diff --git a/doc/source/user/ansible-tuning.rst b/doc/source/user/ansible-tuning.rst
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+Ansible tuning
+In this section we cover some options for tuning Ansible for performance and
+SSH pipelining
+SSH pipelining is disabled in Ansible by default, but is generally safe to
+enable, and provides a reasonable performance improvement.
+.. code-block:: ini
+   :caption: ``ansible.cfg``
+   [ssh_connection]
+   pipelining = True
+By default Ansible executes tasks using a fairly conservative 5 process forks.
+This limits the parallelism that allows Ansible to scale. Most Ansible control
+hosts will be able to handle far more forks than this. You will need to
+experiment to find out the CPU, memory and IO limits of your machine.
+For example, to increase the number of forks to 20:
+.. code-block:: ini
+   :caption: ``ansible.cfg``
+   [defaults]
+   forks = 20
+Fact caching
+By default, Ansible gathers facts for each host at the beginning of every play,
+unless ``gather_facts`` is set to ``false``. With a large number of hosts this
+can result in a significant amount of time spent gathering facts.
+One way to improve this is through Ansible's support for `fact caching
+In order to make this work with Kolla Ansible, it is necessary to change
+Ansible's `gathering
+configuration option to ``smart``.
+In the following example we configure Kolla Ansible to use fact caching using
+the `jsonfile cache plugin
+.. code-block:: ini
+   :caption: ``ansible.cfg``
+   [defaults]
+   gathering = smart
+   fact_caching = jsonfile
+   fact_caching_connection = /tmp/ansible-facts
+You may also wish to set the expiration timeout for the cache via ``[defaults]
diff --git a/doc/source/user/index.rst b/doc/source/user/index.rst
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--- a/doc/source/user/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user/index.rst
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+   ansible-tuning