid): """Get a rule by its UUID.""" try: rule = db.model_query(db.Rule).filter_by(uuid=uuid).one() except orm.exc.NoResultFound: raise utils.Error(_('Rule %s was not found') % uuid, code=404) return IntrospectionRule(uuid=rule.uuid, actions=rule.actions, conditions=rule.conditions, description=rule.description) def get_all(): """List all rules.""" query = db.model_query(db.Rule).order_by(db.Rule.created_at) return [IntrospectionRule(uuid=rule.uuid, actions=rule.actions, conditions=rule.conditions, description=rule.description) for rule in query] def delete(uuid): """Delete a rule by its UUID.""" with db.ensure_transaction() as session: db.model_query(db.RuleAction, session=session).filter_by(rule=uuid).delete() db.model_query(db.RuleCondition, session=session) .filter_by(rule=uuid).delete() count = (db.model_query(db.Rule, session=session) .filter_by(uuid=uuid).delete()) if not count: raise utils.Error(_('Rule %s was not found') % uuid, code=404) LOG.info(_LI('Introspection rule %s was deleted'), uuid) def delete_all(): """Delete all rules.""" with db.ensure_transaction() as session: db.model_query(db.RuleAction, session=session).delete() db.model_query(db.RuleCondition, session=session).delete() db.model_query(db.Rule, session=session).delete() LOG.info(_LI('All introspection rules were deleted')) def apply(node_info, data): """Apply rules to a node.""" rules = get_all() if not rules: LOG.debug('No custom introspection rules to apply to node %s', node_info.uuid) return LOG.debug('Applying custom introspection rules to node %s', node_info.uuid) to_rollback = [] to_apply = [] for rule in rules: if rule.check_conditions(node_info, data): to_apply.append(rule) else: to_rollback.append(rule) if to_rollback: LOG.debug('Running rollback actions on node %s', node_info.uuid) for rule in to_rollback: rule.apply_actions(node_info, rollback=True) else: LOG.debug('No rollback actions to apply on node %s', node_info.uuid) if to_apply: LOG.debug('Running actions on node %s', node_info.uuid) for rule in to_apply: rule.apply_actions(node_info, rollback=False) else: LOG.debug('No actions to apply on node %s', node_info.uuid) LOG.info(_LI('Successfully applied custom introspection rules to node %s'), node_info.uuid)