diff --git a/doc/source/user/operating-kolla.rst b/doc/source/user/operating-kolla.rst
index d3ab5a9023..810430b20e 100644
--- a/doc/source/user/operating-kolla.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/operating-kolla.rst
@@ -4,32 +4,43 @@
 Operating Kolla
+Tools versioning
-Kolla uses the ``x.y.z`` `semver <https://semver.org/>`_ nomenclature for
-naming versions. Kolla's initial Pike release was ``5.0.0`` and the initial
-Queens release is ``6.0.0``. The Kolla community commits to release z-stream
-updates every 45 days that resolve defects in the stable version in use and
-publish those images to the Docker Hub registry.
+Kolla and Kolla Ansible use the ``x.y.z`` `semver <https://semver.org/>`_
+nomenclature for naming versions, with major version increasing with each
+new series, e.g., Wallaby.
+The tools are designed to, respectively, build and deploy Docker images of
+OpenStack services of that series.
+Users are advised to run the latest version of tools for the series they
+target, preferably by installing directly from the relevant branch of the Git
+repository, e.g.:
-To prevent confusion, the Kolla community recommends using an alpha identifier
-``x.y.z.a`` where ``a`` represents any customization done on the part of the
-operator. For example, if an operator intends to modify one of the Docker files
-or the repos from the originals and build custom images for the Pike version,
-the operator should start with version and increase alpha for each
-release. Alpha tag usage is at discretion of the operator. The alpha identifier
-could be a number as recommended or a string of the operator's choosing.
+.. code-block:: console
-To customize the version number uncomment ``openstack_release`` in globals.yml
-and specify the desired version number or name (e.g. ``victoria``,
-``wallaby``). If ``openstack_release`` is not specified, Kolla will deploy or
-upgrade using the version number information contained in the kolla-ansible
+   pip3 install --upgrade git+https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible@|KOLLA_BRANCH_NAME|
+Version of deployed images
+By default, Kolla Ansible will deploy or upgrade using the series name embedded
+in the internal config (``openstack_release``) and it is not recommended to
+tweak this unless using a local registry and a custom versioning policy, e.g.,
+when users want to control when services are upgraded and to which version,
+possibly on a per-service basis (but this is an advanced use case scenario).
 Upgrade procedure
+.. note::
+   This procedure is for upgrading from series to series, not for doing updates
+   within a series.
+   Inside a series, it is usually sufficient to just update the
+   ``kolla-ansible`` package, rebuild (if needed) and pull the images,
+   and run ``kolla-ansible deploy`` again.
+   Please follow release notes to check if there are any issues to be aware of.
 .. note::
    If you have set ``enable_cells`` to ``yes`` then you should read the
@@ -39,26 +50,12 @@ Kolla's strategy for upgrades is to never make a mess and to follow consistent
 patterns during deployment such that upgrades from one environment to the next
 are simple to automate.
-Kolla implements a one command operation for upgrading an existing deployment
-consisting of a set of containers and configuration data to a new deployment.
+Kolla Ansible implements a single command operation for upgrading an existing
 Limitations and Recommendations
-.. note::
-   Varying degrees of success have been reported with upgrading the libvirt
-   container with a running virtual machine in it. The libvirt upgrade still
-   needs a bit more validation, but the Kolla community feels confident this
-   mechanism can be used with the correct Docker storage driver.
-.. note::
-   Because of system technical limitations, upgrade of a libvirt container when
-   using software emulation (``virt_type = qemu`` in nova.conf), does not work
-   at all. This is acceptable because KVM is the recommended virtualization
-   driver to use with Nova.
 .. note::
    Please note that when the ``use_preconfigured_databases`` flag is set to
@@ -88,74 +85,89 @@ release. CentOS Linux users upgrading from Victoria should first migrate hosts
 and container images from CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream before upgrading to
+Preparation (the foreword)
-While there may be some cases where it is possible to upgrade by skipping this
-step (i.e. by upgrading only the ``openstack_release`` version) - generally,
-when looking at a more comprehensive upgrade, the kolla-ansible package itself
-should be upgraded first. This will include reviewing some of the configuration
-and inventory files. On the operator/master node, a backup of the
-``/etc/kolla`` directory may be desirable.
+Before preparing the upgrade plan and making any decisions, please read the
+`release notes <https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/kolla-ansible/index.html>`__
+for the series you are targeting, especially the `Upgrade notes` that we
+publish for your convenience and awareness.
-If upgrading to ``|KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|``, upgrade the kolla-ansible
+Before you begin, **make a backup of your config**. On the operator/deployment
+node, copy the contents of the config directory (``/etc/kolla`` by default) to
+a backup place (or use versioning tools, like git, to keep previous versions
+of config in a safe place).
+Preparation (the real deal)
+First, upgrade the ``kolla-ansible`` package:
 .. code-block:: console
-   pip install --upgrade git+https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible@|KOLLA_BRANCH_NAME|
+   pip3 install --upgrade git+https://opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible@|KOLLA_BRANCH_NAME|
-If this is a minor upgrade, and you do not wish to upgrade kolla-ansible
-itself, you may skip this step.
