diff --git a/tests/test-core-openstack.sh b/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
index d1a607c3fa..37042d9162 100755
--- a/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
+++ b/tests/test-core-openstack.sh
@@ -77,6 +77,26 @@ function create_an_image_from_volume {
+function create_an_image_from_instance {
+    local image_name=$1
+    local instance_name=$2
+    local attempt
+    openstack server image create $instance_name --name $image_name
+    attempt=1
+    while [[ $(openstack image show $image_name -f value -c status) != "active" ]]; do
+        echo "Image $image_name not active yet"
+        attempt=$((attempt+1))
+        if [[ $attempt -eq 11 ]]; then
+            echo "Image $image_name failed to become active"
+            openstack image show $image_name
+            return 1
+        fi
+        sleep 30
+    done
 function attach_and_detach_a_volume {
     local volume_name=$1
     local instance_name=$2
@@ -259,6 +279,11 @@ function test_instance_boot {
         echo "SUCCESS: Glance image from Cinder volume and back to volume"
+    echo "TESTING: Instance image upload"
+    create_an_image_from_instance image_from_instance kolla_boot_test
+    openstack image delete image_from_instance
+    echo "SUCCESS: Instance image upload"
     echo "TESTING: Floating ip allocation"
     attach_fip kolla_boot_test ${fip_addr}