2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
set +o errexit
2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
copy_logs() {
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
cp -rnL /var/lib/docker/volumes/kolla_logs/_data/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/
cp -rnL /etc/kolla/* ${LOG_DIR}/kolla_configs/
cp -rvnL /var/log/* ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
if [[ -x "$(command -v journalctl)" ]]; then
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
journalctl --no-pager > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/syslog.txt
journalctl --no-pager -u docker.service > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
cp /var/log/upstart/docker.log ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker.log
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
cp -r /etc/sudoers.d ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/
cp /etc/sudoers ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/sudoers.txt
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
df -h > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/df.txt
free > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/free.txt
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
parted -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/parted-l.txt
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
mount > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/mount.txt
env > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/env.txt
if [ `command -v dpkg` ]; then
dpkg -l > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/dpkg-l.txt
2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
if [ `command -v rpm` ]; then
rpm -qa > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/rpm-qa.txt
# final memory usage and process list
ps -eo user,pid,ppid,lwp,%cpu,%mem,size,rss,cmd > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/ps.txt
# docker related information
(docker info && docker images && docker ps -a) > ${LOG_DIR}/system_logs/docker-info.txt
2017-08-29 16:39:30 +02:00
# ceph related logs
if [[ $(docker ps --filter name=ceph_mon --format "{{.Names}}") ]]; then
docker exec ceph_mon ceph -s > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/ceph/ceph_s.txt
docker exec ceph_mon ceph osd df > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/ceph/ceph_osd_df.txt
docker exec ceph_mon ceph osd tree > ${LOG_DIR}/kolla/ceph/ceph_osd_tree.txt
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
for container in $(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"); do
docker logs --tail all ${container} > ${LOG_DIR}/docker_logs/${container}.txt
2017-09-12 22:59:55 +02:00
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
# Rename files to .txt; this is so that when displayed via
# logs.openstack.org clicking results in the browser shows the
# files, rather than trying to send it to another app or make you
# download it, etc.
# Rename all .log files to .txt files
for f in $(find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -name "*.log"); do
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
mv $f ${f/.log/.txt}
2017-07-20 17:46:30 +02:00
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00
chmod -R 777 ${LOG_DIR}
find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -iname '*.txt' -execdir gzip -f -9 {} \+
find ${LOG_DIR}/{system_logs,kolla,docker_logs} -iname '*.json' -execdir gzip -f -9 {} \+
2017-05-18 08:20:14 -07:00
2017-10-01 23:21:38 +08:00