diff --git a/ansible/library/kolla_docker.py b/ansible/library/kolla_docker.py
index edead35a52..224c424587 100644
--- a/ansible/library/kolla_docker.py
+++ b/ansible/library/kolla_docker.py
@@ -936,8 +936,10 @@ class DockerWorker(object):
             graceful_timeout = 10
         container = self.check_container()
         if not container:
-            self.module.fail_json(
-                msg="No such container: {} to stop".format(name))
+            ignore_missing = self.params.get('ignore_missing')
+            if not ignore_missing:
+                self.module.fail_json(
+                    msg="No such container: {} to stop".format(name))
         elif not container['Status'].startswith('Exited '):
             self.changed = True
             self.dc.stop(name, timeout=graceful_timeout)
@@ -1069,6 +1071,7 @@ def generate_module():
         dimensions=dict(required=False, type='dict', default=dict()),
         tty=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
         client_timeout=dict(required=False, type='int', default=120),
+        ignore_missing=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
     required_if = [
         ['action', 'pull_image', ['image']],
diff --git a/ansible/roles/haproxy/handlers/main.yml b/ansible/roles/haproxy/handlers/main.yml
index 60fa5a03e3..ca94f3480f 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/haproxy/handlers/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/haproxy/handlers/main.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,51 @@
-- name: Restart haproxy container
+# NOTE(yoctozepto): this handler dance is to ensure we delay restarting master
+# keepalived and haproxy which control VIP address until we have working backups.
+# This could be improved by checking if backup keepalived do not report FAULT state.
+# Master node is handled specially to let it close down connections and only then
+# drop the VIP address by stopping keepalived service.
+# NOTE(yoctozepto): we need fresh VIP address placement info (facts may be old)
+- name: Check IP addresses on the API interface
+  vars:
+    version: "{{ '6' if api_address_family == 'ipv6' else '4' }}"
+  become: true
+  command: ip -{{ version }} -o addr show dev {{ api_interface }}
+  register: ip_addr_output
+  changed_when: false
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+  listen:
+    - Restart haproxy container
+    - Restart keepalived container
+- name: Group HA nodes by status
+  vars:
+    re_safe_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address | regex_escape }}"
+  group_by:
+    key: kolla_ha_is_master_{{ ip_addr_output.stdout is regex('\b' + re_safe_address + '\b') }}
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+  listen:
+    - Restart haproxy container
+    - Restart keepalived container
+- name: Stop backup keepalived container
+  become: true
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "stop_container"
+    # NOTE(yoctozepto): backup node might not have keepalived yet - ignore
+    ignore_missing: true
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    name: "keepalived"
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False
+  listen:
+    - Restart keepalived container
+- name: Restart backup haproxy container
     service_name: "haproxy"
     service: "{{ haproxy_services[service_name] }}"
@@ -14,12 +60,20 @@
     dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}"
     - kolla_action != "config"
-    - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group]
-    - service.enabled | bool
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False
+  listen:
+    - Restart haproxy container
+    - Restart keepalived container
-    - Waiting for haproxy to start
+    - Wait for backup haproxy to start
-- name: Restart keepalived container
+- name: Wait for backup haproxy to start
+  wait_for:
+    host: "{{ api_interface_address }}"
+    port: "{{ haproxy_monitor_port }}"
+- name: Start backup keepalived container
     service_name: "keepalived"
     service: "{{ haproxy_services[service_name] }}"
@@ -34,17 +88,92 @@
     dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}"
     - kolla_action != "config"
-    - inventory_hostname in groups[service.group]
-    - service.enabled | bool
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_False
+  listen:
+    - Restart keepalived container
-    - Waiting for virtual IP to appear
+    - Wait for virtual IP to appear
-- name: Waiting for haproxy to start
+# NOTE(yoctozepto): This is to ensure haproxy can close any open connections
+# to the VIP address.
