diff --git a/doc/source/dev/releasing.rst b/doc/source/dev/releasing.rst
index 54c14654a9..71ce39ade0 100644
--- a/doc/source/dev/releasing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/dev/releasing.rst
@@ -47,11 +47,24 @@ Things to do before releasing
   TEMPEST_BAREMETAL_MAX_MICROVERSION in devstack/lib/ironic to make sure that
   unsupported API tempest tests are skipped on stable branches.
+* To support rolling upgrades, add this new release version (and release name
+  if it is a named release) into ironic/common/release_mappings.py:
+  * in RELEASE_MAPPING, make a copy of the 'master' entry, and rename the first
+    'master' entry to the new semver release version.
+  * If this is a named release, add a RELEASE_MAPPING entry for the named
+    release. Its value should be the same as that of the latest semver one
+    (that you just added above).
+  * Regenerate the sample config file, so that the choices for the
+    ``[DEFAULT]/pin_release_version`` configuration are accurate.
 .. _`standards`: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/dev/faq.html#know-if-a-release-note-is-needed-for-my-change
 Things to do after releasing
+When a release is done that results in a stable branch
 When a release is done that results in a stable branch for the project, the
 release automation will push a number of changes that need to be approved.
@@ -82,8 +95,21 @@ Additionally, changes need to be made on master to:
     and `pbr documentation
     <http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#version>`_ for details.
+For all releases
 For all releases, whether or not it results in a stable branch:
   * update the specs repo to mark any specs completed in the release as
   * remove any -2s on patches that were blocked until after the release.
+  * to support rolling upgrades, make these changes in
+    ironic/common/release_mappings.py:
+    * if the release was a named release, delete any entries from
+      RELEASE_MAPPING associated with the oldest named release. Since we
+      support upgrades between adjacent named releases, the master branch will
+      only support upgrades from the most recent named release to master.
+    * regenerate the sample config file, so that the choices for the
+      ``[DEFAULT]/pin_release_version`` configuration are accurate.
diff --git a/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample b/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample
index 001ad5e4d5..f71df190a7 100644
--- a/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample
+++ b/etc/ironic/ironic.conf.sample
@@ -354,6 +354,15 @@
 # value)
 #host = localhost
+# Used for rolling upgrades. Setting this option downgrades
+# the internal ironic RPC communication to the specified
+# version to enable communication with older services. When
+# doing a rolling upgrade from version X to version Y, set
+# this to X. Defaults to using the newest possible RPC
+# behavior. (string value)
+# Allowed values: ocata, 7.0
+#pin_release_version = <None>
 # Path to the rootwrap configuration file to use for running
 # commands as root. (string value)
 #rootwrap_config = /etc/ironic/rootwrap.conf
diff --git a/ironic/common/release_mappings.py b/ironic/common/release_mappings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..063e14a4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic/common/release_mappings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#    Copyright 2016 Intel Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+# NOTE(xek): This decides the version cap of RPC messages sent to conductor
+# and objects during rolling upgrades, when [DEFAULT]/pin_release_version
+# configuration is set.
+# Remember to add a new entry for the new version that is shipping in a new
+# release.
+# We support a rolling upgrade between adjacent named releases, as well as
+# between a release and master, so old, unsupported releases can be removed,
+# together with the supporting code, which is typically found in an object's
+# make_compatible methods and RPC client code.
+# NOTE(xek): The format of this dict is:
+# { '<release version>': {
+#       'rpc': '<RPC API version>',
+#       'objects':  {
+#            '<object class name>': '<object version>',
+#       }
+#    },
+# }
+# The list should contain all objects which are persisted in the database and
+# sent over RPC. Notifications/Payloads are not being included here since we
+# don't need to pin them during rolling upgrades.
+# There should always be a 'master' entry that reflects the objects in the
+# master branch.
+# Just before doing a release, copy the 'master' entry, and rename the first
+# 'master' entry to the (semver) version being released.
