Small cloud with trusted tenants ================================ Story ----- As an operator I would like to build a small cloud with both virtual and bare metal instances or add bare metal provisioning to my existing small or medium scale single-site OpenStack cloud. The expected number of bare metal machines is less than 100, and the rate of provisioning and unprovisioning is expected to be low. All users of my cloud are trusted by me to not conduct malicious actions towards each other or the cloud infrastructure itself. As a user I would like to occasionally provision bare metal instances through the Compute API by selecting an appropriate Compute flavor. I would like to be able to boot them from images provided by the Image service or from volumes provided by the Volume service. Components ---------- This architecture assumes `an OpenStack installation`_ with the following components participating in the bare metal provisioning: * The :nova-doc:`Compute service <>` manages bare metal instances. * The :neutron-doc:`Networking service <>` provides DHCP for bare metal instances. * The :glance-doc:`Image service <>` provides images for bare metal instances. The following services can be optionally used by the Bare Metal service: * The :cinder-doc:`Volume service <>` provides volumes to boot bare metal instances from. * The :ironic-inspector-doc:`Bare Metal Introspection service <>` simplifies enrolling new bare metal machines by conducting in-band introspection. Node roles ---------- An OpenStack installation in this guide has at least these three types of nodes: * A *controller* node hosts the control plane services. * A *compute* node runs the virtual machines and hosts a subset of Compute and Networking components. * A *block storage* node provides persistent storage space for both virtual and bare metal nodes. The *compute* and *block storage* nodes are configured as described in the installation guides of the :nova-doc:`Compute service <>` and the :cinder-doc:`Volume service <>` respectively. The *controller* nodes host the Bare Metal service components. Networking ---------- The networking architecture will highly depend on the exact operating requirements. This guide expects the following existing networks: *control plane*, *storage* and *public*. Additionally, two more networks will be needed specifically for bare metal provisioning: *bare metal* and *management*. .. TODO(dtantsur): describe the storage network? .. TODO(dtantsur): a nice picture to illustrate the layout Control plane network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *control plane network* is the network where OpenStack control plane services provide their public API. The Bare Metal API will be served to the operators and to the Compute service through this network. Public network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *public network* is used in a typical OpenStack deployment to create floating IPs for outside access to instances. Its role is the same for a bare metal deployment. .. note:: Since, as explained below, bare metal nodes will be put on a flat provider network, it is also possible to organize direct access to them, without using floating IPs and bypassing the Networking service completely. Bare metal network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The *Bare metal network* is a dedicated network for bare metal nodes managed by the Bare Metal service. This architecture uses :ref:`flat bare metal networking <network-interfaces>`, in which both tenant traffic and technical traffic related to the Bare Metal service operation flow through this one network. Specifically, this network will serve as the *provisioning*, *cleaning* and *rescuing* network. It will also be used for introspection via the Bare Metal Introspection service. See :ref:`common networking considerations <refarch-common-networking>` for an in-depth explanation of the networks used by the Bare Metal service. DHCP and boot parameters will be provided on this network by the Networking service's DHCP agents. For booting from volumes this network has to have a route to the *storage network*. Management network ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Management network* is an independent network on which BMCs of the bare metal nodes are located. The ``ironic-conductor`` process needs access to this network. The tenants of the bare metal nodes must not have access to it. .. note:: The :ref:`direct deploy interface <direct-deploy>` and certain :doc:`/admin/drivers` require the *management network* to have access to the Object storage service backend. Controllers ----------- A *controller* hosts the OpenStack control plane services as described in the `control plane design guide`_. While this architecture allows using *controllers* in a non-HA configuration, it is recommended to have at least three of them for HA. See :ref:`refarch-common-ha` for more details. Bare Metal services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following components of the Bare Metal service are installed on a *controller* (see :ref:`components of the Bare Metal service <refarch-common-components>`): * The Bare Metal API service either as a WSGI application or the ``ironic-api`` process. Typically, a load balancer, such as HAProxy, spreads the load between the API instances on the *controllers*. The API has to be served on the *control plane network*. Additionally, it has to be exposed to the *bare metal network* for the ramdisk callback API. * The ``ironic-conductor`` process. These processes work in active/active HA mode as explained in :ref:`refarch-common-ha`, thus they can be installed on all *controllers*. Each will handle a subset of bare metal nodes. The ``ironic-conductor`` processes have to have access to the following networks: * *control plane* for interacting with other services * *management* for contacting node's BMCs * *bare metal* for contacting deployment, cleaning or rescue ramdisks * TFTP and HTTP service for booting the nodes. Each ``ironic-conductor`` process has to have a matching TFTP and HTTP service. They should be exposed only to the *bare metal network* and must not be behind a load balancer. * The ``nova-compute`` process (from the Compute service). These processes work in active/active HA mode when dealing with bare metal nodes, thus they can be installed on all *controllers*. Each will handle a subset of bare metal nodes. .. note:: There is no 1-1 mapping between ``ironic-conductor`` and ``nova-compute`` processes, as they communicate only through the Bare Metal API service. * The :networking-baremetal-doc:`networking-baremetal <>` ML2 plugin should be loaded into the Networking service to assist with binding bare metal ports. The :ironic-neutron-agent-doc:`ironic-neutron-agent <>` service should be started as well. * If the Bare Metal introspection is used, its ``ironic-inspector`` process has to be installed on all *controllers*. Each such process works as both Bare Metal Introspection API and conductor service. A load balancer should be used to spread the API load between *controllers*. The API has to be served on the *control plane network*. Additionally, it has to be exposed to the *bare metal network* for the ramdisk callback API. .. TODO(dtantsur): a nice picture to illustrate the above Shared services ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A *controller* also hosts two services required for the normal operation of OpenStack: * Database service (MySQL/MariaDB is typically used, but other enterprise-grade database solutions can be used as well). All Bare Metal service components need access to the database service. * Message queue service (RabbitMQ is typically used, but other enterprise-grade message queue brokers can be used as well). Both Bare Metal API (WSGI application or ``ironic-api`` process) and the ``ironic-conductor`` processes need access to the message queue service. The Bare Metal Introspection service does not need it. .. note:: These services are required for all OpenStack services. If you're adding the Bare Metal service to your cloud, you may reuse the existing database and messaging queue services. Bare metal nodes ---------------- Each bare metal node must be capable of booting from network, virtual media or other boot technology supported by the Bare Metal service as explained in :ref:`refarch-common-boot`. Each node must have one NIC on the *bare metal network*, and this NIC (and **only** it) must be configured to be able to boot from network. This is usually done in the *BIOS setup* or a similar firmware configuration utility. There is no need to alter the boot order, as it is managed by the Bare Metal service. Other NICs, if present, will not be managed by OpenStack. The NIC on the *bare metal network* should have untagged connectivity to it, since PXE firmware usually does not support VLANs - see :ref:`refarch-common-networking` for details. Storage ------- If your hardware **and** its bare metal :doc:`driver </admin/drivers>` support booting from remote volumes, please check the driver documentation for information on how to enable it. It may include routing *management* and/or *bare metal* networks to the *storage network*. In case of the standard :ref:`pxe-boot`, booting from remote volumes is done via iPXE. In that case, the Volume storage backend must support iSCSI_ protocol, and the *bare metal network* has to have a route to the *storage network*. See :doc:`/admin/boot-from-volume` for more details. .. _an OpenStack installation: .. _control plane design guide: .. _iSCSI: