- name: Ensure introspection rules are registered in Ironic Inspector
  # Only required to run on a single host.
  hosts: controllers[0]
    venv: "{{ virtualenv_path }}/shade"
    - name: Validate OpenStack password authentication parameters
        msg: >
          Required OpenStack authentication parameter {{ item }} is
          {% if item in openstack_auth %}empty{% else %}not present{% endif %}
          in openstack_auth. Have you sourced the environment file?
        - "{{ openstack_auth_type == 'password' }}"
        - "{{ item not in openstack_auth or not openstack_auth[item] }}"
      with_items: "{{ openstack_auth_password_required_params }}"
        - config-validation

    - name: Ensure the openstack client is installed
        name: stackhpc.os-openstackclient
        os_openstackclient_venv: "{{ venv }}"

    - name: Retrieve the IPA kernel Glance image UUID
      shell: >
        source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&
        openstack image show '{{ ipa_images_kernel_name }}' -f value -c id
      changed_when: False
      register: ipa_kernel_id
      environment: "{{ openstack_auth_env }}"

    - name: Retrieve the IPA ramdisk Glance image UUID
      shell: >
        source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&
        openstack image show '{{ ipa_images_ramdisk_name }}' -f value -c id
      changed_when: False
      register: ipa_ramdisk_id
      environment: "{{ openstack_auth_env }}"

    - role: ironic-inspector-rules
      ironic_inspector_venv: "{{ venv }}"
      ironic_inspector_auth_type: "{{ openstack_auth_type }}"
      ironic_inspector_auth: "{{ openstack_auth }}"
      ironic_inspector_rules: "{{ inspector_rules }}"
      # These variables may be referenced in the introspection rules.
      inspector_rule_var_ipmi_username: "{{ inspector_ipmi_username }}"
      inspector_rule_var_ipmi_password: "{{ inspector_ipmi_password }}"
      inspector_rule_var_lldp_switch_port_interface: "{{ inspector_lldp_switch_port_interface_default }}"
      inspector_rule_var_deploy_kernel: "{{ ipa_kernel_id.stdout }}"
      inspector_rule_var_deploy_ramdisk: "{{ ipa_ramdisk_id.stdout }}"