- name: Ensure LVM configuration is applied
  hosts: seed-hypervisor:seed:overcloud
    - lvm
    - upgrade-check
    - name: Fail if the LVM physical disks have not been configured
        msg: >
          The physical disk list has not been configured for volume
          {{ item.vgname }}. Ensure that each volume group in 'lvm_groups'
          has a valid 'disks' list.
      with_items: "{{ lvm_groups | default([]) }}"
      when: not item.disks | default([]) or 'changeme' in item.disks | default([])
    - name: Fail if the LVM physical disks are configured as a comma-separated string
        msg: >
          The physical disk list for volume {{ item.vgname }} must be
          configured as a list instead of a comma-separated string. Ensure that
          each volume group in 'lvm_groups' has a valid 'disks' list.
      with_items: "{{ lvm_groups | default([]) }}"
      when: item.disks | string() == item.disks
    - role: mrlesmithjr.manage-lvm
      manage_lvm: True
      become: True
        - lvm_groups is defined
        - lvm_groups | length > 0