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    Adds support for the ``fault`` field in the node, beginning with API
    version 1.42. This field records the fault, if any, detected by ironic for
    a node. If no fault is detected, the ``fault`` is ``None``. The ``fault``
    field value is set to one of following values according to
    different circumstances:

    * ``power failure``: when a node is put into maintenance due to power sync
      failures that exceed max retries.
    * ``clean failure``: when a node is put into maintenance due to failure of
      a cleaning operation.
    * ``rescue abort failure``: when a node is put into maintenance due to
      failure of cleaning up during rescue abort.

    The ``fault`` field will be set to ``None`` if an operator manually set
    maintenance to ``False``. The ``fault`` field can be used as a filter for
    querying nodes.