+# Just after doing a named release, delete any entries associated with the
+# oldest named release.
+    '7.0': {
+        'rpc': '1.40',
+        'objects': {
+            'Node': '1.21',
+            'Conductor': '1.2',
+            'Chassis': '1.3',
+            'Port': '1.6',
+            'Portgroup': '1.3',
+            'VolumeConnector': '1.0',
+            'VolumeTarget': '1.0',
+        }
+    },
+    'master': {
+        'rpc': '1.40',
+        'objects': {
+            'Node': '1.21',
+            'Conductor': '1.2',
+            'Chassis': '1.3',
+            'Port': '1.6',
+            'Portgroup': '1.3',
+            'VolumeConnector': '1.0',
+            'VolumeTarget': '1.0',
+        }
+    },
+# NOTE(xek): Assign each named release to the appropriate semver.
+#            Just before we do a new named release, add a mapping for the new
+#            named release.
+#            Just after we do a new named release, delete the oldest named
+#            release (that we are no longer supporting for a rolling upgrade).
+#            There should be at most two named mappings here.
+# List of available versions with named versions first; 'master' is excluded.
+RELEASE_VERSIONS = sorted(set(RELEASE_MAPPING) - {'master'}, reverse=True)
diff --git a/ironic/conductor/rpcapi.py b/ironic/conductor/rpcapi.py
index d559b0ed6a..af7c286a40 100644
--- a/ironic/conductor/rpcapi.py
+++ b/ironic/conductor/rpcapi.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import oslo_messaging as messaging
 from ironic.common import exception
 from ironic.common import hash_ring
 from ironic.common.i18n import _
+from ironic.common import release_mappings as versions
 from ironic.common import rpc
 from ironic.conductor import manager
 from ironic.conf import CONF
@@ -103,8 +104,10 @@ class ConductorAPI(object):
         target = messaging.Target(topic=self.topic,
         serializer = objects_base.IronicObjectSerializer()
-        self.client = rpc.get_client(target,
-                                     version_cap=self.RPC_API_VERSION,
+        release_ver = versions.RELEASE_MAPPING.get(CONF.pin_release_version)
+        version_cap = (release_ver['rpc'] if release_ver
+                       else self.RPC_API_VERSION)
+        self.client = rpc.get_client(target, version_cap=version_cap,
         # NOTE(deva): this is going to be buggy
         self.ring_manager = hash_ring.HashRingManager()
diff --git a/ironic/conf/default.py b/ironic/conf/default.py
index 0861c1fe79..79d1079ebd 100644
--- a/ironic/conf/default.py
+++ b/ironic/conf/default.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_utils import netutils
 from ironic.common.i18n import _
+from ironic.common import release_mappings as versions
 _ENABLED_IFACE_HELP = _('Specify the list of {0} interfaces to load during '
@@ -261,6 +262,15 @@ service_opts = [
                       'However, the node name must be valid within '
                       'an AMQP key, and if using ZeroMQ, a valid '
                       'hostname, FQDN, or IP address.')),
+    cfg.StrOpt('pin_release_version',
+               choices=versions.RELEASE_VERSIONS,
+               # TODO(xek): mutable=True,
+               help=_('Used for rolling upgrades. Setting this option '
+                      'downgrades the internal ironic RPC communication to '
+                      'the specified version to enable communication with '
+                      'older services. When doing a rolling upgrade from '
+                      'version X to version Y, set this to X. Defaults to '
+                      'using the newest possible RPC behavior.')),
 utils_opts = [
diff --git a/ironic/objects/base.py b/ironic/objects/base.py
index 84aed63d72..a366623c6d 100644
--- a/ironic/objects/base.py
+++ b/ironic/objects/base.py
@@ -14,12 +14,17 @@
 """Ironic common internal object model"""
+from oslo_log import log
 from oslo_utils import versionutils
 from oslo_versionedobjects import base as object_base
+from ironic.common import release_mappings as versions
+from ironic.conf import CONF
 from ironic import objects
 from ironic.objects import fields as object_fields
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
 class IronicObjectRegistry(object_base.VersionedObjectRegistry):
     def registration_hook(self, cls, index):
@@ -103,7 +108,35 @@ class IronicObject(object_base.VersionedObject):
         return [cls._from_db_object(cls(context), db_obj)
                 for db_obj in db_objects]
+    def _get_target_version(self):
+        """Returns the target version for this object.
