{ "License": "Apache License, Version 2.0. For full text, see link: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0", "SchemaDefinition": "RedfishInteroperabilityProfile.v1_8_0", "ProfileName": "OpenStackIronicProfile", "ProfileVersion": "1.1.0", "Purpose": "Specifies the OpenStack Ironic vendor-independent Redfish service requirements, typically offered by a baseboard management controller (BMC).", "OwningEntity": "Ironic community", "ContactInfo": "openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org", "Protocol": { "MinVersion": "1.6.0" }, "Resources": { "Bios": { "Purpose": "Allows reading or changing BIOS settings.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "Attributes": { "Purpose": "Current BIOS settings." }, "AttributeRegistry": { "Purpose": "Name of the registry with the schema of BIOS settings.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "@Redfish.Settings": { "PropertyRequirements": { "ETag": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Messages": { "Purpose": "Used to determine success or failure.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "SettingsObject": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the actually updated object.", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["Bios"] }, "SupportedApplyTimes": { "Purpose": "Determines whether update is immediate or needs a reboot.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "MinSupportValues": [ "OnReset" ] } } } }, "ActionRequirements": { "ResetBios": { "Purpose": "Reset BIOS settings to their factory values.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } }, "Chassis": { "Purpose": "Allows collecting sensors data from the chassis.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "Power": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the power information.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["Power"] }, "Thermal": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the thermal information.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["Thermal"] }, "UUID": { "Purpose": "Used as an ID for indicators.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } }, "ComputerSystemCollection": { "Purpose": "At least one system is expected.", "PropertyRequirements": { "Members": { "MinCount": 1 } } }, "ComputerSystem": { "Purpose": "Provides bare-metal node management.", "PropertyRequirements": { "Bios": { "Purpose": "Reference to the corresponding Bios resource.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "BiosVersion": { "Purpose": "Version of the system firmware.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Boot": { "Purpose": "Allows changing boot devices and modes, which is fundamental for bare-metal provisioning.", "PropertyRequirements": { "BootSourceOverrideEnabled": { "Purpose": "Manages whether the next boot device will be permanent or one-time.", "WriteRequirement": "Mandatory", "MinSupportValues": [ "Once", "Continuous" ] }, "BootSourceOverrideMode": { "Purpose": "Allows switching boot mode to/from UEFI.", "WriteRequirement": "Mandatory" }, "BootSourceOverrideTarget": { "Purpose": "Allows changing the next boot device.", "WriteRequirement": "Mandatory", "MinSupportValues": [ "Pxe", "Hdd", "Cd" ] } } }, "EthernetInterfaces": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the node's network interfaces.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["EthernetInterfaceCollection"] }, "IndicatorLED": { "Purpose": "Enables the bare-metal indicator API.", "WriteRequirement": "Recommended", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "AnyOf", "Values": [ "Lit", "Off", "Blinking" ] }, "Links": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Chassis": { "Purpose": "Provides sensor data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "ManagedBy": { "Purpose": "Provides a link from the node to its BMC." } } }, "Manufacturer": { "Purpose": "Provides the 'vendor' property.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "MemorySummary": { "Purpose": "Provides memory data during out-of-band inspection.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "TotalSystemMemoryGiB": {} } }, "PowerState": { "Purpose": "Provides the current power state." }, "Processors": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the node's CPUs.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["ProcessorCollection"] }, "SecureBoot": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the node's secure boot settings.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["SecureBoot"] }, "SimpleStorage": { "Purpose": "Provides disk data during out-of-band inspection.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["SimpleStorageCollection"] }, "Storage": { "Purpose": "Enables hardware RAID management.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["StorageCollection"] }, "VirtualMedia": { "Purpose": "Enables provisioning using virtual media.", "ReadRequirement": "IfImplemented", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["VirtualMediaCollection"] } }, "ActionRequirements": { "Reset": { "Purpose": "Provides an ability to execute power actions on the node.", "Parameters": { "ResetType": { "ParameterValues": [ "On", "ForceOff", "ForceRestart" ], "RecommendedValues": [ "GracefulShutdown", "GracefulRestart", "Nmi" ], "ReadRequirement": "Mandatory" } } } } }, "Drive": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Purpose": "Provides information about individual drives when configuring hardware RAID.", "PropertyRequirements": { "CapacityBytes": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "MediaType": {}, "Protocol": {}, "Status": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Health": {}, "State": {} } } } }, "EthernetInterface": { "Purpose": "Enables enrolling ports during inspection.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "URIs": [ "/redfish/v1/Systems/{ComputerSystemId}/EthernetInterfaces/{EthernetInterfaceId}" ], "PropertyRequirements": { "MACAddress": { "Purpose": "MAC address is mandatory on ports." }, "Status": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Health": { "Purpose": "Only healthy interfaces are considered." }, "State": { "Purpose": "Enables filtering only enabled interfaces." } } } } }, "Manager": { "Purpose": "Provides access to the properties of the BMC.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "FirmwareVersion": { "Purpose": "Provides the current firmware version of the BMC.