port=0 interface={% raw %}{{ ironic_dnsmasq_interface }}{% endraw %} bind-interfaces dhcp-range={{ kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_start }},{{ kolla_inspector_dhcp_pool_end }},12h dhcp-sequential-ip dhcp-option=option:tftp-server,{% raw %}{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' ~ api_interface | replace('-', '_')]['ipv4']['address'] }}{% endraw %} dhcp-option=option:server-ip-address,{% raw %}{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' ~ api_interface | replace('-', '_')]['ipv4']['address'] }}{% endraw %} dhcp-option=210,/tftpboot/ {% if kolla_inspector_default_gateway %} dhcp-option=3,{{ kolla_inspector_default_gateway }} {% endif %} {% raw %}{% if enable_ironic_ipxe | bool %} dhcp-match=ipxe,175 dhcp-match=set:efi,option:client-arch,7 dhcp-match=set:efi,option:client-arch,9 # Client is already running iPXE; move to next stage of chainloading dhcp-option=tag:ipxe,option:bootfile-name,{{ ironic_ipxe_url }}/inspector.ipxe # Client is PXE booting over EFI without iPXE ROM, # send EFI version of iPXE chainloader dhcp-option=tag:efi,tag:!ipxe,option:bootfile-name,ipxe.efi dhcp-option=option:bootfile-name,{{ ironic_dnsmasq_boot_file | default('undionly.kpxe') }} {% else %} dhcp-option=option:bootfile-name,{{ ironic_dnsmasq_boot_file | default('pxelinux.0') }} {% endif %}{% endraw %} {% raw %}{% if ironic_inspector_pxe_filter | default == 'dnsmasq' %} dhcp-hostsdir=/etc/dnsmasq/dhcp-hostsdir {% endif %}{% endraw %} {% if kolla_extra_ironic_dnsmasq %} {{ kolla_extra_ironic_dnsmasq }} {% endif %}