  - |
    Adds an ``inspect wait`` state to handle asynchronous hardware
    introspection. Caution should be taken due to the timeout monitoring
    is shifted from ``inspecting`` to ``inspect wait``, please stop all
    running asynchronous hardware inspection or wait until it is finished
    before upgrading to the Rocky release. Otherwise nodes in asynchronous
    inspection will be left at ``inspecting`` state forever unless the
    database is manually updated.
  - |
    Adds an ``inspect wait`` state to handle asynchronous hardware
    introspection. The ``[conductor]inspect_timeout`` configuration option
    is deprecated for removal, please use ``[conductor]inspect_wait_timeout``
    instead to specify the timeout of inspection process.
  - |
    Adds an ``inspect wait`` state to handle asynchronous hardware
    introspection. Returning ``INSPECTING`` from the ``inspect_hardware``
    method of inspect interface is deprecated, ``INSPECTWAIT`` should be
    returned instead.