--- features: - | Added network interface. Introduced two network interface implementations: ``flat``, which replicates the flat network behavior present previously and ``noop`` when neutron is not used, which is basically a noop interface. The network interface is used to switch network for node during provisioning/cleaning. Added ``enabled_network_interfaces`` option in DEFAULT config section. This option defines a list of enabled network interfaces on the conductor. deprecations: - | ``create_cleaning_ports`` and ``delete_cleaning_ports`` methods in DHCP providers are deprecated and will be removed completely in the Ocata release. The logic they are implementing should be moved to a custom network interface's ``add_cleaning_network`` and ``remove_cleaning_network`` methods respectively. After that, the methods themselves should be removed from DHCP provider so that network interface is used instead. ``flat`` network interface does not require ``[neutron]cleaning_network_uuid`` for now so as not to break standalone deployments, but it will be required in the Ocata release. upgrade: - | ``[DEFAULT]default_network_interface`` configuration option is introduced, with empty default value. If set, the specified interface will be used as the network interface for nodes that don't have ``network_interface`` field set. If it is not set, the network interface is determined by looking at the ``[dhcp]dhcp_provider`` value. If it is ``neutron`` - ``flat`` network interface is the default, ``noop`` otherwise.