+- name: Stop master haproxy container
+  become: true
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "stop_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    name: "haproxy"
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True
+  listen:
+    - Restart keepalived container
+- name: Stop master keepalived container
+  become: true
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "stop_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    name: "keepalived"
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True
+  listen:
+    - Restart keepalived container
+- name: Start master haproxy container
+  vars:
+    service_name: "haproxy"
+    service: "{{ haproxy_services[service_name] }}"
+  become: true
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "recreate_or_restart_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    name: "{{ service.container_name }}"
+    image: "{{ service.image }}"
+    privileged: "{{ service.privileged | default(False) }}"
+    volumes: "{{ service.volumes }}"
+    dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}"
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True
+  listen:
+    - Restart haproxy container
+    - Restart keepalived container
+  notify:
+    - Wait for master haproxy to start
+- name: Wait for master haproxy to start
     host: "{{ api_interface_address }}"
     port: "{{ haproxy_monitor_port }}"
-- name: Waiting for virtual IP to appear
+- name: Start master keepalived container
+  vars:
+    service_name: "keepalived"
+    service: "{{ haproxy_services[service_name] }}"
+  become: true
+  kolla_docker:
+    action: "recreate_or_restart_container"
+    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
+    name: "{{ service.container_name }}"
+    image: "{{ service.image }}"
+    privileged: "{{ service.privileged | default(False) }}"
+    volumes: "{{ service.volumes }}"
+    dimensions: "{{ service.dimensions }}"
+  when:
+    - kolla_action != "config"
+    - groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True is defined
+    - inventory_hostname in groups.kolla_ha_is_master_True
+  listen:
+    - Restart keepalived container
+  notify:
+    - Wait for virtual IP to appear
+- name: Wait for virtual IP to appear
     host: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"
     port: "{{ haproxy_monitor_port }}"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/check-containers.yml b/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/check-containers.yml
index a7ce8b4d81..f572177e91 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/check-containers.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/check-containers.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- name: Deploy haproxy containers
+- name: Check haproxy containers
   become: true
     action: "compare_container"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/upgrade.yml b/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/upgrade.yml
index 17fcbe07c0..5b10a7e111 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/upgrade.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/haproxy/tasks/upgrade.yml
@@ -1,22 +1,2 @@
-- import_tasks: config-host.yml
-- import_tasks: config.yml
-- name: Stopping all slave keepalived containers
-  vars:
-    key: "{{ 'ipv6' if api_address_family == 'ipv6' else 'ipv4_secondaries' }}"
-    addresses: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + api_interface].get(key, []) | map(attribute='address') | list }}"
-  become: true
-  kolla_docker:
-    action: "stop_container"
-    common_options: "{{ docker_common_options }}"
-    name: "keepalived"
-  when: kolla_internal_vip_address not in addresses
-  notify:
-    - Restart keepalived container
-# NOTE(yoctozepto): haproxy role handlers should not be flushed early.
-# site.yml handles all haproxy things in a dedicated play.
-# This is to avoid extra haproxy service restart.
-# See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+bug/1875228
+- import_tasks: deploy.yml
diff --git a/releasenotes/notes/bug-1863510-part-haproxy-0a76829d48818f92.yaml b/releasenotes/notes/bug-1863510-part-haproxy-0a76829d48818f92.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f452e7fe61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releasenotes/notes/bug-1863510-part-haproxy-0a76829d48818f92.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  - |
+    Makes haproxy and keepalived restarts during Kolla-Ansible actions more
+    robust, especially in multinode scenarios (HA).
diff --git a/tests/test_kolla_docker.py b/tests/test_kolla_docker.py
index fae1898be3..c8dca3572e 100644
--- a/tests/test_kolla_docker.py
+++ b/tests/test_kolla_docker.py
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class ModuleArgsTest(base.BaseTestCase):
             tty=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
             client_timeout=dict(required=False, type='int', default=120),
             healthcheck=dict(required=False, type='dict'),
+            ignore_missing=dict(required=False, type='bool', default=False),
         required_if = [
             ['action', 'pull_image', ['image']],
@@ -175,7 +176,15 @@ FAKE_DATA = {
          'Image': 'myregistrydomain.com:5000/ubuntu:16.04',
          'ImageID': 'sha256:c5f1cf30',
          'Labels': {},
-         'Names': '/my_container'}
+         'Names': '/my_container'},
+        {'Created': 1463578195,
+         'Status': 'Exited (0) 2 hours ago',
+         'HostConfig': {'NetworkMode': 'default'},
+         'Id': 'e40d8e7188',
+         'Image': 'myregistrydomain.com:5000/ubuntu:16.04',
+         'ImageID': 'sha256:c5f1cf30',
+         'Labels': {},
+         'Names': '/exited_container'},
     'container_inspect': {
@@ -396,6 +405,18 @@ class TestContainer(base.BaseTestCase):
         self.dw.dc.stop.assert_called_once_with('my_container', timeout=10)
+        self.dw.module.fail_json.assert_not_called()
+    def test_stop_container_already_stopped(self):
+        self.dw = get_DockerWorker({'name': 'exited_container',
+                                    'action': 'stop_container'})
+        self.dw.dc.containers.return_value = self.fake_data['containers']
+        self.dw.stop_container()
+        self.assertFalse(self.dw.changed)
+        self.dw.dc.containers.assert_called_once_with(all=True)
+        self.dw.module.fail_json.assert_not_called()
+        self.dw.dc.stop.assert_not_called()
     def test_stop_container_not_exists(self):
         self.dw = get_DockerWorker({'name': 'fake_container',
@@ -405,9 +426,22 @@ class TestContainer(base.BaseTestCase):
+        self.dw.dc.stop.assert_not_called()
             msg="No such container: fake_container to stop")
+    def test_stop_container_not_exists_ignore_missing(self):
+        self.dw = get_DockerWorker({'name': 'fake_container',
+                                    'action': 'stop_container',
+                                    'ignore_missing': True})
+        self.dw.dc.containers.return_value = self.fake_data['containers']
+        self.dw.stop_container()
+        self.assertFalse(self.dw.changed)
+        self.dw.dc.containers.assert_called_once_with(all=True)
+        self.dw.dc.stop.assert_not_called()
+        self.dw.module.fail_json.assert_not_called()
     def test_stop_and_remove_container(self):
         self.dw = get_DockerWorker({'name': 'my_container',
                                     'action': 'stop_and_remove_container'})