Moshe Levi 8d88809c00 tinyipa: Fix git clone tags when 1.6.5 <= git < 1.7.10
Add additional "git checkout" to tag to make sure
we are on the currect tag. This will
allow to support OSes with git >= v1.6.5 e.g. CentOS 6.7

Closes-bug: #1590912

Change-Id: I87a87e1148a0590fa7e378296ce00e0a28666227
2016-06-13 16:33:56 +03:00

110 lines
4.2 KiB
Executable File

set -ex
WORKDIR=$(readlink -f $0 | xargs dirname)
CHROOT_CMD="sudo chroot $BUILDDIR /usr/bin/env -i PATH=$CHROOT_PATH http_proxy=$http_proxy https_proxy=$https_proxy no_proxy=$no_proxy"
# NOTE(moshele): Git < 1.7.10 requires a separate checkout, see LP #1590912
function clone_and_checkout {
git clone $1 $2 --depth=1 --branch $3; cd $2; git checkout $3; cd -
echo "Building tinyipa:"
# Ensure we have an extended sudo to prevent the need to enter a password over
# and over again.
sudo -v
# If an old build directory exists remove it
if [ -d "$BUILDDIR" ]; then
sudo rm -rf "$BUILDDIR"
# Download and Cache Tiny Core Files
cd $WORKDIR/build_files
wget -N $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL/7.x/x86_64/release/distribution_files/corepure64.gz
wget -N $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL/7.x/x86_64/release/distribution_files/vmlinuz64
# Build Required Python Dependecies in a Build Directory
# Make directory for building in
mkdir "$BUILDDIR"
# Extract rootfs from .gz file
( cd "$BUILDDIR" && zcat $WORKDIR/build_files/corepure64.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d )
# Configure mirror
sudo sh -c "echo $TINYCORE_MIRROR_URL > $BUILDDIR/opt/tcemirror"
# Download get-pip into ramdisk
( cd "$BUILDDIR/tmp" && wget )
# Download TGT and Qemu-utils source
clone_and_checkout "" "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/tgt" "v1.0.62"
clone_and_checkout "" "${BUILDDIR}/tmp/qemu" "v2.5.0"
# Create directory for python local mirror
mkdir -p "$BUILDDIR/tmp/localpip"
# Download IPA and requirements
cd ../..
rm -rf *.egg-info
python sdist --dist-dir "$BUILDDIR/tmp/localpip" --quiet
cp requirements.txt $BUILDDIR/tmp/ipa-requirements.txt
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf $BUILDDIR/etc/resolv.conf
trap "sudo umount $BUILDDIR/proc; sudo umount $BUILDDIR/dev/pts" EXIT
sudo mount --bind /proc $BUILDDIR/proc
sudo mount --bind /dev/pts $BUILDDIR/dev/pts
$CHROOT_CMD mkdir /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
$CHROOT_CMD chmod a+rwx /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
$CHROOT_CMD touch /etc/sysconfig/tcuser
$CHROOT_CMD chmod a+rwx /etc/sysconfig/tcuser
mkdir $BUILDDIR/tmp/overides
cp $WORKDIR/build_files/fakeuname $BUILDDIR/tmp/overides/uname
while read line; do
sudo chroot --userspec=$TC:$STAFF $BUILDDIR /usr/bin/env -i PATH=$CHROOT_PATH http_proxy=$http_proxy https_proxy=$https_proxy no_proxy=$no_proxy tce-load -wci $line
done < $WORKDIR/build_files/buildreqs.lst
# Build python wheels
$CHROOT_CMD python /tmp/
$CHROOT_CMD pip install pbr
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels setuptools
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels pip
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels -r /tmp/ipa-requirements.txt
$CHROOT_CMD pip wheel --no-index --pre --wheel-dir /tmp/wheels --find-links=/tmp/localpip --find-links=/tmp/wheels ironic-python-agent
# Build tgt
rm -rf $WORKDIR/build_files/tgt.tcz
$CHROOT_CMD /bin/sh -c "cd /tmp/tgt && make && make install-programs install-conf install-scripts DESTDIR=/tmp/tgt-installed"
find $BUILDDIR/tmp/tgt-installed/ -type f -executable | xargs file | awk -F ':' '/ELF/ {print $1}' | sudo xargs strip
cd $WORKDIR/build_files && mksquashfs $BUILDDIR/tmp/tgt-installed tgt.tcz && md5sum tgt.tcz > tgt.tcz.md5.txt
# Build qemu-utils
rm -rf $WORKDIR/build_files/qemu-utils.tcz
$CHROOT_CMD /bin/sh -c "cd /tmp/qemu && ./configure --disable-system --disable-user --disable-linux-user --disable-bsd-user --disable-guest-agent --disable-blobs && make && make install DESTDIR=/tmp/qemu-utils"
find $BUILDDIR/tmp/qemu-utils/ -type f -executable | xargs file | awk -F ':' '/ELF/ {print $1}' | sudo xargs strip
cd $WORKDIR/build_files && mksquashfs $BUILDDIR/tmp/qemu-utils qemu-utils.tcz && md5sum qemu-utils.tcz > qemu-utils.tcz.md5.txt
# Create qemu-utils.tcz.dep
echo "glib2.tcz" > qemu-utils.tcz.dep