+.. note::
+   If you are running from Git repository, then just checkout the desired
+   branch and run ``pip3 install --upgrade`` with the repository directory.
 The inventory file for the deployment should be updated, as the newer sample
 inventory files may have updated layout or other relevant changes.
-Use the newer ``|KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|`` one as a starting template, and
-merge your existing inventory layout into a copy of the one from here::
+The ``diff`` tool (or similar) is your friend in this task.
+If using a virtual environment, the sample inventories are in
+``/path/to/venv/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/``, else they are
+most likely in
-    /usr/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/
-In addition the ``|KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|`` sample configuration files should
-be taken from::
-    # CentOS
-    /usr/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla
-    # Ubuntu
-    /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/etc_examples/kolla
-At this stage, files that are still at the previous version and need manual
-updating are:
+Other files which may need manual updating are:
 - ``/etc/kolla/globals.yml``
 - ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml``
-For ``globals.yml`` relevant changes should be merged into a copy of the new
-template, and then replace the file in ``/etc/kolla`` with the updated version.
-For ``passwords.yml``, see the ``kolla-mergepwd`` instructions in
-`Tips and Tricks`.
+For ``globals.yml``, it is best to follow the release notes (mentioned above).
+For ``passwords.yml``, one needs to use ``kolla-mergepwd`` and ``kolla-genpwd``
-For the kolla docker images, the ``openstack_release`` is updated to
+``kolla-mergepwd --old OLD_PASSWDS --new NEW_PASSWDS --final FINAL_PASSWDS``
+is used to merge passwords from old installation with newly generated
+passwords. The workflow is:
-.. code-block:: yaml
+#. Save old passwords from ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml`` into
+   ``passwords.yml.old``.
+#. Generate new passwords via ``kolla-genpwd`` as ``passwords.yml.new``.
+#. Merge ``passwords.yml.old`` and ``passwords.yml.new`` into
+   ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml``.
-   openstack_release: |KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|
+For example:
-Once the kolla release, the inventory file, and the relevant configuration
-files have been updated in this way, the operator may first want to 'pull'
-down the images to stage the ``|KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|`` versions. This can
-be done safely ahead of time, and does not impact the existing services.
+.. code-block:: console
-Run the command to pull the ``|KOLLA_OPENSTACK_RELEASE|`` images for staging:
+   cp /etc/kolla/passwords.yml passwords.yml.old
+   cp kolla-ansible/etc/kolla/passwords.yml passwords.yml.new
+   kolla-genpwd -p passwords.yml.new
+   kolla-mergepwd --old passwords.yml.old --new passwords.yml.new --final /etc/kolla/passwords.yml
+.. note::
+   ``kolla-mergepwd``, by default, keeps old, unused passwords intact.
+   To alter this behavior, and remove such entries, use the ``--clean``
+   argument when invoking ``kolla-mergepwd``.
+Run the command below to pull the new images on target hosts:
 .. code-block:: console
    kolla-ansible pull
-At a convenient time, the upgrade can now be run (it will complete more
-quickly if the images have been staged ahead of time).
+It is also recommended to run prechecks to identify potential configuration
+.. code-block:: console
+   kolla-ansible prechecks
+At a convenient time, the upgrade can now be run.
 Perform the Upgrade
@@ -166,8 +178,9 @@ To perform the upgrade:
    kolla-ansible upgrade
-After this command is complete the containers will have been recreated from the
-new images.
+After this command is complete, the containers will have been recreated from
+the new images and all database schema upgrades and similar actions performed
+for you.
 Tips and Tricks
@@ -225,35 +238,8 @@ for example to populate a fact cache.
    In order to do smoke tests, requires ``kolla_enable_sanity_checks=yes``.
-The following commands manage the Kolla Ansible passwords file.
-``kolla-mergepwd --old OLD_PASSWDS --new NEW_PASSWDS --final FINAL_PASSWDS``
-is used to merge passwords from old installation with newly generated
-passwords during upgrade of Kolla release. The workflow is:
-#. Save old passwords from ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml`` into
-   ``passwords.yml.old``.
-#. Generate new passwords via ``kolla-genpwd`` as ``passwords.yml.new``.
-#. Merge ``passwords.yml.old`` and ``passwords.yml.new`` into
-   ``/etc/kolla/passwords.yml``.
-For example:
-.. code-block:: console
-   mv /etc/kolla/passwords.yml passwords.yml.old
-   cp kolla-ansible/etc/kolla/passwords.yml passwords.yml.new
-   kolla-genpwd -p passwords.yml.new
-   kolla-mergepwd --old passwords.yml.old --new passwords.yml.new --final /etc/kolla/passwords.yml
-.. note::
-   ``kolla-mergepwd``, by default, keeps old, unused passwords intact.
-   To alter this behavior, and remove such entries, use the ``--clean``
-   argument when invoking ``kolla-mergepwd``.
+Using Hashicorp Vault for password storage
 Hashicorp Vault can be used as an alternative to Ansible Vault for storing
 passwords generated by Kolla Ansible. To use Hashicorp Vault as the secrets