Michal Nasiadka 16cce92a74 Bump max Ansible version to 2.10
Molecule also needs to be bumped to support Ansible 2.10
lint: section changed in Molecule 3.x - adapted.
molecule-docker added do test-reqs because it code has moved to it from
molecule core
pytest-testinfra and pytest-molecule needed for testinfra tests to work

[1]: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule/issues/2872

Change-Id: I0299f5126ebd080f3912a76294b0013abe7747a0
2021-03-24 07:25:28 +00:00

28 lines
825 B

- name: Destroy
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
no_log: "{{ not lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_DEBUG') | bool }}"
molecule_file: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_FILE') }}"
molecule_yml: "{{ lookup('file', molecule_file) | community.molecule.from_yaml }}"
- name: Destroy molecule instance(s)
name: "{{ item.name }}"
state: absent
force_kill: "{{ item.force_kill | default(true) }}"
register: server
with_items: "{{ molecule_yml.platforms }}"
async: 7200
poll: 0
- name: Wait for instance(s) deletion to complete
jid: "{{ item.ansible_job_id }}"
register: docker_jobs
until: docker_jobs.finished
retries: 300
with_items: "{{ server.results }}"