- hosts: primary
    KAYOBE_CONFIG_SOURCE_PATH: "{{ kayobe_config_src_dir }}"
    KAYOBE_OVERCLOUD_GENERATE_CERTIFICATES: "{{ tls_enabled | ternary(1, 0) }}"
    - name: Ensure overcloud is deployed
        cmd: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}/dev/overcloud-deploy.sh &> {{ logs_dir }}/ansible/overcloud-deploy"
        executable: /bin/bash

    - name: Ensure qemu-img is available for Tenks
      command: docker exec -u root nova_libvirt bash -c 'apt update && apt -y install qemu-utils'
      become: true
      when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'

    - name: Ensure test Tenks cluster is deployed
        # Pass absolute source directory, since otherwise the `chdir` will
        # cause this to fail.
        cmd: dev/tenks-deploy-compute.sh '{{ tenks_src_dir }}' &> {{ logs_dir }}/ansible/tenks-deploy
        chdir: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}"
        executable: /bin/bash

    - name: Perform testing of the virtualized machines
      # We must do this before tenks-deploy as that will stop the nova_libvirt
      # container
        cmd: dev/overcloud-test-vm.sh &> {{ logs_dir }}/ansible/overcloud-test-vm
        chdir: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}"
        executable: /bin/bash

    - name: Perform testing of the baremetal machines
        cmd: dev/overcloud-test-baremetal.sh &> {{ logs_dir }}/ansible/overcloud-test-baremetal
        chdir: "{{ kayobe_src_dir }}"
        executable: /bin/bash
      # FIXME(mgoddard): Bare metal testing is unreliable on Ubuntu - some jobs
      # see IPMI failures such as the following:
      # ipmitool chassis bootdev pxe
      # Error setting Chassis Boot Parameter 5\nError setting Chassis Boot
      # Parameter 0\n
      when: ansible_os_family != 'Debian'