  - |
    Operators utilizing ``grub`` for PXE booting, typically with UEFI, should
    change their deployed master PXE configuration file provided for nodes PXE
    booting using grub. Ironic 11.1 now writes both MAC address and IP address
    based PXE confiuration links for network booting via ``grub``.
    The grub variable should be changed from ``$net_default_ip`` to
    ``$net_default_mac``. IP address support is deprecated and will be removed
    in the Stein release.
  - |
    Support for ironic to link PXE boot configuration files via the assigned
    interface IP address has been deprecated. This option was only the case
    when ``[pxe]ipxe_enabled`` was set to ``false`` and the node was
    being deployed using UEFI.
  - |
    Fixes support for ``grub`` based UEFI PXE booting by enabling links to the
    PXE configuration files to be written using the MAC address of the node in
    addition to the interface IP address. If the ``[dhcp]dhcp_provider``
    option is set to ``none``, only the MAC based links will be created.