+        If pinned, returns the version of this object corresponding to
+        the pin. Otherwise, returns this (latest) version of the object.
+        """
+        pinned_version = None
+        pin = CONF.pin_release_version
+        if pin:
+            version_manifest = versions.RELEASE_MAPPING[pin]['objects']
+            pinned_version = version_manifest.get(self.obj_name())
+        return pinned_version or self.__class__.VERSION
 class IronicObjectSerializer(object_base.VersionedObjectSerializer):
     # Base class to use for object hydration
     OBJ_BASE_CLASS = IronicObject
+    def serialize_entity(self, context, entity):
+        if isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set, dict)):
+            entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.serialize_entity,
+                                            entity)
+        elif (hasattr(entity, 'obj_to_primitive')
+              and callable(entity.obj_to_primitive)):
+            target_version = entity._get_target_version()
+            # NOTE(xek): If the version is pinned, target_version is an older
+            # object version and entity's obj_make_compatible method is called
+            # to backport the object before serialization.
+            entity = entity.obj_to_primitive(target_version=target_version)
+        elif not isinstance(entity, (int, str, bool, float, type)) and entity:
+            LOG.warning("Entity %s was not serialized.", str(entity))
+        return entity
diff --git a/ironic/tests/unit/common/test_release_mappings.py b/ironic/tests/unit/common/test_release_mappings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74d8d58535
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic/tests/unit/common/test_release_mappings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#    Copyright 2016 Intel Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from oslo_utils import versionutils
+import six
+from ironic.common.release_mappings import RELEASE_MAPPING
+from ironic.conductor import rpcapi
+from ironic.db.sqlalchemy import models
+from ironic.objects import base as obj_base
+from ironic.tests import base
+from ironic import version
+def _check_versions_compatibility(conf_version, actual_version):
+    """Checks the configured version against the actual version.
+    Returns True if the configured version is <= the actual version;
+    otherwise returns False.
+    param conf_version: configured version, a string with dots
+    param actual_version: actual version, a string with dots
+    """
+    conf_cap = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(conf_version)
+    actual_cap = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(actual_version)
+    return conf_cap <= actual_cap
+class ReleaseMappingsTestCase(base.TestCase):
+    """Tests whether the dict RELEASE_MAPPING is correct, valid and consistent.
+    """
+    def test_structure(self):
+        for value in RELEASE_MAPPING.values():
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(value, dict))
+            self.assertEqual({'rpc', 'objects'}, set(value))
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(value['rpc'], six.string_types))
+            self.assertTrue(isinstance(value['objects'], dict))
+            for obj_value in value['objects'].values():
+                self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj_value, six.string_types))
+                tuple_ver = versionutils.convert_version_to_tuple(obj_value)
+                self.assertEqual(2, len(tuple_ver))
+    def test_object_names_are_registered(self):
+        registered_objects = set(obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes())
+        for mapping in RELEASE_MAPPING.values():
+            objects = set(mapping['objects'])
+            self.assertTrue(objects.issubset(registered_objects))
+    def test_contains_current_release_entry(self):
+        version_info = str(version.version_info)
+        # NOTE(sborkows): We only need first two values from version (like 5.1)
+        # and assume version_info is of the form 'x.y.z'.
+        current_release = version_info[:version_info.rfind('.')]
