#!/bin/bash # Test deployment of octavia. set -o xtrace set -o errexit # Enable unbuffered output for Ansible in Jenkins. export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 function check_certificate_expiry { RAW_INVENTORY=/etc/kolla/inventory source $KOLLA_ANSIBLE_VENV_PATH/bin/activate kolla-ansible octavia-certificates --check-expiry 7 deactivate } function register_amphora_image { amphora_url=https://tarballs.opendev.org/openstack/octavia/test-images/test-only-amphora-x64-haproxy-ubuntu-focal.qcow2 curl -o amphora.qcow2 $amphora_url (. /etc/kolla/octavia-openrc.sh && openstack image create amphora-x64-haproxy --file amphora.qcow2 --tag amphora --disk-format qcow2 --property hw_architecture='x86_64' --property hw_rng_model=virtio) } function test_octavia { register_amphora_image # Smoke test. openstack loadbalancer list # Create a Loadblanacer openstack loadbalancer create --name lb --vip-subnet-id demo-subnet --wait # Create a server to act as a backend. openstack server create --wait --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --key-name mykey --network demo-net lb_member --wait member_fip=$(openstack floating ip create public1 -f value -c floating_ip_address) openstack server add floating ip lb_member ${member_fip} member_ip=$(openstack floating ip show ${member_fip} -f value -c fixed_ip_address) # Dummy HTTP server. attempts=12 for i in $(seq 1 ${attempts}); do if ssh -v -o BatchMode=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@${member_fip} 'nohup sh -c "while true; do echo -e \"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n $(date)\" | sudo nc -l -p 8000; done &"'; then break elif [[ $i -eq ${attempts} ]]; then echo "Failed to access server via SSH after ${attempts} attempts" echo "Console log:" openstack console log show lb_member return 1 else echo "Cannot access server - retrying" fi sleep 10 done openstack loadbalancer listener create --name listener --protocol HTTP --protocol-port 8000 --wait lb openstack loadbalancer pool create --name pool --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --listener listener --protocol HTTP --wait openstack loadbalancer member create --subnet-id demo-subnet --address ${member_ip} --protocol-port 8000 pool --wait # Add a floating IP to the load balancer. lb_fip=$(openstack floating ip create public1 -f value -c name) lb_vip=$(openstack loadbalancer show lb -f value -c vip_address) lb_port_id=$(openstack port list --fixed-ip ip-address=$lb_vip -f value -c ID) openstack floating ip set $lb_fip --port $lb_port_id # Attempt to access the load balanced HTTP server. attempts=12 for i in $(seq 1 ${attempts}); do if curl $lb_fip:8000; then break elif [[ $i -eq ${attempts} ]]; then echo "Failed to access load balanced service after ${attempts} attempts" return 1 else echo "Cannot access load balancer - retrying" fi sleep 10 done # Clean up. openstack loadbalancer delete lb --cascade --wait openstack floating ip delete ${lb_fip} openstack server remove floating ip lb_member ${member_fip} openstack floating ip delete ${member_fip} openstack server delete --wait lb_member } function test_internal_dns_integration { # As per test globals - neutron integration is turned on if openstack extension list --network -f value -c Alias | grep -q dns-integration; then DNS_NAME="my-port" PORT_NAME="${DNS_NAME}" DNS_DOMAIN=$(grep 'neutron_dns_domain:' /etc/kolla/globals.yml \ | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' \ | sed -e 's/"//g' -e "s/'//g" -e "s/\ *//g") openstack network create dns-test-network openstack subnet create --network dns-test-network --subnet-range dns-test-subnet openstack port create --network dns-test-network --dns-name ${DNS_NAME} ${PORT_NAME} DNS_ASSIGNMENT=$(openstack port show ${DNS_NAME} -f json -c dns_assignment) FQDN=$(echo ${DNS_ASSIGNMENT} | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj["dns_assignment"][0]["fqdn"]);') HOSTNAME=$(echo ${DNS_ASSIGNMENT} | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj["dns_assignment"][0]["hostname"]);') if [ "${DNS_NAME}.${DNS_DOMAIN}" == "${FQDN}" ]; then echo "[i] Test neutron internal DNS integration FQDN check port - PASS" else echo "[e] Test neutron internal DNS integration FQDN check port - FAIL" exit 1 fi if [ "${DNS_NAME}" == "${HOSTNAME}" ]; then echo "[i] Test neutron internal DNS integration HOSTNAME check port - PASS" else echo "[e] Test neutron internal DNS integration HOSTNAME check port - FAIL" exit 1 fi openstack port delete ${PORT_NAME} SERVER_NAME="my_vm" SERVER_NAME_SANITIZED=$(echo ${SERVER_NAME} | sed -e 's/_/-/g') openstack server create --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --network dns-test-network ${SERVER_NAME} SERVER_ID=$(openstack server show ${SERVER_NAME} -f value -c id) PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --device-id ${SERVER_ID} -f value -c ID) DNS_ASSIGNMENT=$(openstack port show ${PORT_ID} -f json -c dns_assignment) FQDN=$(echo ${DNS_ASSIGNMENT} | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj["dns_assignment"][0]["fqdn"]);') HOSTNAME=$(echo ${DNS_ASSIGNMENT} | python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj["dns_assignment"][0]["hostname"]);') if [ "${SERVER_NAME_SANITIZED}.${DNS_DOMAIN}" == "${FQDN}" ]; then echo "[i] Test neutron internal DNS integration FQDN check instance create - PASS" else echo "[e] Test neutron internal DNS integration FQDN check instance create - FAIL" exit 1 fi if [ "${SERVER_NAME_SANITIZED}" == "${HOSTNAME}" ]; then echo "[i] Test neutron internal DNS integration HOSTNAME check instance create - PASS" else echo "[e] Test neutron internal DNS integration HOSTNAME check instance create - FAIL" exit 1 fi openstack server delete --wait ${SERVER_NAME} openstack subnet delete dns-test-subnet openstack network delete dns-test-network else echo "[i] DNS Integration is not enabled." fi } function test_octavia_logged { # Check if any certs expire within a week. check_certificate_expiry . /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh . ~/openstackclient-venv/bin/activate test_octavia test_internal_dns_integration } function test_octavia_setup { echo "Testing Octavia" test_octavia_logged > /tmp/logs/ansible/test-octavia 2>&1 result=$? if [[ $result != 0 ]]; then echo "Testing Octavia failed. See ansible/test-octavia for details" else echo "Successfully tested Octavia. See ansible/test-octavia for details" fi return $result } test_octavia_setup