.. _configure-networking:

Configure the Networking service for bare metal provisioning

You need to configure Networking so that the bare metal server can communicate
with the Networking service for DHCP, PXE boot and other requirements.
This section covers configuring Networking for a single flat network for bare
metal provisioning.

It is recommended to use the baremetal ML2 mechanism driver and L2 agent for
proper integration with the Networking service. Documentation regarding
installation and configuration of the baremetal mechanism driver and L2 agent
is available
:networking-baremetal-doc:`here <index.html>`.

For use with
:neutron-doc:`routed networks <admin/config-routed-networks>`
the baremetal ML2 components are required.

.. Note::  When the baremetal ML2 components are *not* used, ports in the
           Networking service will have status: ``DOWN``, and binding_vif_type:
           ``binding_failed``. This was always the status for Bare Metal
           service ``flat`` network interface ports prior to the introduction
           of the baremetal ML2 integration. For a non-routed network, bare
           metal servers can still be deployed and are functional, despite this
           port binding state in the Networking service.

You will also need to provide Bare Metal service with the MAC address(es) of
each node that it is provisioning; Bare Metal service in turn will pass this
information to Networking service for DHCP and PXE boot configuration.
An example of this is shown in the :ref:`enrollment` section.

#. Install the networking-baremetal ML2 mechanism driver and L2 agent in the
   Networking service.

#. Edit ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` and modify these:

   .. code-block:: ini

      type_drivers = flat
      tenant_network_types = flat
      mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,baremetal

      flat_networks = physnet1

      firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver
      enable_security_group = True

      bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth2
      # Replace eth2 with the interface on the neutron node which you
      # are using to connect to the bare metal server

#. Restart the ``neutron-server`` service, to load the new configuration.

#. Create and edit ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ironic_neutron_agent.ini`` and
   add the required configuration. For example:

   .. code-block:: ini

      project_domain_name = Default
      project_name = service
      user_domain_name = Default
      password = password
      username = ironic
      auth_url = http://identity-server.example.com/identity
      auth_type = password
      region_name = RegionOne

#. Make sure the ``ironic-neutron-agent`` service is started.

#. If neutron-openvswitch-agent runs with ``ovs_neutron_plugin.ini`` as the input
   config-file, edit ``ovs_neutron_plugin.ini`` to configure the bridge mappings
   by adding the [ovs] section described in the previous step, and restart the

#. Add the integration bridge to Open vSwitch:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-int

#. Create the br-eth2 network bridge to handle communication between the
   OpenStack services (and the Bare Metal services) and the bare metal nodes
   using eth2.
   Replace eth2 with the interface on the network node which you are using to
   connect to the Bare Metal service:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth2
      $ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth2 eth2

#. Restart the Open vSwitch agent:

   .. code-block:: console

      # service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart

#. On restarting the Networking service Open vSwitch agent, the veth pair
   between the bridges br-int and br-eth2 is automatically created.

   Your Open vSwitch bridges should look something like this after
   following the above steps:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ ovs-vsctl show

          Bridge br-int
              fail_mode: secure
              Port "int-br-eth2"
                  Interface "int-br-eth2"
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer="phy-br-eth2"}
              Port br-int
                  Interface br-int
                      type: internal
          Bridge "br-eth2"
              Port "phy-br-eth2"
                  Interface "phy-br-eth2"
                      type: patch
                      options: {peer="int-br-eth2"}
              Port "eth2"
                  Interface "eth2"
              Port "br-eth2"
                  Interface "br-eth2"
                      type: internal
          ovs_version: "2.3.0"

#. Create the flat network on which you are going to launch the

   .. code-block:: console

      $ openstack network create --project $TENANT_ID sharednet1 --share \
           --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet1

#. Create the subnet on the newly created network:

   .. code-block:: console

      $ openstack subnet create $SUBNET_NAME --network sharednet1 \
        --subnet-range $NETWORK_CIDR --ip-version 4 --gateway $GATEWAY_IP \
        --allocation-pool start=$START_IP,end=$END_IP --dhcp