+        self.assertIn(current_release, RELEASE_MAPPING)
+    def test_current_rpc_version(self):
+        self.assertEqual(rpcapi.ConductorAPI.RPC_API_VERSION,
+                         RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['rpc'])
+    def test_current_object_versions(self):
+        registered_objects = obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes()
+        for obj, objver in RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['objects'].items():
+            self.assertEqual(registered_objects[obj][0].VERSION, objver)
+    def test_contains_all_db_objects(self):
+        self.assertIn('master', RELEASE_MAPPING)
+        model_names = set((s.__name__ for s in models.Base.__subclasses__()))
+        exceptions = set(['NodeTag', 'ConductorHardwareInterfaces'])
+        # NOTE(xek): As a rule, all models which can be changed between
+        # releases or are sent through RPC should have their counterpart
+        # versioned objects. This means all, but very simple models.
+        model_names -= exceptions
+        object_names = set(RELEASE_MAPPING['master']['objects'])
+        self.assertEqual(model_names, object_names)
+    def test_rpc_and_objects_versions_supported(self):
+        registered_objects = obj_base.IronicObjectRegistry.obj_classes()
+        for versions in RELEASE_MAPPING.values():
+            self.assertTrue(_check_versions_compatibility(
+                versions['rpc'], rpcapi.ConductorAPI.RPC_API_VERSION))
+            for obj_name, obj_ver in versions['objects'].items():
+                self.assertTrue(_check_versions_compatibility(
+                    obj_ver, registered_objects[obj_name][0].VERSION))
diff --git a/ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_rpcapi.py b/ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_rpcapi.py
index 1feec62d1a..e31b710032 100644
--- a/ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_rpcapi.py
+++ b/ironic/tests/unit/conductor/test_rpcapi.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from oslo_messaging import _utils as messaging_utils
 from ironic.common import boot_devices
 from ironic.common import exception
+from ironic.common import release_mappings
 from ironic.common import states
 from ironic.conductor import manager as conductor_manager
 from ironic.conductor import rpcapi as conductor_rpcapi
@@ -45,6 +46,22 @@ class ConductorRPCAPITestCase(tests_base.TestCase):
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.rpc.get_client')
+    def test_version_cap(self, mock_get_client):
+        conductor_rpcapi.ConductorAPI()
+        self.assertEqual(conductor_rpcapi.ConductorAPI.RPC_API_VERSION,
+                         mock_get_client.call_args[1]['version_cap'])
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.release_mappings.RELEASE_MAPPING')
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.rpc.get_client')
+    def test_version_capped(self, mock_get_client, mock_release_mapping):
+        CONF.set_override('pin_release_version',
+                          release_mappings.RELEASE_VERSIONS[0],
+                          enforce_type=True)
+        mock_release_mapping.get.return_value = {'rpc': '3'}
+        conductor_rpcapi.ConductorAPI()
+        self.assertEqual('3', mock_get_client.call_args[1]['version_cap'])
 class RPCAPITestCase(base.DbTestCase):
diff --git a/ironic/tests/unit/objects/test_objects.py b/ironic/tests/unit/objects/test_objects.py
index d3400b3437..58c0396b9a 100644
--- a/ironic/tests/unit/objects/test_objects.py
+++ b/ironic/tests/unit/objects/test_objects.py
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ from oslo_versionedobjects import fixture as object_fixture
 import six
 from ironic.common import context
+from ironic.common import release_mappings
+from ironic.conf import CONF
 from ironic.objects import base
 from ironic.objects import fields
 from ironic.tests import base as test_base
@@ -37,6 +39,11 @@ class MyObj(base.IronicObject, object_base.VersionedObjectDictCompat):
               'missing': fields.StringField(),
+    def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
+        super(MyObj, self).obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version)
+        if target_version == '1.4' and 'missing' in primitive:
+            del primitive['missing']
     def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
         setattr(self, attrname, 'loaded!')
@@ -518,6 +525,90 @@ class TestObjectSerializer(test_base.TestCase):
         "Test object with unsupported (newer) version and revision"
         self._test_deserialize_entity_newer('1.7', '1.6.1', my_version='1.6.1')
+    @mock.patch.object(MyObj, 'obj_make_compatible')
+    def test_serialize_entity_no_backport(self, make_compatible_mock):
+        """Test single element serializer with no backport."""
+        serializer = base.IronicObjectSerializer()
+        obj = MyObj(self.context)
+        obj.foo = 1
+        obj.bar = 'text'
+        obj.missing = 'textt'
+        primitive = serializer.serialize_entity(self.context, obj)
+        self.assertEqual('1.5', primitive['ironic_object.version'])
+        data = primitive['ironic_object.data']
+        self.assertEqual(1, data['foo'])
+        self.assertEqual('text', data['bar'])
+        self.assertEqual('textt', data['missing'])
+        changes = primitive['ironic_object.changes']
+        self.assertEqual(set(['foo', 'bar', 'missing']), set(changes))
+        make_compatible_mock.assert_not_called()
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.release_mappings.RELEASE_MAPPING')
+    def test_serialize_entity_backport(self, mock_release_mapping):
+        """Test single element serializer with backport."""
+        CONF.set_override('pin_release_version',
+                          release_mappings.RELEASE_VERSIONS[-1],
+                          enforce_type=True)
+        mock_release_mapping.__getitem__.return_value = {
+            'objects': {
+                'MyObj': '1.4',
+            }
+        }
+        serializer = base.IronicObjectSerializer()
+        obj = MyObj(self.context)
+        obj.foo = 1
+        obj.bar = 'text'
+        obj.missing = 'textt'
+        primitive = serializer.serialize_entity(self.context, obj)
+        self.assertEqual('1.4', primitive['ironic_object.version'])
+        data = primitive['ironic_object.data']
+        self.assertEqual(1, data['foo'])
+        self.assertEqual('text', data['bar'])
+        self.assertNotIn('missing', data)
+        changes = primitive['ironic_object.changes']
+        self.assertEqual(set(['foo', 'bar']), set(changes))
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.release_mappings.RELEASE_MAPPING')
+    def test_serialize_entity_invalid_pin(self, mock_release_mapping):
+        CONF.set_override('pin_release_version',
+                          release_mappings.RELEASE_VERSIONS[-1],
+                          enforce_type=True)
+        mock_release_mapping.__getitem__.return_value = {
+            'objects': {
+                'MyObj': '1.6',
+            }
+        }
+        serializer = base.IronicObjectSerializer()
+        obj = MyObj(self.context)
+        self.assertRaises(object_exception.InvalidTargetVersion,
+                          serializer.serialize_entity, self.context, obj)
+    @mock.patch('ironic.common.release_mappings.RELEASE_MAPPING')
+    def test_serialize_entity_no_pin(self, mock_release_mapping):
+        CONF.set_override('pin_release_version',
+                          release_mappings.RELEASE_VERSIONS[-1],
+                          enforce_type=True)
+        mock_release_mapping.__getitem__.return_value = {
+            'objects': {}
+        }
+        serializer = base.IronicObjectSerializer()
+        obj = MyObj(self.context)
+        primitive = serializer.serialize_entity(self.context, obj)
+        self.assertEqual('1.5', primitive['ironic_object.version'])
+    @mock.patch('ironic.objects.base.IronicObject._get_target_version')
+    @mock.patch('ironic.objects.base.LOG.warning')
+    def test_serialize_entity_unknown_entity(self, mock_warn, mock_version):
+        class Foo(object):
+            fields = {'foobar': fields.IntegerField()}
+        serializer = base.IronicObjectSerializer()
+        obj = Foo()
+        primitive = serializer.serialize_entity(self.context, obj)
+        self.assertEqual(obj, primitive)
+        self.assertTrue(mock_warn.called)
+        mock_version.assert_not_called()
 class TestRegistry(test_base.TestCase):