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } }, "Power": { "Purpose": "Provides the current power information in the sensor data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "PowerSupplies": { "Purpose": "Provides a list of the installed power supplies.", "PropertyRequirements": { "LastPowerOutputWatts": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "LineInputVoltage": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "PowerCapacityWatts": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "SerialNumber": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Status": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Health": { "Purpose": "Health status to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "State": { "Purpose": "Power state to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } } } } } }, "Processor": { "Purpose": "Provides CPU data during out-of-band inspection.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "ProcessorArchitecture": { "Purpose": "Used to determine the CPU architecture of the machine." }, "TotalThreads": { "Purpose": "Used to estimate the core count." } } }, "SecureBoot": { "Purpose": "Allows turning secure boot mode on and off.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "SecureBootEnable": { "Purpose": "Allows reading and changing the secure boot state.", "WriteRequirement": "Recommended" } }, "ActionRequirements": { "ResetKeys": { "Purpose": "Allows resetting secure boot keys via a step.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } }, "ServiceRoot": { "Purpose": "Provides links to all collections and services.", "PropertyRequirements": { "Systems": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to systems.", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["ComputerSystemCollection"] }, "SessionService": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the session service.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["SessionService"] }, "TaskService": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the task service.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["TaskService"] }, "UpdateService": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to the update service.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["UpdateService"] } } }, "SessionService": { "Purpose": "Allows using sessions for authentication instead of HTTP basic authentication.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "SimpleStorage": { "Purpose": "Provides information about disks during inspection as well as disk sensors.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "PropertyRequirements": { "Devices": { "PropertyRequirements": { "CapacityBytes": { "Purpose": "Disk capacity.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Model": { "Purpose": "Device model to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Name": { "Purpose": "Device name to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Status": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Health": { "Purpose": "Health status to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "State": { "Purpose": "Device state to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } } } } } }, "Storage": { "Purpose": "Allows configuring hardware RAID.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "MinVersion": "1.6.0", "PropertyRequirements": { "Drives": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to attached drives.", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["DriveCollection"] }, "StorageControllers": { "Purpose": "Provides information about storage controllers.", "MinCount": 1, "PropertyRequirements": { "SupportedRAIDTypes": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "Purpose": "Defines which RAID types are supported." } } }, "Volumes": { "Purpose": "Provides a link to existing volumes.", "Comparison": "LinkToResource", "Values": ["VolumeCollection"] } } }, "TaskService": { "Purpose": "Provides task management.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Thermal": { "Purpose": "Provides thermal information of a chassis as part of the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "MinVersion": "1.0.1", "PropertyRequirements": { "Fans": { "PropertyRequirements": { "MaxReadingRange": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "MinReadingRange": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Reading": {}, "ReadingUnits": {}, "SerialNumber": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Status": { "PropertyRequirements": { "Health": { "Purpose": "Health status to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "State": { "Purpose": "Device state to report in the sensors data.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } } } }, "Temperatures": { "PropertyRequirements": { "MaxReadingRangeTemp": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "MinReadingRangeTemp": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "ReadingCelsius": {}, "PhysicalContext": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "SensorNumber": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } } } }, "UpdateService": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "ActionRequirements": { "SimpleUpdate": { "Purpose": "Enables firmware updates.", "Parameters": { "ImageURI": {}, "Targets": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "TransferProtocol": {} } } } }, "VirtualMedia": { "Purpose": "Enables provisioning using virtual media.", "PropertyRequirements": { "Image": { "Purpose": "URL of the image to attach.", "WriteRequirement": "Recommended" }, "Inserted": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "WriteRequirement": "Recommended" }, "MediaTypes": { "Purpose": "Supported media types for this virtual media slot." }, "WriteProtected": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "WriteRequirement": "Recommended" } }, "ActionRequirements": { "EjectMedia": { "Purpose": "Enables ejecting virtual media devices." }, "InsertMedia": { "Purpose": "Enables inserting virtual media devices.", "Parameters": { "Image": {}, "Inserted": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "TransferMethod": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "TransferProtocolType": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" }, "WriteProtected": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } } } }, "Volume": { "Purpose": "Provides access to RAID volumes.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "MinVersion": "1.3.1", "PropertyRequirements": { "CapacityBytes": {}, "Name": {}, "RAIDType": { "ReadRequirement": "Recommended" } } }, "VolumeCollection": { "Purpose": "Allows listing and creating RAID volumes.", "ReadRequirement": "Recommended", "CreateResource": true, "PropertyRequirements": { "@Redfish.OperationApplyTimeSupport": {} } } }, "Registries": { "Base": { "MinVersion": "1.0.0", "Messages": {} } } }